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International Journal of Services, Economics and Management

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International Journal of Services, Economics and Management (60 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Antecedents of job satisfaction and organisational commitment PLS-SEM approach
    by Mai Ngoc Khuong, Tran Phuong Mai, Nguyen Thi Minh Phuong 
    Abstract: This study was conducted in order to identify the relationship between human resource management practices, employee job satisfaction and organisational commitment in hospitality industry in Vietnam. Quantitative approach was mainly applied with exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, PLS-SEM using SmartPLS software (version 3.0). The questionnaires were distributed to employees from the lowest level to high-ranked management level. The findings showed that employee organisational commitment was indirectly affected by compensation, career development, leader-follower relationship, working environment and organisational support through the mediation of job satisfaction. In addition, organisation commitment also experienced the direct effect from compensation, career development and leader-follower relationship. Consequently, the result could be recommendations and suggestions for organisation leaders to develop appropriate strategies in order to increase job satisfaction and organisational commitment.
    Keywords: job satisfaction; organisational commitment; compensation; career development; leader-member exchange; working environment; hospitality sector.

  • Identifying facilitators and barriers toward the implementation of public private partnership at municipal level: a case study of Yogyakarta   Order a copy of this article
    by Romi Bhakti Hartarto, Wahyu Adi Mudiparwanto, Dyah Titis Kusuma Wardani, Wahyu Tri Wibowo 
    Abstract: As a developing country in Southeast Asia, public private partnership (PPP) was used to procure infrastructure projects in Indonesia. However, PPP remains not optimally used to promote regional development. As a small municipality situated on Java Island, the development of an urban area of Yogyakarta has been quite rapid. Thus, it becomes the responsibility of the local government to provide services that satisfy the needs of its growing citizens. This study explores the facilitators and barriers of using PPP for Yogyakarta City as a case study for infrastructure development financing alternatives at a sub-national level. To address this research objective, this study uses a qualitative approach through a literature review and expert interviews. This study has revealed a potential project that requires a PPP scheme in Yogyakarta City. However, there are some barriers found in this study, including the unequal understanding of PPP, lengthy periods in the PPP process, conflict of interest, and land acquisition.
    Keywords: public private partnership; PPP; development; urban; infrastructure; municipal.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10055613
  • Technological innovation in cultural tourism: a systematic literature review   Order a copy of this article
    by Vincenzo Fasone, Mariano Puglisi 
    Abstract: Culture and tourism are intrinsically connected but it is only in the last few decades that the link between them obtained relevance as a specific tourism industry niche, i.e., cultural tourism. Recently, also this sector has experimented deepen technological changes and a growing digitalisation. This study, through a systematic literature review, with a narrative and chronological approach (Elseviers Scopus database was used), investigates the relationship between cultural tourism and technological innovation, with an aim to map out what is known about it and what needs to be explored further. The review findings suggest that a majority of existing studies addresses three different thematic and streams of analysis. According to this, a possible theoretical framework is provided. A particular need for research on the experiences of visitors who experiment with the use of technological innovations emerge. Further, the development of new technologies also creates the need to analyse the relationships with the various stakeholders and the innovation eco-systems.
    Keywords: culture; tourism; innovation; technology; review.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10055699
  • Exploring the relationship between managerial overconfidence and investment efficiency in the US hospitality industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Yasmine Souissi, Anis Jarboui 
    Abstract: This paper aims to investigate the influences of the different levels of managerial overconfidence on the investment efficiency (overinvestment and underinvestment) in the context of the hospitality industry. Employing 598 firm-year observations obtained from annual reports and supplementary databases, we use the generalised method of moments (GMM) regression method to estimate the relationship between managerial overconfidence and investment efficiency. This study demonstrates empirically that an over-invested firm with a CEO that has a low level of managerial overconfidence is not found to effectively improve the firms investment efficiency by reducing the level of over investment in the US hospitality industry.
