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How to Phone Home with Someone Elses Phone: Information

Exfiltration Using Intentional Sound Noise on Gyroscopic Sensors

Benyamin Farshteindiker, Nir Hasidim, Asaf Grosz and Yossi Oren
Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel



We show how a low-power device, such as a

surveillance bug, can take advantage of a nearby
mobile phone to exfiltrate arbitrary secrets across
the Internet at a data rate of hundreds to thousands
of bits per second, all without the phone owners
awareness or permission. All the attack requires is
for the phone to browse to an attacker-controlled
website. This feat is carried out by exploiting a
particular characteristic of the phones gyroscope
which was discovered by Son et al. in [11]. We
discuss the theoretical principles behind our attack,
evaluate it on several different mobile devices, and
discuss potential countermeasures and mitigations.
Finally, we suggest how this attack vector can be
used benevolently for the purpose of safer and easier two-factor authentication.

Example Instantiations
Microphone, camera,
side-channel probe
RF backscatter, acoustical
coupling, this work
Passive power, battery

Table 1: Components of a general implant device

spy on the victim. If the implant is placed near the

victims computer or mobile phone, the implant can
mount a side-channel attack on the phone, using
techniques similar to Genkin et al. [4], to recover
secret information such as encryption keys and bitcoin wallets. In some cases (such as supply-chain
interdiction, as described below), implants have direct access to interesting data lines, such as the bus
between a computer and its video display.
Secret exfiltration is a bigger engineering challenge. Implants have to operate in an adversarial setting, meaning that they should be as difficult as possible to detect by the victim. Combined
with their very limited power budget this implies
they cannot contain a cellular modem, satellite radio or other forms of long-range radio transmitter,
since these functions are all power-hungry and easily detectable. Instead, implants tend to use various low-power, short-range transmission schemes
based on RFID backscatter, short-range radio networks, acoustical coupling, etc. To collect this
exfiltrated data, the intelligence agency is thus required to deploy a field agent, equipped with a sophisticated collection device, to the vicinity of intelligence target [10]. This endeavor is both costly
and risky, an aspect which limits the amount of implants in practical use. In this work we challenge
this limitation and propose a low-cost, low-risk exfiltration method.
The power supply is the third main component
of any implant. In many cases it is impossible to
provide the implant with an external power supply,
requiring it to survive on battery power for as long
as possible. Some implants do without a power supply altogether, harvesting electromagnetic energy
from an external radiation source provided by the
field agents collection device.
The intelligence agency needs to place the implants in proximity to its victims. In some cases,


An increasing number of people are finding themselves branded as intelligence targets. Intelligence
targets are entities which are of interest to statesponsored signals intelligence agencies, or similarly powerful malicious adversaries. These adversaries presume their victims are in possession
of some secret information, and attempt to acquire
this information using various stealthy techniques.
Most intelligence targets are tracked by huge scale,
bulk collection efforts which target the Internets
routing backbone and data centers; for higher-value
targets, the malicious adversaries tend to make use
of custom hardware implants, or bugs.
Our work suggests a way of designing a particularly stealthy and effective implant. Before we describe our design in detail, we first describe the architecture of implants in general. As described in
Table 1, an implant has three main functional components: First, it must collect secret information
from its victim; next, it must exfiltrate this secret
payload by connecting to a central command and
control (C&C) server, an activity colloquially referred to as phoning home; finally, the implant
requires some sort of power supply to power its
computation and communication functions.
Secret collection can be achieved by various
methods. Most trivially, an implant can use onboard sensors such as microphones or cameras to

