Nothing can be more frustrating than back pain. It can make it difficult to move, get up out of bed, or fall asleep at night. In most cases, back pain will dissipate on its own after a few weeks of home care. if you’re dealing with chronic back pain, you may need to make larger lifestyle choices to minimize the pain and get your body fit and flexible enough to relieve the pressure on your back. Since back pain has a wide variety of causes, it’s best to see your doctor first before pursuing a treatment or natural remedy.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Dealing with the Pain

  1. As soon as you experience back pain, grab a cold compress or fill a bag with ice. Lie down on your back and slide the cold object behind you to relax your back muscles and get rid of the pain. Cold is the most efficient natural remedy for relieving pain quickly, but you don’t want to overdo it. Leave the cold object on for 20 minutes before taking a 15-20 minute break. You can continue doing this if it helps.[1]

    Tip: When your back is in pain, the muscles contract and become slightly inflamed—even if they don’t feel swollen. Using a cold compress constricts the blood vessels and reduces this inflammation. It was also numb the pain and make it easier for your muscles to relax.

  2. Lay off of heat for the first 2 days of sudden back pain, since the heat may make it harder for the inflammation to go down. After 2 days of persistent back pain pass, feel free to use ice or a heating pad based on what feels best for you.[2] Many people prefer a warming sensation to a cooling one, so opt for 20-minute sessions of heat or cold based on what feels best to you.[3]
    • Do not leave the heating pad on your back for more than 20 minutes and take 15-20 minute breaks in between to avoid damaging your skin.
    • Heat isn’t great at first, but after 2 days of relaxing your muscles will have relaxed as much as they’re going to for the time being. Heat will be perfectly fine after this 2-day period is over.
  3. If you’re in pain when you walk or stand, lie down. If it hurts to lie down, sit up. Find a position that feels right to you and stay there to take a break. Ask a friend or family member to bring you a book or turn the TV on. Giving your back a rest is a great way to let the ice do the work and cut down on the pain.[4]
    • Ideally, find a position where your back is straight. This may not be ideal for you if you pinched a nerve, but lying or sitting down is the best option for muscle or spinal pain.
    • Even taking 1-2 hours off to give your back time to relax can be beneficial.
  4. Pick up some lidocaine patches or capsaicin ointment. Apply the adhesive patch directly to your back or rub a quarter-sized dollop of the ointment on to the skin. These products will create a cooling effect on your skin and the muscles underneath will be slightly numbed, which will help your back relax and suppress some of the pain.[5]
    • NSAIDs like ibuprofen and naproxen are the best over-the-counter medications for back pain, but they aren’t natural. The ingredients in lidocaine and capsaicin aren’t entirely natural, but you’re only putting it on your skin, so you aren’t ingesting anything.
    • Do not use lidocaine or capsaicin if your back is still cold from the ice pack or hot from a heating pad. It’s hard to figure out if the lidocaine or capsaicin ointment is working if you can’t completely feel your back.
  5. For a more natural option, rub some honey directly on to the muscles. Scoop up 2–3 teaspoons (9.9–14.8 mL) and spread it out by hand over the affected area. Cover the honey in a gauze pad or large cloth. Honey has natural anti-inflammatory properties and it will relax the muscles in your back.[6]
    • Replace the honey and put a new pad or cloth on your skin every 24 hours.
    • If you go with this option, use manuka honey if you can. Manuka is better for inflammation than other forms of honey.
  6. You can enlist a friend or family member to do this or hire a professional to massage you. A gentle massage is a great way to relieve some pain from your back—especially if the pain is muscle related. Get a 15- to 30-minute massage to relax your muscles and reduce your pain.[7]
    • If the massage starts to hurt, just ask the person to stop. A slight pressure is totally fine, but you shouldn’t experience any serious pain.
  7. Acupuncture is the practice of using thin needles to stimulate nerves on your body and relieve pain. While the scientific community has not determined if acupuncture actually relieves back pain or not, there is some evidence that it can help. Find a reputable, well-reviewed alternative health clinic in your area and contact them to show up for an appointment.[8]
    • It is suggested that acupuncture relieves pain by triggering nerves to relieve a hormone that suppresses pain.
    • While acupuncture is not scientifically proven to work, there are relatively few risks associated with the procedure. It’s probably worth trying for you if you’re looking for a natural option![9]
    • Needles in your back may sound kind of scary, but it actually doesn’t hurt.
  8. Arnica is a popular skin cream for back pain, but there’s no scientific evidence that it actually helps back pain.[10] Similarly, acetaminophen is a popular over-the-counter drug for pain, but it won’t really provide relief when it comes to the inflamed muscles or nerves in your back.[11] In addition, any herbal supplement that you consume is unlikely to relieve pain. Willow bark, turmeric, and chili powder may provide a little help, but they’re more likely to trigger an upset stomach than provide a meaningful reprieve from your pain.[12]
    • If you do plan on taking herbal supplements, talk to your doctor first before eating or drinking anything for your back.
    • Arnica is one of the most popular homeopathic answers to pain, but there’s no evidence that it does much of anything.[13]
Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Stretching, Exercising, and Eating Right