    Keywords: investment efficiency; under-investment; over-investment and managerial overconfidence; hospitality industry.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10055939
  • Applying lean practices in vehicle maintenance services at Massy Motors in Trinidad and Tobago   Order a copy of this article
    by Kuldeep Ojha, Keeon Rodney 
    Abstract: Massy Motors Limited is a major local car dealership at Trinidad and Tobago. The aim of this research work is to evaluate maintenance services at Massy Motors Limited by identifying the waste/non-value adding activities which may be present and recommend lean practices to help the organisation optimise its performance. Critical analysis of functioning was done to develop current state value stream map (CSVSM) for maintenance services in company. Waste present were identified in maintenance process and lean strategies were recommended to alleviate them. Future state value stream map (FSVSM) was created to show the impact of recommendations. FSVSM showed a reduction of lead time 26.05 hours. Value-added time in the maintenance value streams went from 6% in the CSVSM to 12% in the FSVSM which is also doubled the current value-added time. Validation for the recommendations was done by having the stakeholders of Massy Motors asses the suggestions. Stakeholders confirmed the feasibility and impact of the findings of research work.
    Keywords: lean practices; waste; value-adding activities; process improvement; maintenance; value stream; current state value stream map; CSVSM; future state value stream map; FSVSM; Trinidad and Tobago.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10056450
  • Innovation and production management: lessons from Algerian consumers   Order a copy of this article
    by Abdelmadjid Hartani, Samir B. Maliki, Mourad Kertous, Inaya Wahidi 
    Abstract: This article aims to study the influence of production management on innovation results based on knowledge management in Algerian companies. The relationship between different aspects of innovation concepts, production management, and knowledge management in the Algerian market is examined. However, defining a holistic production model is challenging due to extreme changes in the market, particularly with the COVID-19 crisis, making predicting future circumstances and risks impossible. The sample consists of people aged between 20 and over 60 years old from various sectors, including government, private, daily wage, and self-employment. The sample includes both genders, males, and females. One hundred and ninety-one questionnaires were designed and distributed with about 50 items each. The results show that marketing and the COVID-19 crisis have a positive impact on production, whereas knowledge and communication have no impact. Additionally, production has a positive impact on innovation. Therefore, Algerian enterprises must double their efforts to survive in this complex environment. They must develop more innovation and knowledge management systems to enhance production management and improve their relationship with customers.
    Keywords: innovation; knowledge management; production management; COVID-19; Algerian consumer.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10056495
  • Management and prediction of navigation of industrial robots based on neural network   Order a copy of this article
    by Edeh Michael Onyema, Surjeet Dalal, Celestine Iwendi, Bijeta Seth, Nwogbe Odinakachi, Anyalor Maureen Chichi 
    Abstract: In the past, a robotic arm needed to be taught to carry out certain tasks, such as selecting a single object type from a fixed location and orientation. Neural networks have autonomous abilities that are being deployed to aid the development of robots and also improve their navigation accuracy. Maximising the potentials of neural network as shown in this study enhances the positioning and movement targets of industrial robots. The study adopted an architecture called extremely boosted neural network (XBNet) trained using a unique optimisation approach (boosted gradient descent for tabular data BGDTD) that improves both its interpretability and performance. Based on the analysis of the simulations, the result demonstrates accuracy and precision. The study would contribute significantly to the advancement of robotics and its efficiency.
    Keywords: industrial robots; control movement; machine learning; neural network; extremely boosted neural network; XBNet.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10057053
  • Workplace effect on intergenerational occupational transition of labourer: evidence from tea plantations of Assam, India   Order a copy of this article
    by Yograj Sharma, Pradyut Guha 
    Abstract: Present study aims at understanding if intergenerational occupational transition of tea labourer has any association with the workplace using primary data collected from 612 labour households in major tea growing regions of Assam. Empirical analysis suggests that the occupational transition of adult children was low among the tea labourers engaged in proprietorship (PROP) plantation relative to public limited company (PLC). Limited upward occupational transition is visible in both ownership structures of plantations. There is significant role of gender, education, skill, family size, fathers occupation, income, dependency ratio, ownership structures of plantation, and geographical location in shaping occupational mobility of tea labourer. Disproportion of benefit in kind, welfare provision across different ownership structure of tea plantations is visible in the study area. Hence, there is a need for ensuring uniformity in statutory benefits and minimum wages among tea labourers through proper coordination between union and state government with the tea board.
