25 Ways You Are Secretly Like Moe Szyslak

    Go on, give in to your inner Moe.

    1. Ever get the feeling that you might be on a downward curve?

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    2. That life might be a bit pointlessly cruel?

    3. Find your anger getting the best of you recently?

    4. And think people may be avoiding you?

    5. Have you ever stopped to consider you might be Moe Szyslak from The Simpsons?

    6. Think about it. You ever ponder the big questions in life?

    7. Do you struggle to take a good photo?

    8. Or have you ever been burned by the dating world?

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    9. Before deciding to pack it all in?

    10. Think about it. You might actually be Moe.

    11. But it's not all bad.

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    12. It means you're a straight talker.

    13. And your dance moves are second to none.

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    No gangsta will ever diss your fly girl.

    14. You've got it down.

    15. And yes, while you might be a tad financially irresponsible.

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    16. And just a bit sketchy.

    17. You're a good egg at heart.

    18. Kinda.

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    19. Even if you don't want to admit it.

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    20. So while you might think you're alone in the world.

    21. You've secretly got a bunch of lifelong mates.

    22. And you're the life of the party.

    23. You're just a neat person.

    24. With a winning smile.

    25. Just try to be more careful about prank calls yeah?

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