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How To Catch A Speeding Star

Updated Feb 1, 2016, 10:37am EST
This article is more than 8 years old.

Our Sun orbits the galactic center at some 220 km/s (500,000 mph), but moves at the same relative speed as most stars and nebulae.

But some stars plow through interstellar space at large relative velocities, smashing into gas clouds and creating bow shocks.

Just like a fast-moving ship creates a "wave" of water in front of it, a fast-moving star builds up material as it plows through stationary gas.

The gas gets compressed by the star's motion so severely that molecular collisions cause dramatic gas heating.

The gas then radiates that heat away, which it does in the infrared or even -- at high enough energies -- in visible light.

By getting a strong "kick" from an exploding star or a gravitationally bound cluster, these stars obtain large velocities relative to most others in the Milky Way.

The most massive stars produce the most spectacular shocks, as they pile up the most material.

The best visuals come from WISE and Spitzer, which view these bow shocks at the optimal infrared wavelengths.

Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech, of the speeding supergiant star Kappa Cassiopeiae.

Hundreds of stars like this in the Milky Way are known so far, with perhaps thousands to millions in every galaxy.

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