The specific process of upbringing a child begins very early in India. It begins when child is two and a half years old, and able to understand when they are spoken to by their parents in very simple terms and are an able to speak a few syllables themselves. At this stage the process of building up the imagination skills & IQ levels should ideally start.


  1. This can be done by interacting with the child in ways he or she feels comfortable. You can read small, simple poems and stories to the child, use actions and gesticulations. Encourage your child to use his or her imagination to repeat the same to you in his or her own way. Give your child open-ended toys like building sets, clay mud, dough etc., with which he or she can build shapes and learn to use his or her imagination. As they grow, try playing challenging games such as word building and puzzles. As the child reaches school age, they should be encouraged to write creatively. Show your child pictures and allow them to use their imagination to describe it. Another way to encourage the child is to provide art and craft material including pencils, crayons, markers, paper, scissors, and so on. This will encourage the child to create something out of the ordinary. Encourage creativity by appreciating the work and displaying it in your home, This will give the child a sense of achievement and make them more innovative.
  2. Every parent wants their child to have a high IQ. Here are some methods for potentially doing this.
  3. Introduce your child to music and rhythm from a young age. It has been suggested that music can increase a person’s mental ability because it can stimulate the brain’s nerve endings. Children who are exposed to music and rhythm most likely have the inclination for such as they grow up.
  4. Introduce the children to games and sports at young age. Sports can build a good physique also teach strategies for problem solving in difficult situations when they grow up.
  5. As your child experiences many things through varied activities, he or she will gain knowledge which may increase his or her IQ. In all of these, the key to improving your kid’s IQ is to create an environment that will quicken your child’s brain potentials.
  6. Allow your child to play and mingle with kids of his or her age in the neighborhood or in school. It is through these interactions with others that she can develop her interpersonal intelligence. When they mingle with others, they learn how to get along with others.
  7. Having a good night’s sleep can improve brain functions to keep your child mentally alert. While the child is asleep, their mind is restoring whatever is not functioning well within its system.
  8. Here the biggest problem encountered by the parents is that nutritious food is frequently not the food children like to eat willingly. They are more comfortable with less nutritious but tasty junk food. It is not advisable to force children to eat food they do not like to eat. The parents have to travel halfway to find a solution by making them the food of their choice available at home and then slowly initiating them to nutritious food.
  9. Home work is a drag for children, and if they develop aversion to it, it is the most natural thing to expect from them. The best way to deal with the homework problem is to not deal with it. Instead set a regular study schedule for the child before or after dinner as per their convenience, and set a separate place for them. A separate study corner will give your child ownership and encourage them to be more responsible. It is best to avoid distractions like TV or any other noise when the children are studying. It is advisable for the parents to work on their spreadsheets, projects or quietly browse the internet to create a studious, or serious environment. Teach the child to plan work in that scheduled time as per requirement. Guide if necessary, but do not do homework for your child.
  10. Parents often have the habit of openly bragging about their child’s intelligence. This tends to make the child overconfident and lazy. Parents should instead concentrate on making the child work hard and regularly. Less intelligent students can also achieve extraordinary results with hard work.
  11. Unreasonable expectations of the parents often result in mental torture of the child: This is a phenomenon very commonly prevalent in India. Wealthy parents often feel that their capacity to spend more will help their child excel in studies. They are unable to consider the natural constraints faced by the child and often pressurize the child, which is going far beyond what they can handle. Even parents who were less than average in their student days expect their child to excel. How can a child do extraordinarily when the pedigree is ordinary? Parents should be satisfied with the results if they are coming out of honest hard work. Unnecessary comparison should be avoided.
  12. Show respect for your child by accepting both his/her strengths and weaknesses. Strive to build a close relationship with your child by acknowledging his/her feelings and interests.
  13. Do not force your child to be in a social situation that he or she doesn’t want to be in. Cajoling your child into social interaction will only make things worse. Just wait for him/her to warm up to a situation.
  14. Make sure that you yourself have a healthy image of yourself. If you exhibit shyness yourself, then it would be hard for your child to overcome inhibition.
  15. Servants should be used for assistance in work, but should not have a role in the upbringing of the child. Many working parents especially in India leave the child to the servant's care, there is nothing wrong in it, so long as nurturing and molding of the child is done by the parents. Whatever their occupation, parents should have enough time for their children daily. Servants can be of assistance in the up bringing of the child they should not however be allowed guardianship or to be foster parents.

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  • Intelligence and IQ vary from individual to individual - in quality and quantity. The same amount of effort may not produce the same results. Parents should understand this.
  • Growing up is a natural process. It is better for the parents to understand this and not make it unnatural.
  • Rewards and reprimands should be used by the parents judiciously, and neither should go to the children undeservedly.


  • It is not advisable to take advice from self-proclaimed experts, unless they are experts in dealing with parenting problems.
  • No book or article can help in perfect parenting. Individual situations require individual response. Parents should use discretion while implementing the suggestions in the article.
  • Parents should not vent out their frustrations and disappointment on children. In such situations they should reduce their interactions the children and allow their spouse to deal with the children.
  • In case of persisting problems with the child, it is the parents who need to consult a psychiatrist and get counseling themselves and then if felt necessary by the psychiatrist take the child for counseling. People not having expertise in child psychiatry should not be allowed to counsel the child.

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Updated: September 10, 2021
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