Fragrance is a critical part of dating: many people believe that fragrance can boost a person's attractiveness.[1] But even too much or a misuse of a good thing can be disastrous. By determining the correct placement, quantity, and application, as well as picking a good scent, you can easily enhance your dating experience in a positive way.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Selecting the Right Places

  1. Your own skin is probably the first place you would think to put perfume, but not every area is equally good for application. You will want to pick areas that are warmer, like pulse points, which help to produce the scent more strongly, as well as areas where the perfume can naturally pool as it settles.[2] Good areas include:
    • Behind the ears.
    • Your wrists.
    • Inside elbows and behind the knees.
    • The belly button.
    • Your decolletage and collarbone.
    • You can also try using more unusual areas, like down your back, the backs of your hands, your calves, and even your ankles.[3]
  2. Are you hoping to get close and comfortable on your date, maybe even take it to the next level? Getting a mouthful of alcohol may put the brakes on your momentum; you want your date to smell, not taste, your perfume. Consider the areas where your date might put their mouth, such as your neck, cheek, or the back of your hand, and avoid placing perfume directly in those areas.
    • Choose areas adjacent to where they may be putting their face, such as the ears or hair (more on that soon).
  3. As anyone who has smelled dirty laundry can attest, scent particles cling onto fibers. As mentioned before, heat helps to activate the scent of a perfume; your natural body heat will warm your clothing, making it even more ideal for spray to settle. Use this to your advantage by spraying perfume onto your clothing.
    • Spraying around the collar area of a shirt or dress or the back of your top is a strategic place as this portion of your clothing may be close to their nose should they hug or kiss you.
    • This method of application is especially helpful for people hoping to get intimate on their date as you can still smell nice without risking your partner tasting something unsavory.
  4. Applying perfume to your hair is not universally recommended due to the drying qualities of alcohol, but careful application should not cause much damage.[4] This area is a good choice for the same reasons your clothing is: perfume particles will settle onto hair fibers and stay there. Additionally, your scalp tends to be quite warm, heating the roots of your hair, so the scent will be stronger here.
    • Spray it directly above your head to let the particles settle naturally on your hair.
    • Apply the perfume by spraying it first on your brush before running it through your hair for a less damaging application.
    • Some fragrances are designed especially for hair; use these if you are very concerned about potentially damaging your hair.
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Determining the Right Amount & Correctly Applying on Skin

  1. You want your perfume to be clinging to you, not oil and dirt that you have picked up throughout the day, which may distort the scent.[5] Scent also lasts longer on skin that has been properly moisturized, and perfumes themselves tend to be drying due to alcohol content. For these reasons you should always be sure to bathe or shower and then properly moisturize your skin before applying it to your body.
    • Rub an occlusive ointment, such as Vaseline, onto the spots you intend to spray after you moisturize in order to help the fragrance last longer.[6]
    • One spritz in each area should be enough, especially if you are spraying multiple areas. You don't want to overwhelm people with your smell.
    • Make sure that you're using an unscented body lotion or one that matches your perfume. Mixing scents can create an unpleasant, overpowering effect.
  2. Although some people recommend spraying a cloud of perfume in front of you to walk into, this method results in wasted product and allows it to settle all over you including in unwanted areas.[7] Instead, choose the areas you want to target specifically and give a direct, spritzing spray.
    • Use restraint, especially with perfumes you have grown accustomed to over time. Your application may be stronger than you realize.
    • Make sure that you spritz with the perfume bottle 20-30 centimeters away. If you spritz too close, the perfume will pool and the scent won't apply in a natural way, distorting the scent.
  3. You will grow acclimated to scents both in the long-term and short term, so don't think that just because you can't smell your perfume you need to reapply. Smells that are too strong to others can be unappealing and even cause nausea and headaches. Pay attention to the exact kind of perfume you are wearing in order to know when you will need to reapply.
    • Eau de toilettes last from 4-6 hours.
    • Eau de parfum last from 6-8 hours and the scent will change organically over time.
    • Parfum lasts all day; you will not need to reapply.
    • Eau de cologne is particularly lightweight, so you can more generously apply this.
  4. Although rollerball applicators are very handy, there is a downside to using them. With every application to your skin, the perfume becomes increasingly contaminated by your skin's oils.[8] This will cause the fragrance to degrade over time.
    • The same thing happens to tiny vials of perfume meant for dabbing, so beware.
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Picking the Right Scent

  1. Try lots of different scents, and be sure to actually try them on your body. Your natural oils will mix with each fragrance to produce a unique scent. In order to tell whether or not you will actually like the way something smells, you'll need to try it on yourself first.
    • Wait until after the perfume has dried before sniffing in order to tell what the scent will be like.
    • Use a makeup wipe to get rid of any unwanted scents.
  2. The most important opinion to consider in selecting a perfume is your own. Perfume is meant to make you feel attractive and confident, and if you don't like what you're wearing then you will probably feel self conscious. Consider owning multiple perfumes to suit your different moods and to give yourself the opportunity to change things up.[9]
  3. Part of the point of wearing perfume on a date is to seem attractive to the other party. Although you might not know what scents he or she likes, you can always ask. In a more established relationship you should have an idea of their preferences. If you know that they hate the smell of oranges and lemon scented soaps, avoid citrusy smells.
    • Be careful to pay attention to whether or not your date has any kind of perfume or scent allergies. If you are less familiar with them, ask. If your date has an allergy to perfume, be considerate of them and do not wear any.
  4. Although every perfume has top, middle, and base notes that determine what the scent smells like, top notes are very short lived and middle notes are meant to harmonize. Base notes are what you want to pay attention to in a perfume as these are the smells that will stay with you the longest. Choose perfumes with heavier base notes in order to know you will have a perfume that will last throughout your date.
    • Musk, oriental, and wood-based scents like sandalwood and patchouli will remain the longest.
    • Citrus notes are the lightest and usually evaporate the fastest.[10]

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Updated: June 29, 2021
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  • Anonymous


    Dec 15, 2016

    "Loved it, now I know how to smell good on a date and it is my first date ever"

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