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(Some JC Guy)   On the last day of the school year, JCPenney goes and farks it up with a back-to-school-sale...WTF ???   ( divider line
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2230 clicks; posted to Business » on 14 Jun 2014 at 7:20 AM (9 years ago)   |   Favorite    |   share:  Copy Link

28 Comments     (+0 »)
2014-06-14 12:31:41 AM  
*Double high 5's for JC Penny!*  Now for the next 90 day's I won't have the shiats getting on my lawn!
2014-06-14 12:34:51 AM  
Better start that Christmas shopping now.
2014-06-14 6:43:02 AM  
Not even a reference to there being a sale at Penney's, Subby?

I am disappoint.
2014-06-14 7:33:41 AM  
Subby doesn't understand how women think when they go shopping.  The biggest day for wrapping paper sales in December 28, because they need it for next year.

Every woman alive knows that you're going to get the best back to school bargains on the last day of the school year.  It's science.
2014-06-14 7:44:38 AM  
I never understood this whole back to school buying shiat.  Never did growing up either.  Yes, I can see pencils and whatever when you get the list of things you need for the new school year.  But the rest is just more made up BS by sales people pushing their crap and idiots lapping it up.
2014-06-14 7:46:16 AM  
The executive who made that decision can make more from his golden parachute by getting fired than you will make in your life Subby.  You don't see the brilliance because you aren't smart enough to be a job creator.
2014-06-14 7:56:57 AM  

Lsherm: Subby doesn't understand how women think when they go shopping.  The biggest day for wrapping paper sales in December 28, because they need it for next year.

Every woman alive knows that you're going to get the best back to school bargains on the last day of the school year.  It's science.

And the best part is, if the kids grow over the summer the daffy broads have to come back next fall for more clothes. And save even more money!
2014-06-14 8:39:54 AM  

vpb: The executive who made that decision can make more from his golden parachute by getting fired than you will make in your life Subby.  You don't see the brilliance because you aren't smart enough to be a job creator.

What a pisser.
2014-06-14 9:00:43 AM  
I'm going to fap to the Flirtitude section Subs.Thanks for some variety to my otherwise monotonous day.
2014-06-14 9:02:46 AM  

rumpelstiltskin: And the best part is, if the kids grow over the summer the daffy broads have to come back next fall for more clothes. And save even more money!

Why do people actually think this?

/It's how much you spent, not how much you saved
2014-06-14 9:10:02 AM  

oukewldave: I never understood this whole back to school buying shiat.  Never did growing up either.  Yes, I can see pencils and whatever when you get the list of things you need for the new school year.  But the rest is just more made up BS by sales people pushing their crap and idiots lapping it up.

Pretty much. The major goal for a retail shop is increasing its inventory turnover. The more times each year you can sell out your stock, the greater chance you will stay in business. So, marketing comes up wth anything to promote a "sale" at any time. June madness, Labor day weekend, Wiccan Friday. Well, maybe that last one is pretty local. Hey, just throw it out there and see what the public wants.
2014-06-14 9:21:07 AM  

DubyaHater: I'm going to fap to the Flirtitude section Subs.Thanks for some variety to my otherwise monotonous day.

I wonder why JCPenny cropped their pics at the nose? Its usual to have the face blurred out. Or, so I have heard it said by just some random people. On the bus. On a trip.
2014-06-14 9:25:38 AM  

oukewldave: I never understood this whole back to school buying shiat.  Never did growing up either.  Yes, I can see pencils and whatever when you get the list of things you need for the new school year.  But the rest is just more made up BS by sales people pushing their crap and idiots lapping it up.

sound like you understand it pretty good if you ask me. You might not like it...but you understand it.
2014-06-14 9:35:26 AM  

HMS_Blinkin: I dunno, but that line of "reasoning" definitely works with a really large percentage of people. Heck, it's probably worked on me once or twice in my life. People love to feel like they're getting a god deal.

Perhaps. When you grow up as poor as I do, *everything* is just "another cost added to the burden." Even tax season isn't a time for joy for me; it's when I get to catch up on all those things I need to rig/repair/replace that I couldn't afford to do over the year prior.
2014-06-14 10:35:55 AM  
Some schools have year round schooling , others have traditional schooling , and some are home schooled , so no one really knows when it begins or ends anymore .
2014-06-14 11:12:41 AM  

RottenEggs: Some schools have year round schooling , others have traditional schooling , and some are home schooled , so no one really knows when it begins or ends anymore .

Simple majorities - how do they work?
2014-06-14 11:19:52 AM  
Considering how early shops set up for holidays these days, it sounds about right.

/for those Labor Day people, do know there are many places that start in early to mid August
2014-06-14 11:54:32 AM  

HMS_Blinkin: ajgeek: rumpelstiltskin: And the best part is, if the kids grow over the summer the daffy broads have to come back next fall for more clothes. And save even more money!

Why do people actually think this?

/It's how much you spent, not how much you saved

I dunno, but that line of "reasoning" definitely works with a really large percentage of people.  Heck, it's probably worked on me once or twice in my life.  People love to feel like they're getting a god deal.

Yup. It's why JC Penneys started having sales again; people would actually go across the street to pay *more* money to the other stores, because the price didn't have a strikethrough above it. People be crazy.
2014-06-14 12:35:06 PM  

rumpelstiltskin: Lsherm: Subby doesn't understand how women think when they go shopping.  The biggest day for wrapping paper sales in December 28, because they need it for next year.

Every woman alive knows that you're going to get the best back to school bargains on the last day of the school year.  It's science.

And the best part is, if the kids grow over the summer the daffy broads have to come back next fall for more clothes. And save even more money!

No, no, no. They come back in the fall to save more money because the school changed their mandatory dress code.

/changes posted behind a locked door labeled "Beware of the Leopard"
2014-06-14 12:51:11 PM  

FirstNationalBastard: Not even a reference to there being a sale at Penney's, Subby?

I am disappoint.

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2014-06-14 12:51:52 PM  

Mr. Fuzzypaws: Better start that Christmas shopping now.

Hobby Lobby has you covered. Their Christmas stuff is already out.
2014-06-14 2:04:07 PM  

Lsherm: The biggest day for wrapping paper sales in December 28, because they need it for next year.

Or maybe it's because wrapping paper is cheap as shiat after Christmas and I'm not gonna pay full price for paper that's just gonna get ripped up anyways. It's like hitting the after-Halloween candy sales.
2014-06-14 4:40:47 PM  
My friend is a principal at a year round school. Their first day is this week.

It's a long year too, but those kids do amazing. Come from city public schools and go to private college prep schools
2014-06-14 5:12:28 PM  
Yep, a back-to-school sale in June....then the parkas come out in August, the Christmas wrap
on Labor Day....and then the swimsuits again around mid-January...assuming that JC Penney
hasn't croaked - which isn't necessarily a given.
2014-06-14 5:20:48 PM  
Some people go to school in the summer, and those people would need season appropriate clothing for going to school in the summer.
2014-06-14 5:44:22 PM  
If you go to school all year 'round, then what does "back to school" refer to??? Every Monday?
2014-06-14 6:10:55 PM  

Tobin_Lam: Hobby Lobby has you covered. Their Christmas stuff is already out.

never gets put away

Seriously, they have year round Christmas sections.
2014-06-14 7:29:44 PM  

FoonFlake: If you go to school all year 'round, then what does "back to school" refer to??? Every Monday? Full Size
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