    Keywords: public limited company; proprietorship firm; transitional matrices; mobility; ownership structures; lower-tier work; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10057131
  • A novel approach using hybrid deep features for citrus disease detection and classification based on NCA and Bayesian optimised random forest classifier   Order a copy of this article
    by Shailesh Gondal, Shweta Agrawal 
    Abstract: In this paper, deep features are retrieved from the citrus disease image gallery dataset using the AlexNet convolutional neural network. After data augmentation, the image dataset is sent for data pre-processing, where colour moments, GLCM, and Gabor wavelets are used to extract the colour feature and texture. Hybrid features are created by combining colour, texture, and deep characteristics. For feature selection, neighbourhood component analysis (NCA) is employed. The models classification capabilities were also evaluated with those of the random forest classifier architecture for citrus disease detection in case 1 images and the Bayesian optimised random forest classifier architecture for citrus fruit disease detection in case 2 images. On a benchmark dataset including images of four distinct illnesses and healthy citrus fruit classes, the model performances were discovered. The dataset was identified using the disease image dataset with a maximum accuracy rate of 95.07%.
    Keywords: AlexNet; Bayesian optimisation; fruit disease image; FDI; neighbourhood component analysis; NCA; random forest; RF; convolutional neural network; CNN; grey level co-occurrence matrix; GLCM; Gabor wavelet; K-nearest neighbours; KNN; etc.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10057336
  • The mediating role of self-control in the relationship of mindfulness with organisational stress due to increased workload   Order a copy of this article
    by Candide Uludağ, Mehmet Emin Baynazoğlu, Boban Melović, Branislav Dudić 
    Abstract: In recent years, studies on mindfulness have been on the increase and it has been observed that studies on education and consumer behaviour are in majority. However, studies examining the effects of mindfulness on organisational stress (OS) due to employee workload are fairly limited. In this context, the current study aims to examine the effect of mindfulness on employees increased OS due to workload and to determine the possible mediating role of self-control (SC). The hypothetical relationships between the research model developed to achieve the stated objectives and the constructs that make up the model were studied. The collected data were analysed using structural equation modelling (SEM). It has been determined that mindfulness has a positive and statistically significant effect on SC, that OS decreases with the increase in employees mindfulness levels, and SC, which mediates this effect, contributes positively to this effect.
    Keywords: job strain; mindfulness; self-control; SC; organisational stress; OS; mediator role.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10057440
  • Change in consumption pattern and accommodation activity types: the evidence of seizing recovery opportunities and mitigating risk from European countries in crisis time   Order a copy of this article
    by Mykola Rohoza, Valentyna Stolyarchuk, Valentyna Ishchenko 
    Abstract: The current crisis is not a period to wait for recovery opportunities, it is a period of active and radical change in hospitality. This paper helps to gain a deeper understanding of the resumption possibility of the accommodation business and show that it will be specific for each national accommodation industry. The regional differences in development are identified which are caused by the implementation of the different strategies. It is important to consider not only the number of bed-places at accommodation establishments but the accordance capacity of establishments with customers demand by accommodation activity types. The process landscape modelling is applied to show incongruity of distribution by accommodation activity types in Europe.
    Keywords: crisis time; domestic and international tourism; accommodation industry resumption; customer demand; accommodation activity types.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10057605
  • Nexus between macroeconomic factors and remittance inflow in presence of ICT penetration: a panel data analysis of Bangladesh economy   Order a copy of this article
    by Md. Mahbubul Alam, Abir Hassan 
    Abstract: While the whole world was struggling and stumbling during the global pandemic, the economy of Bangladesh miraculously experienced a comparatively lower stagnation than its contemporaries, owing to a larger remittance inflow intertwined with the surge of ICT services. This study attempts to find the answer to this overwhelming performance considering the macroeconomic factors in host countries that are top in remittance outflow towards Bangladesh. The findings indicate significant positive effects of ICT, as well as macroeconomic factors like government expenditure, trade balance, and FDI on the remittance inflow of the recipient country. Despite being unique in perspective, the paper is confined to the usage of secondary data and limited data availability due to institutional constraints for a few countries. The paper concludes by prescribing an ICT-friendly infrastructure for both host countries and the recipient country, along with an emphasis on selected macroeconomic variables.
