Becoming a new parent is scary, adventurous, fun, and stressful all at the same time. As a parent, there is nothing better in the world than a smile on a baby's face. Taking care and taking responsibilities of a newborn is a 24/7 job that you don't get paid for -- but every second of it is worth it. This article will show you how to cope with stress, have fun, and enjoy the new life that you have as a new stay-at-home-mom (SAHM).


  1. Be relaxed and stay positive. Your life will change dramatically. Things will not go the way you wish and you need to have a positive outlook on situations. The mood that you are in or have will reflect on the baby; so if you're feeling depressed or frustrated, the baby will act on the behavior. If you come to a point where you cannot handle a baby in your arms, either lay them down and walk away or hand them to someone else. Never under any circumstance, shake a baby.
  2. Between birth and by the time your baby will hit the 1 year mark, there are so many "new" things, events, and moments that will occur during this time period. Create a baby journal, scrapbook, or binder of anything you want. Take lots of pictures and share them online with friends and family. Discover your baby's abilities as time goes and appreciate them.
  3. Avoid procrastination on other things. Taking care of a baby may consume most of your time and day, resulting in procrastination of putting other assignments or duties to the side. Place the baby in a car seat and set it on the floor of where you are, for example the kitchen if you're making dinner or washing the dishes. This way, the baby knows where you are, feels secured, and can still interact - while you can accomplish needs. Do laundry or other "heavy duty" things while they're taking a nap.
  4. Whether if it's getting a job/chore done, needing quality time to yourself, or getting a little nap of your own, don't turn down good offers if someone asks. Remember that you aren't "Superwoman" and you cannot always complete everything by yourself. Take this time to clear your head and take the load off your shoulders.
  5. Having a routine organizes your life and makes the day more comfortable for both you and your baby. The longer time period you stick with the routine, the baby will recognize the schedule more. Know that during the night hours, there should be no play-time whatsoever: it should be a straight feeding or sleeping. Have a time goal of when the bath should be given and the first attempt of putting them to sleep. If you want to take them outside for the day, set a strict daily time to return home so the routine can continue.
  6. Sleep when they do. Being a stay-at-home mother to newborns or babies is an exhausting job. Change and match your sleeping patterns to theirs. Realize that you may need to sacrifice doing things that you may want to do while they're sleeping, but know that you and your health comes first on that list. As the months go by, your baby will sleep for a longer period of time during the night. Use your own judgment of how you use the time, but know that a 6 month old will still wake up in the middle of the night.
  7. as much as possible. There are so many ways and possibilities of interacting with a baby. Talk to them while playing, sing to them while changing diapers, imitate their sounds and cooing noises, interact with other family members or pets, or play games. Use "tummy time" as much as possible. Start teaching them how to roll over to their sides and how to hold their head up by themselves.
  8. Newborns will be a little more difficult in trying to find out what is wrong or how to fix a situation. But as time goes, babies will show signs and signals to what they want. They will also want to be in the most comfortable position, so you may find yourself walking around while feeding them instead of sitting down or being held in a specific way.
  9. Take them to a newly parent class or meeting, a park, or a place that you frequently go to, for example a coffee shop. Interaction with your baby makes them more comfortable around non-family members and will adapt to smile at strangers. Invest in a stroller or a baby sling and go for a walk on a regular basis. Have them see the world through their new eyes.
  10. Your baby's health is seriously important and so is going to every doctor's check up. Keep a log or reminder calendar of when your baby gets their required immunization shots. Call in advance for any medication refills instead of requesting them at the last minute. Ask the pediatrician any questions that you may have about anything. Knowing something is better than doubting and guessing.

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  • Always have a good diaper bag prepared when going out of the house and prepare for the worst situations.
  • Start reading to your infant during the time they coo. This will be a major point in interaction with a physical object. Make sure that they're interested and stop when their emotions turn negative or they become fussy.
  • Smooth music will help a baby to sleep. Some toys that come with music include Mozart and other musicians. Pop in a CD filled with slow-dance songs or blues music.
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  • Never shake a baby. Dealing with a screaming baby can be frustrating at the best of times. Shaking a baby may seem like a harmless way of taking out your frustrations, but it is considered child abuse and can cause serious brain damage and even result in death. If you feel anger towards your baby, seek immediate medical attention.


  1. Creator of this article is a stay-at-home mom of an infant.

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 12 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 48,144 times.
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Co-authors: 12
Updated: November 3, 2022
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  • Elizabeth McConnell

    Elizabeth McConnell

    Sep 8, 2016

    "The tip that help me the most was going out and letting the baby see the world, get use to strangers, and make..." more

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