a field agent will break and enter into the victims

property to place the implant in the walls of the victims residence or hide it among the victims belongings. Less romantically but more practically,
agencies use gifts and souvenirs: malicious agencies may distribute free accessories, such as USB
sticks, screen protectors or phone cases, which contain embedded implants, with the hope that at least
one of them will end up in proximity to an intelligence target. Implants deployed using this method
are required to be very effective in hiding their malicious intent. A famous example of this method
was used between 1945 and 1952 to listen in on
the US Embassy in Moscow [12, p. 162]. Another
well known method is called supply-chain interdiction: according to reports published in the German magazine Der Spiegel in January 2015 [1], intelligence agencies routinely intercept deliveries of
hardware which is on its way to its targets, physically attach an implant into the hardware, then forward the implanted hardware onwards toward its
intended destination. In many cases the agency has
only approximate knowledge about which particular item of hardware from a certain batch of shipments will actually be delivered to the intelligence
target. Therefore, implants may be installed on
hundreds or thousands of devices, but only a small
subset of them may be ultimately activated and
used. Implants delivered via interdiction have more
generous operating conditions, since they may tap
directly into interesting data lines or external power
sources; However, they still must operate under the
risk of discovery by the victim.
Our discussion will focus on an implant which
specifically targets mobile phones and personal
computers. Specifically, our implant is designed to
be as close as possible to the victims mobile phone,
but not to be connected to any of its interfaces. Examples for such attack settings include maliciously
modified phone cases, screen protectors and, quite
ironically, the privacy stickers security-conscious
users are increasingly using to cover their phones
cameras. We assume that the secret to be exfiltrated
has already been collected and focus on the question of exfiltration. Specifically, we describe how
an implant in close proximity to a mobile phone
can exfiltrate a reasonable amount of data over unbounded distances through abuse of the phone, all
without the awareness or permission of the user
and without exploiting any software vulnerability
on the phone. To do so, we exploit a particular characteristic of the micro-electromechanical (MEMS)
gyroscope sensor found on virtually all phones, and
on most portable personal computers.






Victim Phone

Adversary s C&C Server

Figure 1: Attack model

crafted audio stimulus, which was first discussed in
a different context by Son et al. [11] , can cause
these sensors to vibrate at their resonant frequency
and falsely report that the device is being rotated
rapidly. We build on this ability to construct a
stealthy communications channel between a malicious device adjacent to the victims phone and
a command-and-control server on the Internet. As
illustrated in Figure 1, the implant modulates the
secret to be exfiltrated using ultrasonic vibrations,
these vibrations affect the phones sensor, and software running on the phone uses the phones connectivity to finally exfiltrate the secret to the adversarys command and control server. We show that
the communication channel we describe does not
require any unprivileged code to run on the phone;
specifically, it can be deployed in the form of an
untrusted webpage. This setup does away with the
requirement of deploying a field agent to collect the
secret data, thus lowering the operational risk, and
therefore raising the potential deployment rate, of
these stealthy devices. We extensively characterize
this communication channel, both empirically and
theoretically, and measure its performance under
various data rates and victim activity profiles. We
discuss both malicious and benevolent uses of this
communication channel and finally propose countermeasures at various levels that can be applied to
reduce its potential for harm.
Document Structure: In Section 2 we provide
background about the nature and design of microelectromechanical gyroscopes and their susceptibility to harmonic vibrations. We also discuss the
access levels provided to untrusted websites and native applications who wish to access the gyroscope
under different operating systems. In Section 3 we
present a thorough evaluation of our proposed attack vector for multiple devices and under various
environmental conditions. We conclude with a discussion of the implications of this attack, possible
countermeasures and open questions in Section 4.

Gyroscopes on Personal

Modern personal devices such as mobile phones,

tablets and personal computers are equipped with
various sensors such as ambient light detectors, rotation sensors, motion sensors, location monitors
and so on. This Section discusses one particular
sensor, the gyroscope rotation sensor, and describes

Our contribution

In this work we present the first experimental evidence of the disruptive effect of ultrasonic vibrations on the gyroscope sensors of mobile phones
and laptops. Specifically, we show how a specially2