    Keywords: remittance; ICT; macroeconomic factors; receiving country; host country; panel data; fixed effects; random effects; Bangladesh.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10058035
  • Measuring financial inclusion: a survey-based approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Akinwumi Sharimakin, Anthony Enisan Akinlo 
    Abstract: The study measured the extent of financial inclusion in Southwestern Nigeria in the year 2021. Data on ten indicators of three dimensions (outreach, ease of transaction, cost of transaction) were collected through survey. Usage dimension of index of financial inclusion was separately measured with data on the use of ten financial instruments in the last one year. The results of outreach, ease and cost of transaction averagely showed a fair extent of financial inclusion in Southwestern Nigeria. The frequency and depth of usage of financial instruments revealed that only a few number of household made regular use of financial services. More policy efforts of the government, banks and regulatory authorities are still needed at ensuring that formal financial services are available and affordable to all qualified adults.
    Keywords: financial inclusion; survey; financial instruments; usage dimension; household; index of financial inclusion; IFI.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10058038
  • Digital currency: an awareness of the future of central bank digital currency in India   Order a copy of this article
    by Cyriac Philip Alexander, Tabitha Durai 
    Abstract: Digital currencies are the latest trend around the world, and India will have its form of the same starting 1 April of the next fiscal year. It would simply reflect the popular physical currency in digital form. The digital rupee, as it will be known, would be issued in digital form by the Reserve Bank as well as will be exchangeable with physical currency. Indias push toward digital payment options were altered in 2016 when the demonetisation of money occurred. Although it was a difficult decision for a country where 90% of transactions are made in cash, people quickly adopted digital payment methods in India. The proliferation of smartphones and the availability of user-friendly payment options such as PAYTM and BHIM UPI have aided the adoption of digital payment systems. The objective of the research aims in gaining a better understanding of central bank digital currency (CBDC) among the public. The qualitative research method used books, journals, newspapers, and websites as data sources. The study highlights advancements in digital money transactions, elements of CBDC, a new threshold for CBDC, a distinction between digital currencies and cryptocurrencies, and challenges for CBDC.
    Keywords: digital currency; central bank digital currency; CBDC; awareness; digital payment; digital transaction; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10058223
  • How transformational leadership lessens employee resistance to change during the COVID-19 pandemic: the mediating role of innovative climate   Order a copy of this article
    by Peerayuth Charoensukmongkol 
    Abstract: The main objective of this research is to investigate the effect of transformational leadership of the department heads on resistance to change of employees in the departments by considering the mediating effect of innovative climate in a workplace. The present research focuses on the case of faculties and staffs working in three public universities in the Philippines during the time that the universities were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The respondents of this study comprise 522 faculty members and staff. Online survey was used for data collection. The data were analysed using partial least square structural equation modelling. The results indicate that transformational leadership does not directly affect resistance to change of employees; however, its effect is fully mediated by innovative climate in a workplace. From these findings, this research recommends some human capital management practices that should be implemented to promote occupational wellbeing of employees during organisational change.
    Keywords: transformational leadership; working environment; resistance to change; human capital; sustainable development.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10058369
  • Entrepreneurial initiatives during pandemic in Bangladesh   Order a copy of this article
    by S.S.M. Sadrul Huda, Afsana Akhtar, Md. Humayun Kabir, Mahmud Zubayer, Syeda Raissa Maliha 
    Abstract: This research aims to examine the growth and nature of small business entrepreneurship during the COVID-19 pandemic and identify the learnings for such small businesses from the pandemic. This research has been conducted primarily on secondary research, including the articles in journals from other authors and newspapers containing any information regarding entrepreneurship initiatives during the COVID-19 period and social media sources. However, selected interviews have been conducted to understand the problem better. The research shows five significant reasons behind people opting for entrepreneurial activities in the pandemic and six major types of small business segments food, protective gear, home delivery and online services, social entrepreneurship, online boot camps for learners, and rise in over-the-top (OTT) platforms. So far, there has yet to be such paper on Bangladesh that categorises the entrepreneurial activities of small businesses during the pandemic and discusses it at length. The learnings from this paper will help future entrepreneurs face similar challenges.
