
please get this straight

movie: solaris, la dolce vita, persona, tokyo story, taxi driver, etc.
FILM: the adventures of sharkboy and lavagirl 3-D, legally blonde, shrek, scooby-doo 2: monsters unleashed, the school of rock, etc.

Giveaways that someone is American, as told by non-Americans.


Americans tag yourself: I’m friendly to the point that your suspicious of my intent mixed with calling you sweetie, darling, honey, etc.

Wearing sneakers with everything

Incredibly loud but incredibly friendly

I'm the aunt's awesome kidney stones


We recently learned that a third party had obtained access to a set of Tumblr user email addresses with salted and hashed passwords from early 2013, prior to the acquisition of Tumblr by Yahoo. As soon as we became aware of this, our security team thoroughly investigated the matter. Our analysis gives us no reason to believe that this information was used to access Tumblr accounts. As a precaution, however, we will be requiring affected Tumblr users to set a new password.

For additional information on keeping your accounts secure, please visit our Account Security page.


If you’re wondering why you were forcibly logged out of Tumblr with no warning and required to reset your password today, see above.

You know what would have been better than kicking me out and forcing a password change with no explanation, making your homepage look like a phishing site, Tumblr? SENDING OUT AN EMAIL OR SOMETHING.

Wow I’m glad that didn’t happen to me that’s shady as shit looking???



I’ve already been forced to reset my password just now, but I’ve also seen several people on my dash who have basically lost their blogs because they had those blogs tied to defunct e-mail addresses they no longer had access to - and tumblr is giving no option for resetting your password without access to the e-mail they send you

If you haven’t been hit with the password reset yet - and it seems to be rolling out in waves - this would be a really good time to be sure your e-mail preferences are up-to-date in your tumblr account. If you can’t access the reset e-mail when they send it to you, you’re locked out. 

Hopefully they’ll fix this or come up with a work-around, but in the meantime, be prepared.


As someone who had to change my password because of this, when I didn’t want to at all, let me explain some reasons why this is totally fucked up, aside from the reasons already mentioned above (which are fucked up in their own right):

  • I love how Tumblr is just now taking a ‘precaution’. Were they not taking them before? Also what is the point of changing passwords if the ‘third party’ could do it again and just re-acquire the emails with the new passwords? If they can, there’s really no point– or is it just the particular password and how it was encrypted in early 2013? Because if not, then theoretically this third party could find ways to acquire any email + password from any timeline. The fact that they can acquire anything at all from Tumblr already makes me question their lack in security and protecting their users’ privacy.
  • As someone who has a shit ton of passwords on a shit ton of sites, more and more of which who are requiring these passwords to be more and more difficult to know– not only for potential hackers but also FOR MYSELF –this is just annoying. Not to mention the responsibility of protecting passwords and other private account-related content is much more the responsibility of the site staff, not the user (excluding situations where the password is incredibly easy to guess, i.e. a password like ‘12345′ or ‘password’, or when someone stupidly gives out their account information to others).
  • My main problem is less with the password changing and just the fact a third party was ABLE to access this. And Tumblr’s response to it. They’re just like: ?? LOL OOPS ITS JUST SOME SHIT FROM 2013, HERE JUST CHANGE UR PASSWORDS AND EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY No responsibility whatsoever. No explanation that THEY’VE changed or done anything to prevent this from happening again– or why it even happened in the first place.
  • No matter how old, outdated or differently encrypted personal site / security information is, the owners of the site have a responsibility to protect it, and when they fail, it’s a big deal on ANY scale. Because this could have been a lot worse.

@staff you really need to fix this. This is absurd.

@staff!!!! FIX THIS THIS IS CRAZY!! So many people got screwed with this, find a way to fix it holy shit it's like your one job


My darling, my sweetheart, I am in your sway. To cold climes comes springtime So let me hear you say: "My love, I am gonna stand my ground. They'll rise to me, I'll blow them down."


(I insisted on posing with this taxi just in case it happens to be THE taxi from Book Twelve. Ahem).

Anyway,  I was lucky enough to hang around the ASOUE set today and see it being filmed. Here’s some details I was able to pick up: 

They were filming a scene where Olaf, the Hook-Handed Man, the Character of Indeterminate Gender, the Bald Man and the two white-faced ladies get into a car and drive away from Mulctuary Management, presumably cackling. Can’t remember which book that was, but Olaf’s Troupe are all so distinctive, it was awesome to see.

It’s diverse. It’s really diverse. I wouldn’t worry. 

There’s a definite fifties mobster vibe in the design of the show. Plus a few things that reminded us of Pushing Daisies.

Basically LOTS of POC in fabulous suits and fifties dresses, plus fancy cars is most of what we saw.

They were filming inside of Mulctuary Management as well, so maybe that’s where the kids were? I’m not sure

The two white-faced old ladies were super cute.

Olaf- just holy hell guys. I’m sure you’ve seen the photos by now, but you’d never know it was NPH, or even that it was an actor playing him. It was just Olaf, right out of the illustrations (that silhouette though!) and it was actually kind of chilling to see in real life.

He’s definitely gross and creepy, they’re not toning those apsects down.

It was really cool that they went to all the trouble of making those newspapers and putting them up where people could see them. I was kind of touched actually.

Devoted fans of these books are thin on the ground, so I felt kind of like a spy explaining things to everyone.

They seem super-chill with photography, which is unusual for Vancouver, so they’ll be more to come from me!



John Lydon, media manipulator since the mid-’70s, photographed in London by David Corio in 1983.

“This is John Lydon at a photo call to publicize a Public Image Ltd tour and the release of ‘This Is Not A Love Song’. The Fleet Street paparazzi were out in force, jostling each other in front of John and trying to get his attention with shouts of “Oi, Johnny!” or “Johnny Rotten, this way mate.”
As usual, John was not responding. He appeared to despise the press.
I thought a shot of him with the press photographers as a backdrop would be interesting so I moved behind him. I wondered how his mum might call him when he was a child. In a flash of inspiration I piped up in a high-pitched voice: “Oh Jonathan!” and he looked round immediately. I snatched this shot. “
David Corio, photographer.


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