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Make a Homemade Juice Popsicle with Dry Ice

When you want a cool homemade treat, you can use dry ice as a mold for the perfect juice popsicle.

Dry ice is incredibly cold—and has been used to make sweet treats before—but Grant Thompson "The King of Random" takes it a different direction on his YouTube channel. Get a block of dry ice and carve a popsicle shaped groove in it. Make sure there is somewhere for the stick to rest and then pour in whatever juice you like. After it freezes, pull out the popsicle, and be sure to dip it in some warm water before trying to eat it. The popsicle will be extremely cold and if you try to give it a lick before dipping and warming the outside, you'll have a tongue stuck to the frozen pole type situation.

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QC#34 - Dry Ice-Pop | YouTube