its design and the permissions model it exposes to

Regardless of the induced motion mechanism,
the gyroscope is sensitive to those vibrations especially around two frequencies: the driving frequency, fdrive , and the mechanical resonance fre2.1 Micro-electromechanical (MEMS) quency in the sensing direction, fsensres . While
vibrations in fdrive will induce signals that will
be directly demodulated to baseband, vibrations in
An excellent introduction to MEMS gyroscopes is
will appear in baseband after a more comgiven by Michalevsky et al. [9]. As stated in sensres
plex route. First, the vibrations will be dramatithat work, MEMS gyroscopes sense the angular
cally amplified by the ultra-high quality factor of
rate of rotation by measuring the magnitude of the
the mechanical system. Second, the induced sigCoriolis effect force which is acting on a movnal will be demodulated to a frequency equal to
ing mass within them. The mass is moving at a
| fdrive fsensres |. Third, the signal will be filtered
constant frequency named the driving frequency
by an analog low pass filter (we note that since
( fdrive ). To improve the sensors sensitivity and ref
and fsensres are relatively close, and since
duce its power consumption, fdrive usually equals drive
the mechanical amplification in the first stage is
to the mass mechanical resonance frequency in the
extremely high, it is reasonable to assume that in
driving direction, fsensres .
some cases the analog low pass filter will not be
As the gyroscope is rotated, the Coriolis effect
able to sufficiently filter out this signal). Finally,
generates a force, orthogonal to the direction of the
the remaining signal will be sampled and aliased
driving and the rotation. This force causes the mass
into the sensor bandwidth, appearing as a valid sigto vibrate in this direction with a frequency equal
nal at the gyroscope output.
to the driving frequency and an amplitude which
The exact mechanism that leads to the appearis directly related to the angular rotation rate. The
ance of a signal at the gyroscope output may very
modulated vibration amplitude is then converted to
between different phone and gyroscope models.
voltage, typically by a capacitive or a piezo-electric
Since this mechanism has no effect on the princisensor, and demodulated back to baseband by an
ples underlying our method, we did not investigate
analog or digital lock-in amplifier which is synit thoroughly; therefore, we define the vibration frechronized with fdrive .
quency which generates a maximum signal as the
responsive frequency.


Gyroscope Vulnerability Mechanisms


We consider a scenario where a vibration source is

physically connected to a structure which the sensor is anchored to, and is located in close proximity
to it. Several previous works demonstrated that an
acoustic signal may generate false readings at the
gyroscope output [11]. In those works it was assumed that the sensor is subjected to an acoustic
noise from a far source. Naturally, these assumptions are not valid in our scenario and therefore we
found it necessary to describe the possible mechanisms that have the potential to generate false readings at the sensor output:
A rotational mechanism: The MEMS gyroscope is soldered to a relatively long PCB which
can slightly bend like a beam or a wing, depending on how and where it is anchored to the phone.
Vibrations can generate a bending moment in the
PCB which may rotate the MEMS gyroscope.
A linear acceleration mechanism: Similarly to
the first case, vibrations can generate a linear acceleration in the MEMS gyroscope sensing direction.
Modern gyroscopes possess a differential sensing
mechanism that mitigates the effect of linear accelerations in the sensing direction. However, the
non-ideality of the differential measurement (due
to slight differences in the MEMS structure or the
analog electronic circuitry) will allow part of the
signal to be sensed as a valid rotational movement.

The Gyroscope Programming and

Permission Model

In contrast to other sensors, such as the microphone

or the GPS-based location sensor, the rotation sensor is not considered as a sensitive component and
thus no special privileges are required to access it.
Specifically, any web page running on a modern
browser can register for the ondevicemotion()
and ondeviceorientation() events and subsequently be notified whenever the device is rotated.
The web browser on iOS, Android and Windows
devices enables this behavior without asking for the
users permission in fact, it even does so without
displaying any notifications that the gyroscope is
being interrogated. Similarly, both on iOS and on
Android any native app which the user downloads
and installs from the first-party app store has immediate and full access to the gyroscope without any
form of notification or confirmation.
As shown by [9], the sampling rate at which the
gyroscope can be interrogated differs between web
pages and native applications. This sampling rate is
60 Hz for the Chrome and Safari browsers, 100 Hz
for Firefox and 20 Hz for the stock android browser.
In contrast, native apps achieve a sampling rate of
100 Hz for iOS and 200 Hz for Android.
Many websites and mobile app derive income
through advertising, either by embedding iframes
containing ads into their web content, or by link3