    Keywords: entrepreneurship; pandemic; COVID-19; entrepreneurial activity; small business; entrepreneurship opportunity; Bangladesh.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10058733
  • Is the game worth a candle? Users adoption of private cloud computing   Order a copy of this article
    by Kasim Tatić, Mahir Haračić, Merima Činjarević, Merima Haračić 
    Abstract: The present study explores the effect of human-related factors (job opportunity) and system-related factors (perceived risk and perceived usefulness of cloud computing services) on an individuals decision to adopt cloud computing services. Besides, it strives to explore the perceived usefulness of cloud computing services as a mediator in the perceived risk-cloud computing adoption link and the job opportunity-cloud computing services link. Data were collected online from 125 users of cloud computing services and analysed using partial-least square structural equation modelling. The findings reveal that perceived risk directly negatively affects the perceived usefulness of cloud computing services. Job opportunity is positively associated with the perceived usefulness of cloud computing services. We found that the perceived usefulness of cloud computing services mediates the relationship between perceived risk, an individuals decision to adopt cloud computing services, and the link between job opportunities and an individuals decision to adopt cloud computing services. The current study has two theoretical contributions that are worth noting. First, this research offers insight into how perceived risk and job opportunities influence individuals adoption of cloud computing services. Second, the present study contributes to existing knowledge about applying the technology acceptance model in the context of cloud computing services.
    Keywords: cloud computing; technology acceptance model; TAM; perceived risk; job opportunity; perceived usefulness.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10058762
  • Analysis of critical success factors in robust service systems through fuzzy cognitive map   Order a copy of this article
    by Hamid Shabandarzadeh, Hadi Balouei Jamkhaneh, Fatemeh Haghighat, Fatemeh Khajeh 
    Abstract: This study aims to identify and analyse the critical success factors (CSFs) in robust service systems using the fuzzy cognitive mapping (FCM) approach. First, the factors or criteria affecting the robust service systems were identified through the literature review. Then, the cause-and-effect relationships of the factors and the effect of each factor in the robust design of the service systems were determined using the opinions of the panel of experts using the FCM approach. Findings show that 39 factors affect making a robust service system which can be classified into five categories based on the balanced scorecard (BSC) approach: social responsibility and stakeholder satisfaction, learning and growth of individuals, internal processes, finances, and suppliers. The three criteria of strengthening the process design, the competence of individuals and education and learning of individuals have the most significant impact on the robust design of the service system, respectively.
    Keywords: service management; service quality; robust service systems; critical success factors; CSFs; fuzzy cognitive mapping; FCM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10059140
  • Research of the possibilities and results of the implementation of the principles of the green economy using Industry 4.0 technologies on the example of the utility sector   Order a copy of this article
    by Natalia Skorobogatova 
    Abstract: The results of a study of the possibilities of introducing the principles of a green economy based on the application of Industry 4.0 technologies. The trend of deterioration of the quality of the environment for the population is proved. Various information and communication technologies have been studied from the point of view of the possibility of their application in the urban environment to improve the quality of life of people and the environment. The potential advantages of their implementation are revealed, considering the achieved results of their partial use by the advanced countries of the world. The use of the smart city concept for the transition to a green economy model in the public sector is proposed. A balanced assessment model is proposed, which is based on considering the interests of all stakeholders in terms of their economic, social, and environmental results and the innovativeness of the proposed solutions.
