Wednesday, April 6, 2016

The Lesson I Learned on Perfection from the HGTV Dream Home

2016 HGTV Dream Home-32

Hi friends! Yesterday we chatted about the HGTV Dream Home tour that I took last week, and today I wanted to share with you the biggest life lesson that I learned. Its a good one!

Ready? Even the HGTV Dream Home isn’t perfect.


It is SO easy to get discouraged and frustrated with ourselves. Because most of us are just learning and so there is a learning curve that has to happen. I think that one of the biggest reasons that people don’t start (at least the reason I didn’t for such a long time) is because they are worried that their house wont turn out perfectly.  I talk about this all the time but, its so easy to look at houses on TV or in magazines or online that look like absolute perfection. A level of perfection that us a mere mortals will never be able to achieve.

I have been debating on even sharing this because I would hate it if someone walked into my house and shared everything that I’d missed, but honestly that’s not what I’m doing (notice that there aren’t any offending pictures). The whole purpose of this post is to say THANK GOODNESS HGTV! I will say though, that even their level of imperfection is pretty perfect. But still, I’ll take what I can get.

So what were the offenses? Things like paint touchups that didn’t match, gapping in the caulking on the trim, and bits of pain on the door hinges. Things that no normal person would ever notice (we all know that I don’t fit into that category) but things that make me feel ok about the fact that I don’t always catch everything either.

Perfect isn’t real, even for HGTV. The idea that something can only be perfect is what keeps us from learning new things and pushing outside our comfort zone. The whole reason for talking about this is to say, its ok guys. Its ok if every project that we do isn’t flawless. Its ok to mess up a little.  It’s ok to be a human. And most of all, its ok to love your home anyways


via Mandi at The Lesson I Learned on Perfection from the HGTV Dream Home