Some girls wish they could look like the model that they are inside. Some girls are shy and don't think that they can be drop dead gorgeous. But, with a little help, some people can be absolutely blinding!


  1. Be confident. It isn't as easy as it sounds. The best tip is to fake it until you make it. Walk and talk like you're important (even if you don't feel like it all of the time) and eventually it will become habitual and you won't have to think about it.
  2. Learn to walk like a model.
    • High-heeled shoes always help with your posture (and sometimes confidence), and they are best for learning. You should start out with a 2-inch heel and then graduate to a 4-inch heel before continuing on to a 6-inch heel.
    • Walk normally. Notice the space between your feet as you walk. On the runway, models walk with one foot directly in front of the other. Take a step with one leg, then take another and put the foot directly in front of the other, leaving a two inch space between your toes and your heel. Repeat. Notice how your hips sway perfectly and along with your legs.
    • Look up. Make sure you are looking straight out in front of you. Always have a face that perfectly reflects your mood, but make sure it's attractive.
    • Try not to move any part of your body when you walk except for your feet. You should appear as if you are gliding, or flying if someone were to watch you from the thighs up.
    • Get a thick book like a paperback dictionary, a copy of The Odyssey, or Jane Eyre. Put the book on your head and walk. Make sure you don't drop the book -- this will improve your posture. Who wants to see someone slouching?
    • Also, watch videos of models walking on a catwalk and decide what version of the walk is best for you. Every model has a slightly different walk.
  3. that is not tacky. Don't act overly 'tramp' like, either. You can show quite a lot of skin if you can still manage to look innocent. Wear a big sweater that still shows your fabulous body shape, and let one shoulder drop off allowing it to be "accidental" and totally sexy. It can't look like it was pulled down on purpose - accidental and natural slipping of clothing is much, much sexier. Act like you can't help it and don't notice it. This does not mean that you should let your breasts pop out. That is completely tasteless and may get you arrested. Just let your shirt come up an inch or two on one side to show your tan hip or let one shoulder droop off to show off your impeccable bone structure. Everyone has at least one amazing asset. Show yours off!
  4. And you should change your mood often. Therefore, you will need heaps of clothes. Keep them in your exotic car or huge designer bag.
  5. Some people need a lot, some need a little. You have to be able to do it yourself. Go to a department store; have your makeup done at a counter. Ask for a light day makeup look that you can wear every day. Learn how to do what your artist does, and ask for help. You must be able to do your makeup by yourself, and well! Models don't wear a lot of makeup, but a bit of concealer, clear mascara, a bit of eye liner and some light gloss may be right for you.
  6. That way some natural oils have worked its way down and your hair won't look all frizzy. Part your hair down the middle and make cute really low pigtail braids. Start the braids under your ears and work your way down until there is about an inch of hair left, the tie it with a hair tie. Maybe do it on both sides. Maybe take your bangs and straighten them and put them to the side.
  7. Models are the ultimate party girls; make sure you get invited to every party. Have your own parties. Be the center of attention. Guarantee that you will be at every good party. Don't worry whether you went to the right party, any party you go to is the place to be. Make yourself look hot - the ultimate party girl looks hot no matter what she does.

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How tall do I need to be if I want to become a model?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    At least 5'8 for runway modelling. Print models are normally at least 5'7, but in print modeling, height doesn't matter as much because what they're looking for is beauty and something new for the pictures.
  • Question
    I get called pretty and beautiful all the time. Is it bad to think it's true that I am pretty? I don't want to be self-centered.
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It's okay to believe you are beautiful. Believing that you're better than others because of this beauty is not.
  • Question
    My shoulders are kind of big, but my body is in shape. I have a hard time trying to look good because of them. Any advice?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Flaunt it. You'll be surprised by how attractive confidence is. If you glorify it, people will like it.
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  • Being a model means modeling your own characteristics, not twisting them around to make new ones. Often models will have their hair dyed or highlighted, which is fine, as long as you know your limits. For example, if you have extremely wavy and uncontrollable hair, let it be extremely wavy and uncontrollable! Individuality is the key, and you want to emphasize your attributes to be what a model essentially is: a trend setter.
  • Don't take things to heart, when they say "you're not right for them" it means you're not what they're looking for at that time, it doesn't mean your ugly.
  • Being a model does not mean being skinny, anorexic, or bulimic. As a model, you are modeling to be yourself, not what the billboards and magazine portray.
  • If you act nice and caring, you have great potential of making a successful career out of modeling.
  • Bulimia (purging) should not be considered when acting like a model.
  • Eating disorders can be fatal.
  • If you don't like being looked at, don't do this.

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 36 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 233,832 times.
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Updated: January 21, 2022
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