  1. Get on your back and bend your knee. Pull the knee up to your chest and hold it in place before switching legs. Then, get on your knees and hands and arch your back up as high as you can without moving your head, legs, or arms. Then, dip your back in the opposite direction as far as you can without moving the rest of your body. Hold each stretch for 15-30 seconds. Talk to your doctor or therapist before exercising to find the best stretches for you.[14]
    • Stretching is also a requirement if you’re preparing for some other physical activity. Stretching the muscles helps relieve tension that might be causing back pain and minimizes your risk of injury.
    • There are dozens of other stretches that alleviate back pain. Talk to your doctor or physical therapist to figure out which stretches are right for you.
  2. Either go on a jog, jump rope, do some jumping jacks, or take your bike out for a spin. Use whatever aerobic exercise you enjoy so long as it doesn’t cause you any pain. You can also break your exercise up into 5-minute sessions if you’re just starting out. Do this every day to strengthen your back muscles and keep your body happy and healthy.[15]
    • Stretch first before doing any aerobic exercise.
    • When your back is in pain, your leg and abdomen muscles often overcompensate for your movement to avoid using your back muscles. Aerobics can help strengthen your abs and legs to help alleviate your pain.
  3. Beyond stretching and aerobics, talk to your doctor about doing crunches, lunges, light weight lifting, and other forms of exercise. Get a physical examination and ask your doctor about what type of exercise will be best for you. Staying physically fit is the best way to keep your back pain at bay but you need medical direction first.[16]
    • Yoga has also been proven to help alleviate back pain over time. It’s also a great way to get some exercise in and stay fit without breaking out any exercise equipment.

    Warning: Staying physically active is the best way to keep back pain from getting worse, but exercise can exacerbate certain types of back pain. Do not get back into lifting weights or going on long runs before consulting your doctor. They may have a better exercise in mind for you.

  4. Green vegetables, tomatoes, olive oil, and fruits are also known for their inflammation-fighting properties. All of these foods help your muscles repair themselves naturally which will reduce the pain in your back. Switching to a low-inflammatory diet won’t help right away, but if you’re consistent with your diet will certainly help after a week or so.[17]
    • Red meat, white bread, fried food, and soda can trigger inflammation. Stay away from these foods—especially if you’re dealing with active back pain.
    • If you eat a low-inflammatory diet, your back muscles are more likely to relax over time which can cut back on your pain. This will also make it less likely that you experience back pain in the future.
Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Using Good Posture and Protecting Your Back