    Keywords: information technologies; communication technologies; green economy; Industry 4.0; innovative development; sustainable development; utility sector.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10059191
  • Business ecosystem architecture in the business units of Islamic boarding schools   Order a copy of this article
    by Brian Pratistha, Nyimas Latifah Letty Aziz, Joko Suryanto, Dadang Ramdhan, Megawati Suharsono Putri, Cita Pertiwi, Ahmad Syafiq Kamil, Syandi Negara, Lindri Setyaningrum, Amanah Pasaribu, Adelia Oktarina, Nur Hadiati Endah 
    Abstract: The low score of the Islamic financial inclusion index in Indonesia based on OJK 2019 data, which remains at 9.1%, demonstrates this. This study underlines the necessity of Islamic boarding schools business units serving as a hub and connecting with Islamic financial institutions in order to make Islamic finance more inclusive. Previous studies that explore extensively the role of Islamic boarding schools in increasing the percentage of business capital from assets held or financed by Islamic financial institutions are still limited in this regard. The unit of analysis for this study is determined by simple random sampling, and the data is analysed using an explanatory sequential mixed approach. As research tools, this study employs observations, in-depth interviews, and questionnaires. The questionnaires are being distributed to 435 Islamic residential schools in Indonesia. The conclusions of this study result in an acceptable business ecosystem design for the business units.
    Keywords: Islamic boarding schools’ business unit; inclusion; explanatory sequential mixed method; business ecosystem architecture.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10060112
  • Innovation and performance in the service industry: empirical evidence from South Korea   Order a copy of this article
    by Namhoon Kim, Kyoung Ae Lee, Julie Kim 
    Abstract: The purpose of this study is to empirically investigate the effect of innovation activities on the corporate performance of service firms examining how size influences their performance. We used quantile regression to estimate the correlation between firm innovation activities and performance in the service industry and determined whether firm size matters for innovation using the survey on innovation and structural change of the service industry (SISCS). Among various innovation activities, only organisational innovation was significantly correlated with increased sales for service firms. Moreover, the effect of organisational innovation was larger for smaller service firms, suggesting a negative relationship between corporate size and organisational innovation. Therefore, organisational innovation may be the key factor for small service firms to improve their performance.
    Keywords: service industry; innovation; small sized firms; quantile regressions; firm behaviour.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10060496
  • Mapping talent management excellence: a bibliometric exploration of influential authors, institutions, and clusters   Order a copy of this article
    by Neema Gupta, Bhaskara Srinivas, Sanjay Taneja, Pawan Kumar 
    Abstract: Research studies on talent management have shown momentum progress in the last two decades and need analysis for identifying the major research works conducted and the changes during these years. The study aimed to assess documents published on talent management (TM) by using the bibliometric tool. The study assessed 638 documents published over two decades (2001 to 2021), extracted from the Scopus database. The findings tell that talent management persists in a broad area of study, although the study comes especially from European and North American nations. The little presentation from developing nations (Portugal, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia) shows that more study is required based on TM. The study determined three research clusters: Concept development in the research area of talent management, the role of TM in SHRM, global talent challenges and management. Finally, the future research scopes suggested in this review study will provide a direction to future researchers.
    Keywords: talent management; SHRM; global talent challenges; bibliometric tool; review and conceptual framework.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10060697
  • A decade review of public-private partnership challenges and way to tackling issues   Order a copy of this article
    by Sajida  
    Abstract: This article covers PPP challenges in the last decade. This systematic review examined various barriers to PPP project implementation and proposed solutions. This study analyses a wide range of scholarly research to identify PPPs biggest challenges faced by PPPs. PPP projects face legal and regulatory frameworks, financial, organisational, political and social, and technical challenges, according to the review. Based on these findings, this study suggests solutions. This study emphasises the importance of learning from past experiences and applying them to PPP project challenges. This study provides a comprehensive synthesis of the PPP challenges and solutions. Policymakers, practitioners, and researchers can use the studys findings and recommendations to create more effective and sustainable public-private partnerships (PPPs).
