Silicon Valley comes out in full force behind SF Pride

This weekend was the annual San Francisco Pride Parade. The event drew over a million spectators and participation from many of the tech world’s most recognizable companies.

Over 30 tech companies marched in this year’s parade. Whether you were there in person or in spirit, SF Pride withdrawal has already started. We here at TechCrunch decided to do a recap of some of the coolest, craziest, and most creative colorful floats from this year’s event.

Regular participants like Facebook and Tesla easily made our list. Heck, even a few tech unicorns made an unforgettable impression.  Let’s count down the top five tech company floats from SF Pride 2016!


Facebook captured the eyes of an already energetic crowd with banging EDM, dancing, and a larger than life like thumbs-up like sign. We hear they are soft-testing this as a new emoji size option in Messenger.




Uber arrived to the party with an urban inspired rainbow float. The company also gave cars in its app a special rainbow symbol to celebrate pride.


Zendesk could not have gotten more festive with its shimmery float. Employees participated with sweet costumes and large flags.


Slack came prepared with a popsicle truck and incredible enthusiasm. The float was both refreshing and creative, like a summer popsicle truck but better.


Tesla brought back their awesome special-addition custom rainbow Model S and Model X. We wish buying all cars could be this much fun.


Special shoutout to Apple. CEO, Tim Cook marched with employees once again. The company gave employees a special edition rainbow Apple Watch band. Hopefully the rest of us can start sporting these soon.

Google, Autodesk, Genentech, Salesforce, Lyft, GoDaddy, SolarCity, Netflix, Nest, and many, many more were also seen at the event flashing their pride.

Unfortunately Theranos was nowhere to be found among the unicorn costume-wearing crowds.


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