Austin, TX Launches Unprecedented Study Of It’s $1.6 Billion Music Economy
The Music & Entertainment Division of Austin's Economic Development Department has announced the launch of a major market research study of the city's music industry. The purpose of the project is to capture an in-depth look at Austin’s music industry workers and its economic issues and opportunities.
The City has hired Titan Music Group to conduct the study and deliver a final report upon completion. This is the first time such a study has been undertaken in Austin.
The study is designed to obtain detailed information about the composition and needs of the industry, such as:
Number of people working in each sector of the music industry at a local level;
- How well those sectors and its workers are doing, including any identifiable barriers to economic growth;
- Identifying underutilized opportunities for growth that can be leveraged at a local level;
- Identifying sectors that may be best poised for future growth, and other trend information that may help shape future policy decisions.
Data will be gathered from focus groups and an in-depth survey that will be disseminated across the city. Focus groups will begin next week, and the survey will be launched on October 30. Music &Entertainment Division staff will canvas Austin Music Businesses in an effort to acquire survey responses.
The music industry contributes more than $1.6 billion dollars annually to the Austin economy, placing it in the Top 10 highest contributors. The Music & Entertainment Division will use the information collected from the study to optimize future City strategy and program planning for industry growth.
Don Pitts, Music Program Manager for the City of Austin states, “As important a contribution as music makes to Austin, there has never been a comprehensive study done from a City viewpoint to evaluate what’s working well at a local level, where the gaps might be, and where our future growth sectors are. Results of this survey will provide valuable information and allow the Music & Entertainment Division to assist the Austin music industry in the most effective ways possible.”
Nikki Rowling, president of Titan Music Group, adds “This study will serve as a tool to benchmark both current assets and needs in our City’s music industry in a way that has not been captured before. Titan is thrilled to partner with the City of Austin and work with the community’s music population to collect data that will be used to improve and grow Austin’s music economy.”
Who Should Participate?
Workers in all sectors of the music and entertainment industry will be asked to complete a survey. This includes all musicians, managers, agents, equipment and music retailers, producers, and anyone employed in a music venue, bar, tavern, or nightclub.
Information gathered in this study will be complied, analyzed and presented to the City of Austin next spring.