    Keywords: public-private partnership; PPP; challenges; obstacles; systematic review.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10060698
  • Determining the relationship between travellers attitudes, domestic travel preference and travel intention using the Hayes process macro model   Order a copy of this article
    by R. Murali, Sanjeeb Pal, K. Mohamed Jasim 
    Abstract: India is now in a fast-paced environment. The attitude towards travel preferences and the paradigm shifts in the consumption basket, and the improvement in the infrastructure elevated the tourism sector to the next level. The survey was administered to 396 respondents across the nations, who are interested to have domestic travel in principle. Using the theory of planned behaviour proposed by Ajzen (1991), six constructs namely travellers attitude (TA), subjective norms (SN), perceived behaviour control (PBC), domestic travel preferences (DTP), willingness to spend (WTS) and domestic travel intention (DTI). The results of the study show that all the constructs are interrelated with each other. Other than perceived behaviour control, all the other constructs are found to be predictors of travel intention. Subjective norms and perceived behaviour control moderate the travel intention whereas willingness to spend does not moderate. Implications for the further enhancement of the industry are discussed which may be useful for the policymakers of the travel industry.
    Keywords: theory of planned behaviour; TPB; travel intention; travellers’ attitude; domestic travel preference; DTP; perceived behaviour control; PBC; willingness to spend; WTS; domestic travel intention; DTI.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10060700
  • Facial emotion-based students attention in online learning using deep learning   Order a copy of this article
    by Swadha Gupta, Parteek Kumar, Rajkumar Tekchandani 
    Abstract: Despite the growing popularity of online courses, it is still difficult to guarantee students participation. Online students typically struggle to stay motivated and concentrated, in contrast to students in regular classrooms who benefit from direct supervision and motivation. Facial expression recognition is built into the framework so that the emotional state of the learner may be monitored and evaluated in real-time. To detect and evaluate student interest in the present moment, a deep learning-based strategy is proposed, incorporating deep learning models like VGG-19 and ResNet-50 for face expression identification. An attention index (AI) is determined through the analysis and classification of facial expressions, allowing for the forecasting of attentive and inattentive states. Accuracy is very high, with VGG-19 being the most accurate model at 93.11%. These results show the potential of deep learning as a tool for measuring and retaining students interest.
    Keywords: facial emotions; e-learning; engagement detection system; head-movement; deep learning.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10060701
  • Artificial intelligence-based prediction of students attention using EEG signals in online learning   Order a copy of this article
    by Swadha Gupta, Parteek Kumar, Rajkumar Tekchandani 
    Abstract: It is indeed true that the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted traditional teaching methods, and e-learning has become a prominent mode of learning. However, ensuring student engagement and motivation during e-learning sessions is a challenging task for educators. The proposed EEG-based learning framework can potentially provide a solution to this problem. By analysing the EEG data, the framework can evaluate the students learning behaviour and predict whether they are attentive or inattentive. The proposed attention evaluation algorithm are innovative and can potentially provide a better understanding of the students learning behaviour. The SVM algorithms accuracy of 91.68% is impressive and suggests that the proposed approach has a high potential for accurately predicting a students learning state. The findings of this research can potentially provide valuable insights for educators to design effective e-learning environments and monitor students learning behaviour in real-time.
    Keywords: EEG waves; brain-computer interaction; machine learning; attention; neurosky.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10060702
  • A bibliometric analysis of womens economic empowerment literature   Order a copy of this article
    by Navneet Gera, Swati Rohatgi 
    Abstract: Research on the issues of womens economic empowerment has been gaining strength in recent years, and this progress is consistent with the accomplishment of United Nations sustainable development goals by 2030. This study provides an extensive bibliometric literature review of womens economic empowerment as a term and concept using research articles from the Scopus index database. The Scopus database was accessed to extract bibliometric data of 437 articles. Various bibliometric and network analysis tools have been used to achieve the research objectives. VOSviewer software was used to perform science mapping of the data. This article discusses the main authors, journals, and countries along with the citation structure and the advancement in this field. The findings indicate that the publication trend increased from 2010 onwards, but the maximum production of articles was in 2018. The USA, India, and the UK are the most representative nations when it comes to global influence. The most influential journals were identified as PLOS One and Gender and Development. The key contribution of this study is that it highlights the gap in the literature and proposes actionable themes for future research.
