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17 Things You Learn After Living With Someone For A Year

You can't hide your weird from your housemate.

1. All their weird food habits.

2. Everything about their sex life.

3. What their music taste is actually like.

Whenever I listen to Showtunes on Spotify I set it on "Private Session" because I'm ashamed of myself.

They can turn on their private sessions for the wider world, but you can hear that they've listened to that One Direction song four times today.

4. And what they really watch on Netflix.

5. What kind of drunk they are.

6. And how to handle them when they're drunk.

7. And what to feed them when they're hungover.

8. All about their personal hygiene.

9. And exactly how low their standards can sink.

10. How disorganised they are.

11. What they're like in a bad mood.

12. And how to cheer them up.

13. How stingy they are.

14. What they look like naked.

15. What their ugliest pair of pants look like.

16. Their opinion on almost everything.

17. Pretty much everything about them.