Watch: Sleepy Skunk's Retrospective 2014 Movie Trailer Mash-Up

December 2, 2014

The 2014 Movie Trailer Mash-Up

After being first to the retrospective party two years in a row with videos looking back at the years in film that were 2012 and 2013, video editor The Sleepy Skunk is back with The 2014 Movie Trailer Mash-Up. It seems like these videos start arriving earlier every year, but this one is arriving just one day before 2013's retrospective arrived. Anyway, it's our standard look back at the year in film that was 2014 which includes blockbusters like Captain America: The Winter Soldier, indies like The Guest, big comedies like 22 Jump Street, animated hits like The LEGO Movie and dramas like Unbroken. Watch!

Here's The 2014 Movie Trailer Mash-Up sent to us straight from The Sleepy Skunk:

If you like the music Sleepy Skunk used in this great look back at the wonderful movies of 2014 (they weren't all good obviously), the short lists of tracks can be found on the video's YouTube page. And since there's a lot of movies on display in this video, and they all go by pretty quickly, he's also put together a list of all the movies in the video with timestamps as to when each clip appears. Yet again, there were some movies that I just didn't recognize at all, which means I haven't seen them or they weren't memorable. Anyway, stay tuned for some more awesome retrospective montages as we move closer to the end of 2014.


Find more posts: Looking Back, To Watch



Already? It seems premature. There are still a couple goodies in the pike.

DAVIDPD on Dec 2, 2014


Genrocks made the best ones but stopped this year. Now, it's these guys.

doughboyFCC on Dec 16, 2014

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