The public is invited to a free multi-agency health fair at Stamford’s Martin Luther King Jr. Apartments at 40 Stillwater Ave. on Wednesday, Oct. 29 between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Hosted by New Neighborhoods, Inc. and organized by NNI’s Tenant Advocate Program (TAP) coordinators, attendees will have access to free screening at the Health Department’s Mobile Van and exhibitors from a number of agencies and businesses in the Community and Activity Room at the MLK Jr Apartments.
Representatives from a variety of wellness focused Stamford-based agencies and businesses will be on hand with information on pediatric, adult and senior nutrition, wellness and exercise programs to promote healthier living and longevity. In addition to health and safety specialists from the City of Stamford Health and Fire Departments, among those partnering with NNI for its 1st Annual Health Fair at MLK Jr. Apts. are: Food Bank of Lower Fairfield County, Optimus, TWorks, Shoprite, Cornerstone Pharmacy, Boys and Girls Club, Pediatrics, Healing Hearts, Liberation House, Shelter for the Homeless, Southwestern Regional Agency on Aging, and Senior Services of Stamford.
The Martin Luther King Jr. Apartments were developed by and are owned and managed by Stamford-based New Neighborhoods, Inc., Fairfield County’s oldest active nonprofit low and moderate income housing developer. The MLK Jr. Apartments and its tenants have been part of the fabric of the West Side of Stamford since 1972. No reservations are necessary.
For information on the Health Fair at MLK call the New Neighborhoods, Inc. Tenant Advocate Program (TAP) office at the MLK Jr. Apts. at (203) 359-2215 x 24, email or visit the TAP page at