The courtroom was stone-cold quiet as defendant Dzhokhar Tzarnaev, 21 years of age, entered.

The jury had reached a verdict on each of the 30 charges he faced for the April 15 bombing at the finish line of the 2013 Boston Marathon.

Tzarnaev was found guilty of all charges against him.

This obviously includes the 17 charges that carry the possibility of death penalty.

Tsarnaev showed little emotion. He fidgeted occasionally. Stared down at the defense table. At one point, however, the defendant wrapped his arms across his chest as if to hold himself. It was a gesture that courtroom observers had not seen before.

Three people died within minutes at the scene of the Boylston Street bombing: Martin Richard (aged 8, of Dorchester), Lu Lingzi (A BU student from China), Krystal Campbell (a local restaurant manager from Medford).

264 were taken to local hospitals, eight with wounds so severe that they required limbs to be amputated.

An MIT police officer, Sean Collier, was killed in a subsequent, related incident.

And Richard Donahue, an MBTA worker, was shot seriously – possibly by friendly fire that raged in the attempt to capture Dzhokhar and his late brother Tamerlan.

After the verdict was concluded, Denise Richard, the mother of 8-year-old Martin, wiped tears from her eyes.

Her husband, Bill, embraced one of the prosecutors after the jury left the courtroom.

Boston Mayor Marty Walsh said in a statement he was thankful this phase of the trial was over.

"The incidents of those days have forever left a mark on our city," Walsh said. "As we remember those who lost so much, we reflect on how tragedy revealed our deepest values, and the best of who we are as a community."

The Charges Against Dzhokhar Tsarnaev:

Count 1: Death penalty count. Conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction, resulting in death. Guilty.

Count 2: Death penalty count. Use of a weapon of mass destruction, Pressure Cooker Bomb #1, resulting in death; and aiding and abetting. Guilty.

Count 3: Death penalty count. Possession and use of a firearm, Pressure Cooker Bomb #1 during and in relation to a crime of violence, resulting in death; and aiding and abetting. Guilty.

Count 4: Death penalty count. Use of a weapon of mass destruction, Pressure Cooker Bomb #2, resulting in death; and aiding and abetting. Guilty.

Count 5: Death penalty count. Possession and use of a firearm --Pressure Cooker Bomb #2 during and in relation to a crime of violence, resulting in death; and aiding and abetting. Guilty.

Count 6: Death penalty count. Conspiracy to bomb a place of public use, resulting in death. Guilty.

Count 7: Death penalty count. Bombing of a place of public use, Pressure Cooker Bomb #1, resulting in death; aiding and abetting. Guilty.

Count 8: Death penalty count. Possession and use of a firearm, Pressure Cooker Bomb #1, during and in relation to a crime of violence, resulting in death; aiding and abetting. Guilty.

Count 9: Death penalty count. Bombing of a place of public use, Pressure Cooker Bomb #2, resulting in death; aiding and abetting. Guilty.

Count 10: Death penalty count. Possession and use of a firearm, Pressure Cooker Bomb #2 during and in relation to a crime of violence, resulting in death; aiding and abetting. Guilty.

Count 11: Conspiracy to maliciously destroy property, resulting in death. Guilty.

Count 12: Death penalty count. Malicious destruction of property by means of an explosive, Pressure Cooker Bomb #1, resulting in death; aiding and abetting. Guilty.

Count 13: Death penalty count. Possession and use of a firearm, Pressure Cooker Bomb #1, during and in relation to a crime of violence, resulting in death; aiding and abetting. Guilty.

Count 14: Death penalty count. Malicious destruction of property by means of an explosive, Pressure Cooker Bomb #2, resulting in death; aiding and abetting. Guilty.

Count 15: Death penalty count. Possession and use of a firearm, Pressure Cooker Bomb #2, during and in relation to a crime of violence, resulting in death; aiding and abetting. Guilty.

Count 16: Death penalty count. Possession and use of a firearm, Ruger P95 9mm semiautomatic handgun during and in relation to a crime of violence, resulting in death; aiding and abetting. Guilty.

Count 17: Death penalty count. Possession and use of a firearm, Ruger P95 9mm semiautomatic handgun during and in relation to a crime of violence, resulting in death; aiding and abetting. Guilty.

Count 18: Death penalty count. Possession and use of a firearm, Ruger P95 9mm semiautomatic handgun during and in relation to a crime of violence, resulting in death; aiding and abetting. Guilty.

Count 19: Carjacking, resulting in serious bodily injury; aiding and abetting. Guilty.

Count 20: Possession and use of a firearm, Ruger P95 9mm semiautomatic handgun) during and in relation to a crime of violence; aiding and abetting. Guilty.

Count 21: Interference with commerce by threats and violence; aiding and abetting. Guilty.

Count 22: Possession and use of a firearm Ruger P95 9mm semiautomatic handgun during and in relation to a crime of violence; aiding and abetting. Guilty.

Count 23: Use of a weapon of mass destruction, Pressure Cooker Bomb #3, on or about April 19, 2013, in the vicinity of Laurel Street and Dexter Avenue in Watertown; aiding and abetting. Guilty.

Count 24: Possession and use of a firearm, a Ruger P95 9mm semiautomatic handgun and Pressure Cooker Bomb #3, during and in relation to a crime of violence; aiding and abetting. Guilty.

Count 25: Use of a weapon of mass destruction, Pipe Bomb #1, on or about April 19, 2013, in the vicinity of Laurel Street and Dexter Avenue in Watertown; aiding and abetting. Guilty.

Count 26: Possession and use of a firearm, a Ruger P95 9mm semiautomatic handgun and Pipe Bomb #1, during and in relation to a crime of violence; aiding and abetting. Guilty.

Count 27: Use of a weapon of mass destruction, Pipe Bomb #2 on or about April 19, 2013, in the vicinity of Laurel Street and Dexter Avenue in Watertown; aiding and abetting. Guilty.

Count 28: Possession and use of a firearm, a Ruger P95 9mm semiautomatic handgun and Pipe Bomb #2, during and in relation to a crime of violence; aiding and abetting. Guilty.

Count 29: Use of a weapon of mass destruction, Pipe Bomb #3 on or about April 19, 2013, in the vicinity of Laurel Street and Dexter Avenue in Watertown; aiding and abetting. Guilty.

Count 30: Possession and use of a firearm, a Ruger P95 9mm semiautomatic handgun and Pipe Bomb #3, during and in relation to a crime of violence; aiding and abetting. Guilty.


9:00 a.m.:  

Yes, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s attorneys admit that he participated in the Boston Marathon bombings —  a homemade bomb on Boylston Street that killed Lingzi Lu and Martin Richard.

But the charges against him go beyond that.

The government has also linked Tsarnaev to the death of Krystle Campbell, who was killed by a bomb placed by Jahar’s deceased brother Tamerlan. And the government says Dzhokhar played a key role in the murder of MIT police officer Sean Collier, who was fatally shot three days after the marathon bombings.

According to the defense--those claims are debatable.

Throughout the trial, Tsarnaev’s attorneys have cast Tamerlan as the bomb maker in chief. And, they contend, it was Tamerlan who killed Collier in his patrol car, not Dzhokhar.

As we await a verdict, it seems clear that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev will be found guilty of a number of heinous crimes. But if, after weighing the thirty counts against him jurors decide to say “Not Guilty” to one or two, it could help Tsarnaev defense avoid the death penalty when the trial moves on to the sentencing phase.

In other words—the stakes are high. If jurors are taking their time—maybe it just means they’re taking their job seriously.