How do I improve? And how can I advertise my services?

Discussion in 'Copywriting' started by nomadingrey, Jul 9, 2016.

  1. #1
    There are a couple of questions that kept coming back to mind when it comes to content writing and starting a career as one. I'm sure a lot of aspiring writers face the same questions too.

    I recently started my own blog ( in an attempt to write more and develop some sort of a portfolio. I know this is something I should’ve done a long time ago. It’s never too late to start, isn’t it?

    I admire some of the writers here at DP, such as @Crimebuster_of_the_Sea and @pianogirl. I dream of becoming at least half as good (and half as successful) as them. To get there, I know I have a lot to do (and many things to improve).

    Am I good enough as a writer? How can I improve?

    More importantly, how do I advertise my services and acquire clients? DP is a good place to start, but is there any other websites, online forums or ways to get noticed as a content writer?

    I would really love to hear what you think.
    nomadingrey, Jul 9, 2016 IP
  2. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    As someone who had to learn English as a second language, I am very aware of how one can misuse the English language and make mistakes.
    Never assume that your reader knows what you are thinking. Look at this quote of yours, does it make sense on it's own? "starting a career as one". One what? We know what you meant but we would not know if we did not read on or comprehend the topic matter. Be specific and write with flourish and passion.
    Good luck to you and never stop improving and learning.
    Spoiltdiva, Jul 9, 2016 IP
    iamalive likes this.
  3. nomadingrey

    nomadingrey Member

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    Ah, that's a very good point. Thank you for the tips, @Spoiltdiva! Best of luck to you too.
    nomadingrey, Jul 9, 2016 IP
  4. imransoudagar

    imransoudagar Active Member

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    @nomadingrey I think you are a pretty good writer; I saw your blog and your way of writing is good. But I think you still need to improve and add more content to your blog.

    One way to improve your writing is to write as much as you can, and when you write, please make sure to provide as much information as possible in as few words as possible.

    The only way to improve your writing is to read a lot and write a lot. Ask someone to check your blog posts and let them criticize it.

    Having someone else read your articles is good. It helps us know what our readers expect, and you will know how to improve your quality.
    imransoudagar, Jul 9, 2016 IP
  5. nomadingrey

    nomadingrey Member

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    That's what I'm trying to do. I read a lot lately and I'm trying to write more as well. I also get help checking my articles from a kind friend whose first language is English. Thank you so much for the input, @imransoudagar. Hopefully I can continue to improve.
    nomadingrey, Jul 10, 2016 IP
  6. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Not to be a nitpicker, but in addition to the mistake that @Spoiltdiva pointed out, the above phrase is incorrect. You need to replace "isn't" with "is" to make it read correctly. Creativity, knowledge and flair all matter in writing. But without the basic mechanics of grammar and syntax, it will always be subpar work. I am not saying that your post is written poorly nor that your writing skills are inadequate. I just think that you need to pay close attention to what you are writing, take care with colloquialisms, and always proof your content a couple of times.
    jrbiz, Jul 20, 2016 IP
  7. locac

    locac Greenhorn

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    That is not bad, but a little plain for me, you got to add more special contents that attract people to your websites.

    Visitors dont come easily, you have to give them a reason why they should read your article.
    locac, Jul 20, 2016 IP
  8. karen9999

    karen9999 Active Member

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    Social networks can help you improve traffic and popularity for your website. Try posting contents to such sites.
    karen9999, Jul 20, 2016 IP
  9. billll

    billll Active Member

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    I've worked as a writer. And, believe it or not, English is not my first language either. Besides, I'm earned thousands of dollars through writing content too.

    Did they notice my mistakes? Of course, they did. However, they never complained, as I gave the quality content all the time. Just a few minor mistakes didn't bother them. Plus, I's with 99% positive ranking, and I's ranking better than those who have English as their first language.

    I've met and talked to various professional English writers, who are the native English speakers, and they helped me a lot. I still want to be like them, but some minor mistakes never stopped me from earning a few thousand dollars each month.