ing their native apps together with third-party ad- 3.1 Attack Model
vertising libraries which load ads over the web on
demand. As a consequence of the gyroscopes per- Our attack assumes that the adversary has managed
mission model, third-party ads of both types are al- to place an implant in close proximity to the gyroscope sensor located in the victims phone or moways allowed to query the gyroscope.
bile device, and that this implant has some secret
it wishes to exfiltrate to the adversarys command
and control (C&C) server. We furthermore assume
that the attacker has the ability to make the victims
mobile device display a website, or otherwise run
3 Our Attack
some unprivileged code. This assumption can be
achieved by using one of the following methods:
As shown in [11], intentional acoustic vibrations
By purchasing a advertisement, containing the
can induce an undesired signal at the output of most
attackers JavaScript code, which will then be
MEMS gyroscopes through their several mechadisplayed on one of the victims favorite webnisms, as we discussed in Section 2. The central
sites or native applications. Malicious adverpoint of our attack is the use of this induced signal
tisements are a well-known risk to the adverto carry data: the implant can modulate a secret
tising ecosystem [14]. As we stated in 2.3, disover the gyroscope channel by intentionally varyplaying an ad that interacts with the gyroscope
ing the amplitude, frequency or phase of this undedoes not require special permissions from the
sired signal over time. A program running on the
hosting webpage or native app.
mobile device can subsequently pick up this modulated signal and pass it on to the C&C server. There
By inducing the user to download and inare two unique advantages to this exfiltration chanstall a repackaged application an innocentnel, in comparison to other sensor-based exfiltralooking native application modified to include
tion schemes such as [3, 7]. The first advantage readditional malicious components [15]. Note
lates to the lax security model imposed on the gyroagain that the additional functionality requires
scope sensor, especially in contrast to other sensors
no extraordinary permissions, making it a
such as the microphone or camera. This weak secugood candidate for repackaging attacks .
rity makes deploying an attack based on gyroscopes
very simple. In fact, as stated in Subsection 2.3, the
By replacing the contents of an innocent webvictim merely has to browse to an unprivileged web
page the victim is attempting to view with
page for the attack to succeed. The second advanan infected version containing the malicious
tage relates to the gyroscopes enhanced sensitivity
functionality, through the use of state-actor caat its responsive frequency. Due to this sensitivity, a
pabilities such as man-in-the-middle or manrelatively weak audio signal (as low as several mion-the-side attacks [5, 8].
crowatts in power, as we show in Subsection 4.1)
is sufficient to trigger the phones sensors, allowing The malicious functionality embedded into the
even a small battery-powered implant to make use website or the app is very simple it simply queries
the gyroscope as quickly as possible and uploads
of this exfiltration method.
its reading to a central server. The implant will use
Figure 2 provides a brief demonstration of our intentional acoustic vibration to selectively corrupt
attack, based on real lab measurements. The top the readings of the gyroscope as they are being read
of the figure shows the baseband bit sequence that by the attackers code, therefore modulating the sethe implant wishes to exfiltrate. The bit sequence is cret to be exfiltrated. 1
transmitted to the phone by an on-off keying modulation of the audio signal, with the frequency of
the carrier wave set near the gyroscopes responsive 3.2 Evaluation Setup
frequency. The bottom of the Figure shows the abWe designed and carried out an experiment to evalsolute values of real-time readings from the victim
uate the data-bearing potential of the intentional
phones gyroscope (an iPhone 5S in this case) as it
acoustic vibration channel. The hardware setup of
receives the audio signal, captured using JavaScript
our experiment is indicated in Figure 3. As shown
code running within an unprivileged web page. It
in the Figure, a Keysight 33622A Waveform Gencan be seen, even with the naked eye, that the readerator was connected via an RG-58 coaxial cable
ings from the gyroscope experience strong fluctuto a PUI Audio APS2509S-T-R piezoelectric transations when the audio signal is being sent, but are
ducer, which was placed on the victim device as
relatively quiet during other periods. Thus, the gy1 We must assume that the implant knows to start transmitting
roscope readings contain an encoding of the transprecisely
when the malicious code is running on the phone. Synmitted bit sequence. These readings can then trivchronizing the implant and the code can either be done by sendially be sent to a C&C server, providing a very ef- ing a signal from the phone that is picked up by the implants
fective exfiltration channel. We describe our results sensors, or by fixing a predetermined time of day at which the
implant always transmits its payload.
in more detail in the following Section.

