Bombs kill at least 35 in Baghdad; casualties from two other explosions unknown

Tags: ISIS Baghdad explosion
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BAGHDAD – Two car bombs and a booby-trapped motorcycle targeted different parts of Baghdad on Monday, with at least 35 people in one attack alone, sources told Rudaw.

Two car bombs exploded in the crowded Shalal and Tarmiyah neighborhoods.  At least 35 people were killed in the Shalal blast, while the number of dead or wounded from the other explosion were still unknown, according to the sources.

A bomb-rigged motorcycle also went off in the predominantly Shiite Sadr city, but casualties there also remained unknown.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility.

Suicide attacks and car bombings have increased in Baghdad since the recent political tumult in the capital, which saw angry protesters storm the parliament building a month ago, demanding substantial political reforms to uproot corruption.

Authorities blame the Islamic State group (ISIS) for these attacks. Combining car bombs with suicide attackers is a preferred tactic of the militant group, which routinely targets Shiites, militiamen and civilians alike.


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