Why Ghostwriting Is Sexy

Why Ghostwriting Is Sexy

I've never understood some people's reactions to ghostwriting: "So you write for other people? And you don't get the credit?" Sometimes I even hear jokes about Ghostwriter, the children's mystery show from the nineties, or ghost-riding the whip (I won't share a video of the latter as I'll lose your attention forever). Jokes aside, what this tells me is that not enough people, many of whom work in related industries, understand the value of the craft and how it plays into the news we all consume on a daily basis.

You know that article you shared recently? The one penned by the CEO of that startup that's creating colossal waves? Ghostwriters, often with communications or brand journalism backgrounds like me, help busy people such as C-suite executives turn their ideas into publishable articles, helping to establish them as thought leaders in their respective fields. I wouldn't by any means say that I write articles for them. It's more collaborative than that – it's co-ideating, a funneling of voice, a structuring of thoughts.

"But don't you want the credit?" friends have asked. My rebuttal: there is glory in helping others share their stories with the world. There are universes of information out there to learn and absorb, and ghostwriters get a front-row seat to the action.

Ghostwriting in the Bay Area is a passageway into brilliant minds.

Many ghostwriters develop key niches which help them to establish their own areas of expertise within the profession. For me, it's writing for women in leadership roles and a few other areas of focus including PR-tech, brand journalism/content marketing strategy, etc.

Other ghostwriters may write specifically for those in the medical field or they may focus on writing books for celebrities. William Novak is often regarded as the king of the latter. In an interview with the LA Times, he comments on the profession,  "No kid ever grows up believing he wants to be a ghostwriter... And as a writer, obviously there are things I want to do on my own. I plan to do them. But this work can be seductive. Very seductive indeed." Ghostwriting is nothing short of thrilling. If you're doing it well, it means that there are CEOs out there who believe in your work so much they're willing to put their names on it. It doesn't get much more exciting (or flattering) than that.

In Ghostwriting: The Complete Guide, best-selling author and veteran ghostwriter Eva Shaw describes the work as "a professional writing service that leaves the client free to pursue their career field." It's so true. Ghostwriting allows busy executives to share their stories while staying focused on what they do (instead of writing, editing, redrafting their work, and spending time learning about the latest platform where they should be publishing). You wouldn't remodel a room in your home without the help of a contractor unless you're willing to spend time learning how to do it well, and even then all the how-to videos in the world couldn't replace the value of years of practice and experience. The same logic applies when looking to publish an article. 

Ghostwriting is also a playground for the curious. Since you're often researching specific areas of expertise, you learn about new topics at a rapid speed. You're exposed to knowledge and perspectives you may have never had access to otherwise. Plus, getting face time with CEOs will inevitably sharpen you (beats blog writing in a vacuum). 

Recently, Phoebe Chongchua and I talked about taking away the taboo of working with a ghostwriter on The Brand Journalist Advantage Podcast. Listen in, and whether you're a C-suite executive looking for help delivering your ideas or a writer considering letting go of the ego tied to your own glossy byline, you're sure to find a takeaway or two.

Ever worked with a ghostwriter? Let's hear about it. What advice would you give to others looking to work with a ghostwriter for the first time?  

Sheryl Caldwell

Auburn University Communications & Marketing


Erin, thought you would appreciate this one.

John Cagle

REALTOR® at Florida Homes Realty & Mortgage | Author | Copywriter


I'm glad you pointed out the fact that most ghostwriting relationships are collaborations rather than one-sided efforts. I think most of the taboo behind the profession would be eliminated if more people were aware just how dependent on one another clients and ghostwriters typically are.

I still have mixed feeling about ghostwriting. I suppose it depends on how you define it. For example, f you jot down what the executive is saying/thinking and turn it into something digestible for readers, that is more along the lines of editing one's thoughts. As I have come to understand it, ghostwriting is taking/paying for thought leadership and putting someone else's name on it. They get get credit for the ghostwriter's ideas. There are plenty of authors who do it willingly, but I still don't think that's entirely ethical or doing the art of writing any favors.

Ashley Haverlack

Founder at Recordatio Consulting


Love this post, LV! So much truth.

Great post! An opportunity for journalists and/or those passionate about writing to get access to the mind space of thought leaders and represent them in a tone that matters...

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