Figure 2: A transmitted PRBS sequence is received by an iPhone 5S gyroscope



responsive frequency, until we detected a strong response at the gyroscopes output.



Victim Device

The waveform generator was configured to create an on-off keying-modulated signal at its output.
The carrier frequency of this output was a sine wave
at a frequency close to the responsive frequency of
the gyroscope of the victim device (typically between 26 kHz and 28 kHz) and an amplitude of
10 Vpkpk . The modulating signal was the standard
pseudorandom bit-sequence (PRBS) PN7, which is
created with 7 bits of state and the generating polynomial G (X) = x7 + x6 + x0 .

Web Server

Figure 3: Experiment Setup

Figure 4: A phone with an attached transducer

The devices and software environments used in

our experiment are listed in Table 2. As the table shows, we successfully evaluated devices from
multiple hardware vendors, running multiple operating systems (Windows, iOS and Android) and using both native applications and web browsers.

close as possible to the location of the devices internal gyroscope. Figure 4 shows a photograph
of the victim phone and the attached piezoelectric
While the PUI Audio piezoelectric transducers
data sheet states that its highest working frequency
is 20 kHz, we were consistently able to use it to
generate tones at frequencies of up to 30 kHz. We
determined the exact responsive frequency for each
device by generating a sine-sweep signal in the 2529 kHz range, looking for anomalies in the gyroscope response, then gradually reducing the span
of the sweep until we arrived at the exact responsive frequency. To determine the optimal location for the piezoelectric transducer, we referred
to publicly-available tear-downs of the victim devices and attempted to locate the speaker as close
to the gyroscope as possible. If tear-downs were
not available, we manually moved the piezoelectric
transducer across the device, while vibrating at the

On the software side, we wrote a simple webpage that constantly queries the gyroscope using
JavaScript and uploads the measurements on demand to a web server. We also wrote a native Android app which queried the gyroscope at the highest possible rate and uploaded its measurements to
the same web server. The web server, which we
implemented in node.js, simply time-stamped each
batch of measurements and saved them to disk. Finally, we analyzed the measurements using custom
scripts written in Matlab R2015a. In the analysis
step, we determined the optimal phase for detection by cross-correlating the gyroscope signal with
a locally-generated PN7 sequence, then applied a
simple threshold-based detector to determine the
values of each bit. Finally, we calculated the bit error rate by counting how many bits were incorrectly
decoded by our method. As we state in Subsection
4.1, it is certainly possible to improve this modulation scheme and increase the channels capacity
while reducing its error rate.

Device Name

Gyroscope Hardware

Software Environment

Apple iPhone 5s

Invensense MP65M
Unknown (Bosch Sensortec?)

iOS 9.3 (Safari)

60 Hz

Android 5.1 (Chrome)

Android 5.1 (Native App)
Windows 10 (IE Edge)

60 Hz
200 Hz
60 Hz

Samsung Galaxy S5
Microsoft Surface Pro 3

Table 2: Devices under test

Figure 6: Bit error rates for various activities

Bit error rates were first measured when the phone
was at rest on a flat table. The experiment was repeated while the phone was playing music through
its speakerphone. Then, it was repeated while the
phone was vibrating as a result of an incoming call.
Next, the bit error rate was measured while the
phone was being shaken vigorously. Finally, the
phone was placed in the front pants pocket of an experimenter and the data rates were recorded while
the experimenter was standing idly, walking at 2
km/h and running at 6 km/h. As the results show,
we achieve virtually error-free communications under low to moderate amounts of phone motion, but
vigorous motions such as running or shaking make
our scheme less practical to use, at least using the
basic decoder evaluated in this work.

