Posted in Current Events, In The Media

In Memorial

I didn’t even know it was scheduled.  I was consumed with preparations for my wedding that upcoming weekend and hadn’t kept up with the news in weeks.  My boss blurted out, “The Challenger exploded!” when I came back from my lunch break.  Like an idiot, and an eloquent one at that, I responded, “Huh?”

“The Challenger!  The space shuttle with the teacher!  It exploded!”

The light dawned then.  Oh boy, did it ever.

We didn’t have a television at our little workplace, but when I got home and turned it on, the video was splashed everywhere, on all the networks, played over and over and over again.  The image of the explosion was all over the newspaper and magazines, everywhere you turned for the next weeks, it seemed like that’s all there was to see in the media.  It was horrible.  I could not imagine being a loved one of one of the crew members who’d died, and having to live with that imagery constantly on display in the aftermath of the disaster.  The whole event still brings tears to my eye, even today, exactly 30 years later.  That vivid picture, that awful scene of the Y-smoke is burned into the minds of many, myself included. 

It is a Day of Remembrance for NASA.  Many astronauts have been lost during this week over the years.  It’s a very good week for launching missions. 

My thoughts and prayers are with the loved ones of those lost.

Families, NASA honor fallen astronauts on 30th anniversary of Challenger disaster – CBS News

Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster Devastated the Nation 30 Years Ago – NBC News

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Posted in Current Events, In The Media

In The Media

I caught this article as I was browsing the news a few days ago, and I was kind of stunned.  A dad got a bill when his kid didn’t show up to another kids’ birthday party.  For real?  I know some mail-order companies do that – remember the old Columbia House record club?  You signed up, and every month they sent you a little postcard telling you what the next month’s album was, and you were going to get it and be charged for it whether you wanted it or not, unless you sent the stupid postcard back.  I never knew anyone who appreciated the way that worked. 

That’s what I was reminded of when I read this article.  Someone invites your child to a party, and if your kid doesn’t show up, you get a bill.  The case in the linked article has had “small claims court” tossed around, too.  People don’t even do that for no-shows at wedding receptions!  I totally get the courtesy of an RSVP, but to threaten to sue over it?  That just seems beyond reasonable.

Is this way over the top or what?  Perhaps I’m out of touch here.  It’s been a long time since I’ve done birthday party stuff like that, probably since I was five, so maybe times have changed and children’s birthday parties that cost more than wedding receptions are standard now, I don’t know.  I know I’m a bit of a miser, but still.  This seems out of line. 

What are your thoughts?  Would you send someone a bill if they didn’t show up to your party?

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Dad gets ‘no-show’ bill after son, 5, misses birthday party

LONDON – It was not what Derek Nash expected to find in his 5-year-old’s school bag: A bill demanding a “no-show fee” for another child’s birthday party.


Nash says Lawrence has threatened him with small claims court but he has no plans so far to pay.

via Dad gets ‘no-show’ bill after son, 5, misses birthday party | Fox News.