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38 Questions All Women Have

Because ladies never dick around.

1. Should I wax my vagina?

2. Am I supposed to shave my butt hair?

3. Why is there hair growing on my boobs?

4. Why am I being so emotional?

5. Are my boobs normal-looking?

6. Why is my period stopping and starting?

7. Could I be pregnant?

8. Are these god-awful cramps normal? Should I see a gynecologist about this?


10. How long can I go without shaving my legs before anyone notices?

11. Is my vagina "normal?"

12. Does my vagina feel loose?

13. Do Kegels really work?

14. Am I doing them correctly?


16. Can people tell that one of my boobs is bigger than the other one?

17. Should I be plucking my nose hairs?

18. Can people see my stray eyebrow hairs?

19. Why am I breaking out right now? NOT EVEN STRESSED.

20. Am I the only one with upper lip hair?

21. Should I shave my upper lip?

22. Will anyone notice if I don't wear makeup today?

23. Why did I even start wearing makeup?

24. Can you get a tampon stuck inside of you?

25. Do pieces of your tampon come off INSIDE OF YOU and float around forever?!

26. What is a yeast infection?

27. Does that mean I have actual yeast in my vagina? Like bread?

28. Should I wash my hair today?

29. Do other women fart as much as I do?

30. Do all women queef?

31. Does my vagina smell weird?

32. Has my tampon been in too long?

33. If I cough while on my period, will more blood come out?

34. Should I be losing this much blood?

35. Why can men readjust/scratch themselves but I can't readjust my boobs and scratch my damn vagina?

36. Do people really bleach their assholes?

37. Why is only one of my nipples hard?

38. Am I the only one thinking all this shit?