Figure 5: Bit error rates for different devices


Evaluation Results

Figure 5 shows the bit error rates we achieved using

our basic decoder. The horizontal axis shows the bit
rate chosen for the modulating bit sequence, while
the vertical axis shows the average achievable bit
error rate for this bit rate using our decoding setup.
All bit error rates were measured when the devices
were at rest on a flat surface. Our decoding setup
achieved practical error rates on all three evaluated
hardware platforms, even at the highest sampling
rates supported by the software setup. For example, a 60 bps sequence sent to the iPhone 5S was
received with an error rate of 11%. As expected,
increasing the amount of samples per data bit, either by reducing the data rate or by increasing the
sampling rate (by moving from a webpage to native
code) resulted in a lower overall bit error rate. As
we discuss in Subsection 4.1, the physical characteristics of the channel indicate that much higher bit
rates can be achieved using advanced modulation
techniques and a better decoder. It is important to
note that the victim cannot detect that exfiltration
is in progress the frequency of the audio signal
generated as part of our attack is far beyond the human hearing range, and its amplitude is too low to
be detected as motion.
Figure 6 shows the bit error rate exhibited by
our stealthy channel under various user activity profiles. All of the measurements were carried out on
a Samsung Galaxy S5 device with a piezoelectric
transducer glued to its plastic back cover, running
the native app at a data rate of 20 bits per second.


Our results show how a low-powered implant can

take advantage of a mobile phones sensors and
connectivity to exfiltrate secret data. We believe
that the methods we discuss in this paper are more
troubling than conventional exfiltration methods
such as radio backscatter, since they allow the intelligence agency to monitor many implants at the
same time at a low cost, with no risk of exposure
to their field agents. State actors typically spread
thousands of implants through supply-chain intervention or other methods, but only interrogate a few
dozens due to the operational costs and risks involved with signal collection. This new attack vector changes the economics of state-sponsored attacks, and may induce malicious intelligence agencies to activate all of the implants they distribute,

not only a selected few, thus drastically raising the

amount of people targeted by hardware-based spying methods.


Capacity and Power Bounds

The channel capacity according to ShannonHartley theorem is:

C = BW log2 (1 + SNR)
Figure 7: Channel capacity as a function of transmit
power (60 samples per second)

Where BW is the bandwidth of the channel in Hz

and SNR is the signal power to noise power ratio. To estimate the error-free capacity limit of
the Samsung Galaxy S5 phone piezo-gyro channel,
we start by measuring its bandwidth. A Keysight
33509B function generator was operated as a voltage source to excite the piezoelectric crystal with a
10 V amplitude sine sweep. The noise was measured in a quiet room during night. To further suppress outer vibration interference, the phone was
placed on top of a passive vibration isolation platform (model 25BM-4 made by Minus k Technology). The noise measurements results are presented
in Table 3 for the average of 20 measurements of
100 seconds each2 .
We have found that since the data output frequency is considerably lower than the analog bandwidth around the excitation frequency, the communication channels bandwidth is limited by the gyroscope sampling rate. As indicated in the Table,
the theoretical capacity of the gyroscope channel
is more than 1 kbps, even using a low sampling
rate of 60 Hz, and it grows to over 4 kbps as the
sampling rate increases. This compares well with
other sensor-based exfiltration schemes based on
the phones microphone or magnetometer [7, 3]
We note that the results at Table 3 are given only
for the the single gyroscope channel which produced the highest SNR. Combining the outputs of
multiple channels may further improve the signalto-noise ratio. To approach the theoretical capacity
in Table 3, one can for example use high order modulation schemes or OFDM, combined with a high
efficiency code such as turbo or LDPC.
In the second part of the study, we examined the
effect of the excitation voltage and the power consumption of the piezoelectric crystal on the channel
capacity. The crystal was excited by a sine sweep
with different amplitudes while the gyroscope response was measured at a sampling rate of 200 Hz.
The current was measured by a low-noise current
probe (model i-prober 520 made by Aim-TTi Instruments). The results are presented in Figure 7.
As shown in the Figure, the gyroscope-based
transmission channel achieves good data rates even
at power levels as low as -21 dBm (7W). This suggests that it should be possible to power the exfiltration device using passive power harvested from

the phone or from other nearby radiation sources,

allowing an implant to operate without a battery.



