Boston University Is Offering A ‘Harry Potter’-Themed Sex Course

grab your wands, kids.

Harry Potter” is obviously one of the biggest and most popular cultural juggernauts of our time. The book series and movies taught us basically everything we need to know about friendship, family, bravery, and loyalty.

But ya know what it didn’t teach us squat about? SEX. Good ol’ charming stories about working that magic, using those wands, ridin’ those Firebolts...

This is something that we here at MTV News have brought up in the past — read our deep-dive about the sexless world of Harry Potter here — and apparently the fine folks at Boston University agree.

Michelle Goode and Jamie Klufts, two graduate students at BU, decided to organize a seminar called “Sex-ed” at Hogwarts during the school’s monthlong sex health series, “Frisky February.”

The sexual health and education course will incorporate situations and examples from “Harry Potter” into discussions about everything from responsible drinking and contraception, to STDs and consensual intimacy.

As the event’s site cleverly advertises, “At this event half-bloods, house-elves, and muggles alike will learn the proper way to get consent to enter one's chamber of secrets and how to snog without getting hogwarts.” A+ pun work, guys!



Klufts and Goode told The Boston Globe that the idea sprouted from their realization that there was a disappointing lack of sex talk among the students at Hogwarts. As Klufts pointed out, “How can you have a school full of wizards and not talk about sex and sexuality?”

Umm, maybe because they were a little preoccupied by the daunting and ever-growing strength of Voldemort, the Dark Lord out to defeat and kill them all??? OK, but yes, they do have a valid point. Stick any number of teenagers in any one place and sex is bound to come up eventually, no matter how close the impending threats of doom and dementors are.



Hopefully the BU students who take the course (which, let’s be real, should consist of the entire student population) will fill us all in on how the course goes, because we’re dying to hear more juicy deets.

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