Seth Rogen's Red Band 'Sausage Party' Trailer in Raunchy & Insane

March 17, 2016
Source: Sony Pictures

Sausage Party Trailer

After tackling the apocalypse in This Is The End, you would think that writers and producers Seth Rogen & Evan Goldberg couldn't get any more insane. But then we saw the red band trailer for their first animated venture, Sausage Party. In the movie, all food wants to be is bought and taken home, but when a pack of sausages, potatoes, buns and more find out what really happens to food when it goes home with people, they set out to get back to the store and save all their friends. This trailer may just make you regret eating hot dogs and everything else along with them at a barbecue. Okay, not really. But it's pretty funny. Watch now!

Here's the red band Sausage Party trailer from Sony Pictures:

Sausage Party follows one sausage’s quest to discover the truth about his existence. After falling out of a shopping cart, our hero sausage and his new friends embark on a perilous journey through the supermarket to get back to their aisles before the 4th of July sale. The animated film features the voices of Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill, Kristen Wiig, Bill Hader, Paul Rudd, Michael Cera, Danny McBride, Salma Hayek, Nick Kroll, Craig Robinson and many more. Conrad Vernon & Greg Tiernan direct the animated comedy which Columbia Pictures has slated for release late this summer on August 12th. Funny stuff?


Find more posts in: Animation, To Watch, Trailer



I'm sorry, I'm just not feeling this. It looks like a mid-200s Robot Chicken skit that would be mildly funny for 10 minutes and then start to lose appeal pretty quick. At least the animation and voice acting look pretty fun. Also those hotdog buns are disgusting and I cant get over it.

jay on Mar 18, 2016


Those hotdog buns were most likely designed by Maude Lebowski.

RAW_D on Mar 18, 2016


I thought the trailer was hilarious! But to stretch this out to an hour+ movie? That...will take some doing. It's a great concept, but idk if it's a whole movie worthy concept. I'm definitely interested to see if they can pull it off!

RAW_D on Mar 18, 2016


I'm sorry, food does not want to be eaten? So, that's not food then. Anyway, overstretched idea which will need to have some strange closing. And I don't think there will be successful one ...

shiboleth on Mar 18, 2016


its a love story.....

Fred on Mar 18, 2016


Nailed it on every level. Rogen is a hitmaker!

DAVIDPD on Mar 30, 2016


Toy Story in the kitchen!

toonfed on Apr 1, 2016

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