This article was co-authored by Shira Tsvi. Shira Tsvi is a Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor with over 7 years of personal training experience and over 2 years leading a group training department. Shira is certified by the National College of Exercise Professionals and the Orde Wingate Institute for Physical Education and Sports in Israel. Her practice is based in the San Francisco Bay Area.
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Competing in a running race? Nervous? Afraid of not winning? Read the article for advice.
Warm up before the race. Practice steadily every day with good workout routines that make your muscles hurt. The day before the race, work out a little and then rest up well.[1]
Choose your best starting position. Once the ref says "set" breathe in air. It helps you last longer in a sprint as you should breathe in your nose and out your mouth, it keeps you from cramping up in a longer race.Advertisement
Keep a steady start. If you get a shaky one you won't get a good position.
Swing your arms. The faster the better, your legs will go faster as well.[2]
Don't sprint at the beginning of a distance race. This is a waste of energy and it tires you out. Just sprint a bit for a couple of seconds to help you keep in a good position, then just jog to not get tired and on the last laps, sprint hard to come in a high position.[3]
Stay humble. If you are very proud of yourself then you think it is too easy and you will come in a fairly low position. But keep your self confidence saying " I can do it". But don't have "false humility" and think you are a terrible runner; that will make you do worse.Usain Bolt, Olympic Sprinter
Know your strengths. "There are better starters than me, but I’m a strong finisher."
Don't get distracted. This will throw your rhythm off. Don't be startled by the pistol if one is used.
If you are running in an oval racetrack, try to be in the lane closest to the center because it takes you the shortest time to complete the track.
If you'd like, drink an energy drink or eat chocolate before the race. It will give you extra strength, but do not do it in a marathon![4]
Keep your hands loose in a long distance run. Clenching them will tighten your muscles and make it harder to run. If you get tired during a long distance race, just speed walk using your arms.
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Community Q&A
QuestionWhy we have to take breaths with the nose only? I find this hard when racing.Community AnswerGood question. You breathe through your nose so it is easier for your body to regenerate. If you breathe through your mouth, it takes longer and you may not stay focused.
QuestionHow do I not get tired while running?Community AnswerYou need to pace yourself. Try jogging at the beginning, then when everyone else is slow and tired, sprint to the lead. Performing some leg stretches before you run can also help prevent aching/tired muscles.
QuestionMy coach said to breathe through my nose and mouth, is this good advice?Community AnswerThe more oxygen you can get to your muscles, the better they will perform. Breathing through your nose and your mouth at the same time can increase the airflow to your lungs when you breathe in - so this should help!
Reader Videos
Keep your hands loose, tightening your hands or arms will tighten your chest as well.Thanks
Never tie with your friends on purpose just to stay friends with them. Never walk with your friends either just to remain friends with them. Run your race at your own speed and a true friend would be happy for you if you beat them.Thanks
Aim to overtake the person in front as a target. If you keep on doing it you'll find yourself at the front. Keep at a pace that suits you but really push to get to the front.Thanks
Tips from our Readers
- Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Don't clench your fists because it will just slow you down, and try to think of yourself winning the race (instead of how much your feet hurt).
- Keep looking forward if you are running in a curved lane. If you are running straight, close your eyes and run as fast as you can. Don't make eye contact with other people, and believe in yourself.
- Make sure you choose the right race. If you are a fast runner, do the dash. If you are more of an outdoor hiker, go for cross country.
- Do not stretch your arms out during a race. If you're running in lanes, keep your arms in your own space and in your own lane.
- Don't look behind you while running to check if anyone else is nearby. Just stare at the finish line the entire time!
- DO NOT store water in your mouth. You can get a chance of choking on it.Thanks
- Don't compete in a race if you have any sort of sport injury as it will make it worse.Thanks
Things You'll Need
- A pair of spikes (for track and cross country races) or racing flats (for road races)
- Thick,tight (but not suffocating tight) socks to prevent blisters especially if you have spikes
Expert Interview

Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about winning a race, check out our in-depth interview with Shira Tsvi.
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"This has really helped me massively as I have a 1600 meter race to run in a couple of weeks. So I am going stretch everyday and go across the field and time myself whilst I use these steps, so thank you."..." more