Terror Uploads Online in the First Trailer for 'Unfriended' Horror

January 13, 2015
Source: MTV


When you hear that the horror flick called Unfriended unfolds over Skype and instant messaging, you'll probably roll your eyes. But if you take a couple minutes to watch the trailer for the film created and produced by Timur Bekmambetov, you just might change your mind. In theory, this movie just sounds silly, but as you'll see in the trailer, this actually looks pretty damn scary and suspenseful. I was immediately skeptical when the trailer began, but it sucked me in, and this looks at least like a better way to approach the found footage horror craze (Open Windows tried something similar). Anyway, give it a chance. Watch it!

Here's the first trailer for Levan Gabriadze's Unfriended from MTV:


Unfriended is directed by Levan Gabriadze, making his American filmmaking debut, with a script from Nelson Greaves, who is also producing the film with Jason Blum (producer of Paranormal Activity, Insidious, The Conjuring) Six high school friends with a dark secret receive a Skype message from a classmate who is dead. The story unfolds over a teenager’s computer screen as she and her friends are stalked by the unseen victim who seeks vengeance for a shaming video that led a vicious bully to kill herself a year earlier. Shelley Hennig, Moses Jacob Storm, Renee Olstead, Will Peltz, Jacob Wysocki, Courtney Halverson and Heather Sossaman star in the film Universal releases this spring on April 17th, 2015.


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Dude at 2:10 looks so much like Chris Farley

Danimal on Jan 13, 2015


Nice bit of datamoshing there. Had wondered what Timur Bekmambetov had been unto, seems from IMDB he's busy enough. Wanted 2 though? At least they can log into Skype. Since it got bought over I've never been able to log back in without millions of errors.

Carpola on Jan 13, 2015


That was actually terrifying. Too bad all bullying victims couldnt come back and do this. end of bullying.

Jon Odishaw on Jan 13, 2015


I'm getting tired of Hollywood using "producer of ____________" or things along those lines to try to sell movies. You'll see it with comedies, "from the director of ___________." Why does it matter who the director is? They don't make the comedies funny it's the writers that do (obviously this doesn't apply to directors that also write the script). All I care about is if the movie looks good and or interesting.

Rob on Jan 13, 2015


I cant recall a single GREAT movie that had "the producer of" as a selling point.

Jon Odishaw on Jan 13, 2015


The best movie I can recall using something like that was The Orphanage which Guillermo del Toro was executive producer on. I can't think of anything else.

Rob on Jan 13, 2015


What an amazing movie though 😛

Ricardo_PT on Jan 14, 2015


I agree that producers generally don't have the kind of input that will result in a consistent flavor or quality, but directors certainly do. Even in comedies (which I assume you meant specifically) directors have a certain narrative style, type of humor and ability to create the right kind of atmosphere to bring out the best of actors or certain situations. Writing may be the foundation, but a solid delivery is equally important. Even if they weren't writer-director (crippling my point?), I still think you could tell the difference between Edgar Wright, Jason Reitman, Kevin Smith, Richard Curtis, Anders Thomas Jensen, Mel Brooks, Woody Allen, John Hughes and the (more generic) Judd Appatow-gang. Just try imagining either of these directing one another's scripts.

Snev De la Fontaine on Jan 13, 2015


Yeah I definitely can tell the difference and I do agree that directors do play some role in creating a comedy. I feel like a lot of movies could of been better if the director were able to do the script and that's where my previous post comes from mindset wise. Overall i'm just frustrated with Hollywood lol.

Rob on Jan 13, 2015


Happened with music too.

Carpola on Jan 13, 2015


A new genre of horror. HAHAHA

ff on Jan 13, 2015


Pass. This looks like tripe Timur does not look like he put another on this film but his name.

DAVIDPD on Jan 14, 2015


Early contender for best comedy/musical for next years GG's?

ragethorn on Jan 14, 2015


with all the other stupid sh8t out there today, this actually looks pretty good... I'll watch it...

nomad82 on Jan 21, 2015

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