Asia Defense

Meet the Future PLA Carrier Strike Group: Main Equipment of the Chinese PLA Navy

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Meet the Future PLA Carrier Strike Group: Main Equipment of the Chinese PLA Navy

Summary of main equipment of the People’s Liberation Army Navy.

Meet the Future PLA Carrier Strike Group: Main Equipment of the Chinese PLA Navy
Credit: Wikimedia Commons/Simon Yang

Since World War II, the sine qua non of maritime power has been the carrier strike group, that assemblage of warships and other assets which together comprise the floating fortress that is the king of combat sea power. The Chinese People’s Liberation Army–Navy (PLAN) is in the process of building its carrier strike group, although it currently only possesses one carrier still in the process of training aircraft operations. This article shows the current state of China’s efforts by listing and describing key pieces of PLAN equipment.

Although great attention is still placed on the traditional strike group, we should keep in mind that it will be the realms of cyber, space, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that will do the most to shape any future war at sea. China has placed great emphasis on these areas.

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