Several aspects of the phones attack model work

together to make the attack possible. Disrupting
any of them can be an effective countermeasure to
the attack we described.
The most critical contributor to the effectiveness
of our attack is the fact that untrusted apps and web
pages are able to access the gyroscope at will. A
natural response to this risk would be to require
permission to access the gyroscope. While effective, we believe this additional security step will not
solve the problem altogether: in contrast to security
warnings for issues such as expired or revoked certificates, which are reliable indicators of risky situations, it is quite reasonable for a webpage (such
as a game) to ask permission to use the gyroscope.
Therefore, users may not have enough information
to decide whether gyroscope access should be allowed or denied in certain situations. Nevertheless,
even if this mechanism will only partially mitigate
the risk, we still consider it worth deploying.
Another possible mitigation would be to prevent
web pages from accessing the gyroscope if they
are judged risky according to some heuristic. Web
pages already have a method to limit the permissions of embedded content using the iframe sandbox attribute [13, 4.7.2], and an extension to this
attribute to limit sensor access would be a good
addition. In another promising move in this direction, Google announced in September 2015 that
they are intending to limit access to several powerful features, including device motion and orientation, to web pages delivered from insecure origins [2]. The first powerful feature which was removed was the geolocation API, which is not available to insecure origins starting from Chrome version 50 (deployed April 2016). While there is no
currently planned deployment date for the restriction to the gyroscope, the current version of the
Chrome browser already displays a warning message in the developer console whenever the gyroscope is accessed using JavaScript from an insecure
2 The sensor readings returned by Firefox were multiplied by
the software by a constant factor. This does not affect the ulti- origin. Once this countermeasure is in place, an admate SNR calculations.
versary will be required to obtain a certificate for its

rate (Hz)






Table 3: Channel capacity for different sampling rates

two-factor authentication. In a common twofactor authentication scenario, users are given an
secure device, called an authenticator, which displays a constantly-changing numeric code, and are
expected to type in this code in addition to their
password as they log in to a high-security service
such as a bank or health care provider. The fact that
users must manually copy the numeric code from
the authenticator into the login page is a cause for
user errors and frustration. In addition, the digits
displayed by the authenticator must be large to be
read by human users. This places a lower bound on
the size of the authenticator and exposes the scheme
to snooping attacks, either by a shoulder-surfing adversary or by a camera.
Using gyroscope communications instead of
manual key entry is an excellent way of addressing these flaws instead of a digital display, the authenticator can contain a small piezoelectric transducer which transmits amplitude-modulated data at
the gyroscopes responsive frequency. A human is
not required to read the audio output, resulting in a
device which can be as small and light as desired.
In addition, the use of gyroscope-based communications can reduce the opportunity for user error
and reduce the risk of outside snooping. Most importantly, no hardware or software changes must be
made to currently deployed phones to enable this
The authors of [7] suggested several uses
for their magnetic-based communications scheme
which can also be applied here namely, our
scheme can also be used as a replacement for QR
codes, and it can also be used for device pairing, assuming both devices are equipped with highfrequency speakers as well as gyroscopes.

C&C server from an external certification authority

before it can access the gyroscope, a fact which will
substantially increase the cost and risk of creating
and deploying the command and control server.
A countermeasure suggested by Michalevsky et
al. [9] to counter other gyroscope-based attacks
was to lower the rate at which apps can sample the
on-board gyroscope. Unfortunately the attacks described in our paper are possible even if the sampling rate of the gyroscope is throttled to its lowest practical value of 20 Hz. Similarly, reducing
the signal-to-noise ratio of the gyroscope by filtering the signal or intentionally jittering the output
will only reduce the capacity of the channel but not
eliminate it altogether.
Physical modifications to the gyroscope itself
can also mitigate the problem analog anti-aliasing
filters at the entrance to the gyroscopes internal
sampling circuits can reject the high-frequency oscillations at the responsive frequency, while mechanical damping or sound isolation can reduce the
effects of acoustic noise on the gyroscope. Sadly,
these countermeasures tend to increase the cost, the
power consumption and the physical dimensions
of the gyroscope, making it highly unlikely that
they will be integrated into gyroscopes destined for
phones or other consumer devices.
An interesting countermeasure could be based on
sensor fusion the phone has multiple location
and orientation sensors (accelerometer, gyroscope,
magnetic compass, GPS, etc.). Intentional acoustic
vibration corrupts only the readings from the gyroscope, but leaves all other readings unaffected. It
may be possible to design a mechanism that correlates readings from multiple sensors and suppresses
the readings from the gyroscope if they do not agree
with outputs from other sensors on the phone.
From the users standpoint, perhaps the best
countermeasure would be to consider the close
perimeter of the phone to be as sensitive as the
phone itself. Thus, security-conscious users should
be careful of using screen protectors, phone cases
or privacy stickers with a questionable pedigree.