    The best thing you can do is to make your content valuable; create a million-dollar content. Once they know you've provided more than their expectations, they'll avoid your mistakes, and in fact correct some of them on their own, as it's their language, and they know what to do with it.

    I still have clients, but I don't have time, as I'm busy in my other projects. They're still with me because they know I'll always deliver them quality. I didn't have any problem in getting clients because I never compromised on quality. And, they're the ones who brought more work for me.

    So, my advice, "Focus on the quality!" I mean, provide quality content. Don't think about minor mistakes. I've read your post, and I think you can become an excellent writer. You're just a tad conscious. Don't worry. Nothing gonna happen. Just go for it. Don't let the negative feedback halt your feet; even the best entrepreneurs face negative comments. Just keep on going and focus on providing the quality. And, you'll be earning thousands of dollars each month, sooner than your expectations.

    I promise!
    billll, Aug 6, 2016 IP
  10. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    No worries, I believe it! :)
    jrbiz, Aug 6, 2016 IP
  11. Navea

    Navea Greenhorn

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    How do I improve?

    “If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.” – Stephen King

    I won’t expand that topic further because it’s self explanatory, but by now you should be writing at least 500 – 1,000 words daily.

    How do I advertise?

    It requires a lot of hard work, but the best way for you be known is through guest blogging. Do you know Leo Babauta? You can find his name in almost all famous blogs in the Internet.

    Through guest posting he was able to acquire 100,000 subscribers and counting. It didn’t happen overnight but he did it. Not only him but other guest bloggers out there.

    So start guest posting and when you drop blog comments, write your full name so you will build brand and people will start recognizing you.

    Comment on Your Blog

    I visited your blog. It doesn’t say what your services are, it doesn’t have a “Contact” page and it doesn’t have an “About Me’ page. These are three most important pages of a website.

    Lastly, your blog needs more content.

    Hope this helps.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2016
    Navea, Aug 10, 2016 IP
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  12. customary12

    customary12 Greenhorn

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    I think it depends on what kind of writing you want to be doing. I think it's best to approach leads directly -- you earn more, you build connections with organizations (not content companies) and you get a few stable gigs.
    For blogging, writing isn't always the only thing to improve. Brands will want you if you deliver their audience to them. So it's more about developing a unique enough voice to be indispensable to your audience. This includes pictures, social reach, and all the stuff that may be easier to improve. This way you earn a living through your writing, but it's only your fans that get to decide if you're "good enough," not some big writing-nazi marketing director (with apologies to all marketing directors everywhere).
    customary12, Aug 24, 2016 IP
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  13. farabihusni

    farabihusni Greenhorn

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    well, if you give generic value to your writing , people will believe you are quite expert. quality and honesty is the most important
    farabihusni, Aug 31, 2016 IP
  14. handsomegenius

    handsomegenius Greenhorn

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    Who is your ideal client?
    handsomegenius, Sep 1, 2016 IP
  15. Cyn D. Blackburn

    Cyn D. Blackburn Peon

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    Speaking of content--personally, I'm wondering what to blog about. (Excuse me. For you purists: "I am wondering about what to blog".)

    ANYHOW. People talk about building a "brand" or a specialty. You know what my specialty is? Writing. But who wants to read about that, except other writers? It's no way to attract readers, that's for sure.

    Any blogging I've done in the past was as a fiction editor, so I just threw out bits and pieces of writing advice for authors, and then let them blog for me two days a week as guests to promote their books. Coming up with something new and different has me stumped. I'll have to brainstorm, I guess. Right now, it seems like every niche I'd be qualified to write about with any competence is already filled by some great bloggers and vloggers, too. (Like, being a trapped-at-home-mom with teens...ugh. If I did write a blog about that, I think I'd title it "Kill Me, Please".)

    Maybe I'll get a hobby and write about that. Good Lord...that means I'll have to leave my chair. Maybe I can write about dust bunnies...
    Cyn D. Blackburn, Sep 18, 2016 IP