"There was a little man."

Now that I’ve got some distance on Jane - I just wanted to say (and I’m not sure I’m whether this comes off as weird) but this past year it has been lovely to read your thoughts on the episodes, and our work, and your theories, and letters in the tag. I have loved all the pictures of your mugs, and socks, all your exclamations. It’s been fascinating to read your criticisms and compliments alike. You may all have found friends in Jane, but I have found many lovely friends in you. 

  1. bebe-phoque reblogged this from boobiesmcfeels
  2. blackcoffeeandteardrops said: And thank YOU for everything that you have done as well. For bringing a character we love & appreciate so much to life in a truly wonderful way.
  3. matterofawesome said: Agree with Kathryn abt your tag. You’re giving off some pretty intense Tarantino vibes with your feet fetish, lady! Also, <3333
  4. inkingideas reblogged this from boobiesmcfeels
  5. becspresso said: Auto-complete still takes me to the AOJE tag when I start typing in the tumblr url. :D
  6. boobiesmcfeels posted this