The Palestinian ambassador to Greece, Marwan Toubassi, protested against Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein's (Likud) official visit on Thursday.
"As the State of Palestine's ambassador," Toubassi wrote, "I am disappointed to hear that Mr. Yuli Edelstein, the head of the Israeli parliament, was invited to Greece and was given a platform to speak to the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee in the Hellenic Parliament."
"Mr. Edelstein, who arrived in Israel in 1987 as an immigrant from the former Soviet Union, lives in an illegal settlement and is a staunch supporter of building settlements on Palestinian land. He is opposed to the creation of a Palestinian state."
Toubassi claimed that "supporting the two-state solution and opposing illegal Israeli settlements are fundamental values, and Mr. Edelstein opposes them. He even supports initiatives such as the 'Greater Land of Israel Lobby,' whose members are interested in settling all of the occupied Palestinian territories."
Edelstein, who received the the Pericles Medal (Greece's highest decoration) during his visit, responded by saying, "I am a great advocate of cooperation and I do all I can to achieve stability in the region.
"I am disappointed that the Palestinian ambassador, who is supposed to promote stability for the Palestinian Authority, choose to savagely and rudely attack efforts to promote quiet between the two people," he added.
He did not respond to the accusation of being a "settler," though Edelstein lives in Herzliya.