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Use These 5 Tips To Align Employees With Your Brand

Updated Nov 24, 2014, 03:03pm EST
This article is more than 9 years old.

Would you buy a high-end service from a folksy employee with a Southern accent? Or would you purchase a bargain-brand car from a dealer who was dressed in custom couture? Here’s what the big brands know that your emerging company may be missing: for optimal success your employees must not only be plausible representatives of your brand’s key attributes, but they must exude the company brand.

A study at Arizona State University conducted research on what they termed “brand confluence.” They hired actors to interact with customers in a way that was highly aligned or purposely misaligned with the attributes of the brand they were selling.

Guess what? Customers’ ratings of the brand—including value for the money, desirability, and even trustworthiness were highly influenced by what the study termed “conceptual fluency”—the ease of processing the brand’s meaning, which is influenced by—you guessed it—brand-aligned employee behavior.

When employee image and behavior doesn’t mesh with the brand, it not only tarnishes the business, it creates a cognitive dissonance that the customer internalizes as incongruent behavior. It weakens trust in the company and lowers integrity scores. And, of course, it reduces revenue and sales.

So an important part of authentic communication, then, is that employee behavior and even appearance is an accurate representation of the company brand.

If brand alignment is so critically important, how do you accomplish this goal? Here’s how the biggest brands do it best, according to marketing specialist Ted Curtin:

  1. Top to Bottom Organizational Engagement. Here again is why it’s vital to increase employee engagement. It’s not enough for your marketing team to carry the message of your brand to your audience. From top executives to customer service, the company’s employees need to be fully committed to the company’s vision in order to be effective representatives of your company brand.
  2. 3-Star Employees Don’t Give 5-Star Service. The company needs to hire with care. Equally importantly, you must treat your employees in the same way you want your employees to treat your customers. A mistreated employee will not turn around and represent your company well.
  3. Design to Win. No amount of engagement can overcome policies and structures that are incongruent with your company brand.
 Imagine the problem if getting printing assistance or finding a specific office product at Staples wasn’t “Easy?” Or if Best Buy ’s “Geek Squad” looked at your laptop’s blue screen and shrugged? What if Nordstrom ’s no questions asked return policy were suddenly not honored? The policies and structure of your customer service and sales need to match the promise of the company brand at all times.
  4. Consistent Communication. Here again is one of the many virtues of public relations. The attributes of your brand won't matter if you don’t communicate them effectively to your employees and to the world. Not only must you communicate frequently, but the message must be consistent. For example, Curtin notes the Geiko Insurance campaigns. The mechanisms for carrying the message may appear to be all over the map--the cute Gecko to, helpless cavemen, to eye balls sitting on stacks of money—but all of these tactics reinforce a consistent message of “a quick and easy way to save 15% or more on car insurance.” The messages “hang together” and so the brand promise works.
  5. Be a Two-Way Brand. An easy way to increase brand alignment is to be sure you’re listening authentically to your customers and employees at all times. Internally, make it easy and rewarding for your employees to let you know what they think. Outwardly, social media engagement makes it easier than ever before to engage with your customers. They’ll be the first to let you know when your product or support isn’t matching up with the promise you’ve made.

It may seem funny or even contrived to put focus on the way your employees represent and enmesh with your company brand. But if you’re struggling with a company that seems “stuck” in the connection from vision to employee to customer, brand alignment is one of the most important places to look.