Warren G: Take Me Out to the Ball Game bungled at Cubs game

Photo: screengrabber.deadspin.com

Warren G was the featured celebrity guest at Friday afternoon’s Chicago Cubs game, throwing out the first pitch before leading the crowd through a rendition of the 7th-inning-stretch classic at Wrigley Field: “Take Me Out to the Ball Game.”

A first pitch can be a daunting challenge (see: 50 Cent and Carly Rae Jepsen wildly missing their marks), but the rapper took care of business just fine.

The song, however, was a little less… regulated. This D.J. mangled the opening lyric, starting with “Take me to the ballllllll game,” falling out of rhythm, and then recovering enough to warble semi-off-key through the rest of the tune, earning a smattering of laughter and boos in the process.

After the game, Warren G tweeted about the response to his performance. “I know I didn’t get the [‘Take Me Out to the Ball Game’], but my pitch was the best ever how you like that.”:

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