
Rainbow Six : Siege E3 2014: Assault Gameplay

Three full round of gameplay from Team Rainbow's objective: rescue the hostage. Check out the Assault team's mission gameplay from E3 2014!

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madara0sama3602d ago

This looks awesome. Can't wait for a new Rainbow Six game.

qzp3602d ago

It looks alright lets not go overboard.

Moe-Gunz3602d ago

So a game that looks awesome to him, he can't say because that's going overboard?

Dagexon3601d ago

The matches seem to be a little too short to be very enjoyable. I just hope that there are some game modes which are longer and have some respawns at least.


Rainbow Six Siege Year 9 Update Is The Shot In The Arm This Game Needed

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Rainbow Six Siege Containment Trailer

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ROCKY2830d ago

UBI is SOFT - Crap company & game - no shadows on characters 😂

Garethvk25d ago (Edited 25d ago )

People have not liked some of the recent offerings but they can still make some good stuff but they need to focus a bit on what fans want to see.


Ubisoft silently reveal Rainbow Six Siege is joining XDefiant Season 1

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