18 Adorably Derpy Dogs Guaranteed To Brighten Your Day

    These pups from the Tompkins Square Park Halloween Dog Parade in NYC are so awkward it's cute.

    1. This racecar driver who just realized what a palindrome is.

    2. Mama Biscuit in all her glory.

    It's actually time for you to bow down.

    3. This little pup with a really cute tongue.

    4. This NY dog who rocks an underbite like it's no one's business.

    5. This yorkie who definitely was in the middle of telling a thrilling story.

    6. This pup who was obviously mistaken for a fluffy bunny.

    7. This dog who is so ready for a nap.

    8. This puppy who is perpetually on a happy high.

    9. This dog who is most definitely about to sneeze.

    10. Richard Sniffins, who just worked out so hard to 1989.

    11. Whatever amazingness is happening here.

    12. Cruella dog Vil and her sideways wig.

    13. This mammoth who has no idea where the hell he is but is working with it.

    14. This dino who doesn't give a crap, he's gonna take a nap wherever he wants.

    15. This martini glass who may have drank all of his martini.

    16. This dog who was not prepared for the camera.

    17. And this beautiful Game of Thrones dragon.
