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Twitch now lets you watch people eat

Enter the muk-bang

Michael McWhertor is a journalist with more than 17 years of experience covering video games, technology, movies, TV, and entertainment.

Twitch streamers can now broadcast themselves eating food as the primary draw of their broadcasts, thanks to a newly launched category — "Social Eating" — on the popular streaming platform. If you want to stream yourself eating large quantities of pizza, Chinese takeout, empanadas or even just a full bag of dry ramen noodles, Twitch is apparently now cool with that.

The new Social Eating category on Twitch was quietly launched this week, and sits alongside other non-gaming categories like Twitch Creative, where streamers can broadcast their drawing, painting, musical and other artistic pursuits.

The Social Eating category on Twitch references "muk-bang," a type of online broadcast popularized in South Korea where streamers would eat huge amounts of food while chatting with their audience. Prior to the launch of Social Eating, muk-bang and eating-focused streams were considered against the rules of Twitch Creative, according to the category’s FAQ.

Twitch Creative was launched in 2015 — right alongside the 200-hour marathon of Bob Ross' The Joy of Painting.

Social Eating on Twitch isn’t blowing up just yet. Only a handful of Twitch streamers are currently broadcasting their dinners, snacks and desserts — one streamer is just eating an entire cake by himself — online right now. Expect that to change as streamers catch wind of the rule changes, come up with creative eating streams or simply develop an appetite.

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