Responsible Disclosure

A preliminary draft version of this report has been

shared with the vendors of the hardware and software we evaluated. This section will be updated as
they respond.

Benevolent use of Gyroscope- 4.5

based Modulation

Related Work

Several existing works have explored the susceptibility of gyroscope sensors to external noise and
their potential use for malicious intent. Son et
al. [11] demonstrated how intentional acoustic vibrations can corrupt the gyroscope readings in a
remote-control drone, causing it to crash. The au-

The very features of the gyroscope communications channel which make it so desirable for malicious adversaries namely, its ubiquity, its minimal power requirement, and its stealthiness make
it ideal for beneficial uses, most immediately for

thors also characterized a large variety of MEMS

gyroscopes, showing that the precise effect of intentional acoustic vibration depended on the make
and model of the MEMS gyroscope. The work of
Son et al. did not consider the data bearing capacity of the intentional noise channel. Michalevsky
et al. presented a work titled Gyrophone [9],
in which a mobile phones gyroscope was treated
as a low-frequency microphone and used to record
and recognize speech. The experimental evaluation in Michalevsky et al.s paper was done with
an externally-powered standalone speaker system
with a peak power rating of 50 watts, playing back
recorded speech at a high sound power level. In
contrast, the very short distance between the piezoelectric transducer and the gyroscope in our attack,
combined with the gyroscopes enhanced response
at its responsive frequency, allows us to use an extremely low-power audio signal, on the order of
several microwatts, as we showed in Subsection
4.1. This allows our exfiltration mechanism to be
battery powered, or even passively powered using
energy harvesting techniques similar to those used
by RFID tags. We note that while several of the
countermeasures suggested by Michalevsky et al.
will also be effective in mitigating our attack, reducing the sampling rate of the gyroscope will only
slow down the exfiltration process by some factor,
but not prevent it altogether.
In 2014 Jiang et al. published a work discussing
how a phones magnetic compass can be used for
low-rate communication purposes [7]. Their work
is similar to ours since both use a mobile phones
sensors for short range communications. However,
the work of Jiang et al. did not consider the adversarial setting we discuss in this work, where
a malicious party is using the sensor to communicate without the victims awareness or permission; in fact, due to the Android permission model,
the magnetometer cannot be used for this purpose
since using it requires additional app permissions.
In general, the modulating magnetic field can be
generated from a greater distance from the phones
sensor. Conversely, if the magnetic field modulator
is placed in close proximity to the phones magnetometer it can be made much smaller than a piezoelectric transducer. However, the signal to noise ratio of the magnetic channel is considerably lower
than that of the gyroscope-based channel, resulting in a lower potential bit rate. The magnetometer
is also more sensitive to noise generated by power
supplies, engines, and other similar devices.
The use of ultrasonic audio as a covert communications method was suggested and evaluated by
Hanspach and Goetz in 2013 [6]. Also in 2013, security researcher Dragos Ruiu reported on a type
of malware named BADBIOS which uses ultrasonic communications as a command and control
channel. In 2014 Deshotels demonstrated a covert
channel between two mobile devices based on audio waves in the 18 kHz - 19 kHz frequency range,

using the phones internal speaker and microphone

[3]. This covert channel achieved a bit rate of over
300 bits per second at distances of over 10 meters.
We note that the iOS security model does not allow untrusted web pages to play audio unless the
user performs some action first (such as touching
the screen), while untrusted applications are by default prevented from using the microphone at all.



In this work we demonstrated and evaluated a lowcost exfiltration method based on intentional acoustic vibration. This method allows an implant to take
advantage of the gyroscope sensor of an adjacent
mobile device to exfiltrate secrets to a command
and control center. This method has the potential
of reducing the operational risk involved in operating implants, a fact that may dramatically expand
their use by malicious state agencies. Securityconscious users should not allow questionable accessories, such as phone cases, to be in close physical contact with their phones.

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