  1. When you sit, keep your spine straight under your neck with your feet flat on the floor. Avoid slouching and keep your eyes facing forward. When standing up, keep your spine straight with your back directly under your legs. Avoid slumping forward or leaning against the wall to keep your spine in a neutral position.[18]
    • Counterintuitively, hard-backed chairs are actually better for back pain than soft sofas or cushioned chairs. It’s easier for your spine to become misaligned if the back of the chair isn’t holding it in place.
  2. When you go to bed, you can lie on your side or back, but avoid sitting up in bed or lying face-down. For your side, slide a pillow between your knees and bend then at 35- to 45-degree angle. If you’re lying on your back, slide a pillow directly under knees to alleviate the pressure on your back.[19]
    • When it comes to your mattress, a firm mattress with a soft top is ideal.
  3. If it weighs more than 25 pounds (11 kg) and you have back pain, just skip it or enlist someone else to help you carry it. Otherwise, bend with your knees to lower yourself down and avoid bending your back forward to lift something up. Use your knees to bring yourself back up and keep your spine as straight as possible.[20]
    • Lifting belts are not really proven to prevent back injuries, so don’t rely on a one to protect yourself. They may be able to alleviate some lifting pain, though.[21]
    • Keep the object that you’re lifting centered in your chest. If you hold it at your side, you may increase the risk of a back injury.
    • When you lift with your knees, you are not using your back as a lever. Instead, you're using it as a crane and your legs doing most of the work.
Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

When to Seek Medical Care

  1. In most cases, your back pain will go away with home treatment and self-care. However, this isn’t always the case, and you may need additional treatment. Talk to your doctor to find out what type of treatment you need. Back pain typically causes the following symptoms:[22]
    • Muscle aches.
    • Dull, shooting, or stabbing pain.
    • Back pain that gets worse when you bend, lift, stand, or walk.
    • Back pain that feels better when you lie down.
  2. Try not to worry, but these symptoms may be a sign of a more serious condition. Your doctor can figure out what’s causing your symptoms and can recommend the best treatments for you. See your doctor immediately to get the treatment you need.[23]
    • Tell your doctor how long you’ve been experiencing these symptoms.

    Tip: If you feel pins and needles in your leg or back when you get up or sit down, you’re probably suffering from sciatica. This is a common form of back pain, but you must consult a doctor to deal with these symptoms.

  3. While you likely don’t need to worry, back pain can sometimes be a sign of a more serious condition. If this is the case, you may need additional treatment. Visit your doctor or go to an emergency room if you have the following symptoms:[24]
    • Bowel or bladder problems—especially if you can’t control urination.
    • Fever.
    • Back injury from a fall or accident.
  4. If you have a history of drug or alcohol abuse, are older than 50, or have a bone or joint disorder, the back pain is more likely to get out of control if you don’t get a thorough exam. Additionally, if you have a family history of cancer, back pain may be an early sign of spinal, colon, or ovarian cancer. You’re probably fine, but it’s a good idea to get screened just to be safe.[25]
    • It’s rare for back pain to be a sign of cancer, but it’s worth checking out if the back pain came out of nowhere and wasn’t triggered by physical activity.
  5. Your doctor will review your symptoms and do a physical exam. Then, they may order some simple diagnostic tests. Most of these tests will be non-invasive and painless, but you may experience some discomfort. After the tests, talk to your doctor about your diagnosis.[26]
    • For instance, your doctor will probably do an imaging test. You may need to complete an X-ray, MRI, CT scan, or ultrasound.
    • In some cases, your doctor may inject you with a contrast dye so they can look for back problems, like a herniated disc, fracture, or spondylolisthesis.
  6. Your doctor can tell you about all of your treatment options. For minor back pain, exercise and over-the-counter pain relievers may be enough to help your back pain. However, they may prescribe additional medication or recommend physical therapy. For severe cases, your doctor may recommend you get surgery, but only as a last resort.[27]
    • Try not to worry because you have a lot of treatment options. Your doctor can help you figure out what’s best for you.

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  • Don’t rely solely on a back-belt to protect your back when lifting heavy objects, as there is little scientific evidence to show that back belts actually prevent injury.[28]

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About this article

Robert Borer, DC
Medically reviewed by:
Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine
This article was medically reviewed by Robert Borer, DC and by wikiHow staff writer, Eric McClure. Dr. Borer is a Chiropractor in Michigan, where he operates a family-owned chiropractic business with his wife, Dr. Sherri Borer. He received his Doctorate of Chiropractic Medicine from Palmer College in Iowa in 1999. His practice was a winner of the 2015 Patients' Choice Awards in Saline, Michigan. This article has been viewed 278,901 times.
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Updated: May 25, 2021
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    Kaushal T.

    Jun 6, 2016

    "Loved the concise and to-the-point text involving a full spectrum, from daily stretch to unavoidable surgery."

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