    Keywords: bibliometric analysis; bibliographic coupling; women’s economic empowerment; WEE; co-citation; co-occurrence.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10060704
  • Determinants of employment relations in rice mill sector in India: with special reference to Burdwan region in West Bengal   Order a copy of this article
    by Nirmal Chandra Roy, Abhishek Mishra 
    Abstract: The rice mill sector in India is highly labour-intensive marked by informal employment relations trends and practices. Diversified factors determine employment relations in the sector. The present study attempts to identify the factors responsible for employment relations in the sector and the extent to which these factors shape the present scenario of employment relations in the sector. Relying on opinions taken from 320 workers employed in the sector, factor analysis and multiple regression analysis have been ascertained. The factor analysis resulted in the identification of five factors of dimensions of employment relations which include recruitment and retention, performance and reward, employee voice, employee representation and employee welfare. However, factors like representation and employee welfare were found to have a negative impact on shaping the employment relations in the rill mill sector in India.
    Keywords: rice mill sector; labour intensive; employment relations; determinants; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10060736
  • Reducing the environmental impact of cloud data centres achieved through renewable energy sources under power grid energy trading with enhanced VM consolidation techniques   Order a copy of this article
    by R. Karthikeyan, Ulligaddala Srinivasarao, Shanmugasundaram Hariharan, Prakash Kumar Sarangi, Bhawani Sankar Panigrahi 
    Abstract: In this article, we focus on the problems of cost-effective green scheduling for cloud data centres through power trading and power grid transactions. Energy utilised to power the data centres can either be selfgenerated or it can be acquired from a renewable power plant. In order to partially offset the high energy costs of data centres, they can either be directly powered by renewable energy sources or their excess electricity can be deposited in energy storage devices (ESD). This article is focused on the following two problem statements that have been identified: 1) cutting down on the total amount of energy by carefully organising users needs, infrastructure, and the application of different types of energy sources; 2) lowering overall carbon discharges through an effective plan for energy use our tryouts prove that our methodology can significantly cut cloud data centres carbon emissions by 15% compared to the existing methodology.
    Keywords: virtual machine; sustainability; virtual machine manager; power consumption.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10060781
  • Study of internal strategic management analysis on organisation growth toward choosing effective cooperative strategy   Order a copy of this article
    by Ayman Al Armoti, Wided Dafri, Taghreed Hassan 
    Abstract: This research paper studies the impacts of internal strategic management analysis on organisation growth toward choosing effective cooperative strategy. In addition, this research paper seeks to analyse how Apple Company is adopting their strategic management and analyse internal industry by using SWOT analysis and Porters five force analysis tools for the purpose to understand the factors that affect the companys decisions. Also, this research paper illustrates that strategic management has a significant impact on every aspect of the organisation including choosing suitable cooperative strategy toward the growth, and development. Moreover, this paper will focus on Apples strategic formulation and the process of implementing its strategies. Data analysis was used to test the hypothesis, in the end with some recommendations for Apple.
    Keywords: internal analysis; strategic management; development; organisation growth.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10060782
  • Car lubricant brands switching behaviour in Malaysia: the role of customer satisfaction as mediator   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohd Haniff Jedin, Nik Abdul Halim Nik Abdullah, Wan-Nurisma Ayu Wan-Ismail, Narentheren Kaliappen 
    Abstract: This study attempts to study the car lubricants brand switching intention among consumers which has received less attention among researchers, probably because it is considered as exclusive and a much-focused business segment. This paper highlights the mediating role of customer satisfaction on the relationship between price, promotion, brand image and brand trust, and the brand switching behaviour among car lubricant consumers. Data were collected through survey questionnaires which were distributed to a sample of 155 car lubricant consumers from all over Malaysia, including Sabah and Sarawak. The results showed that customer satisfaction does mediate the relationship between price, brand image and brand trust, and brand switching intention. In contrast, no mediation effect of customer satisfaction was observed for the relationship between promotion and brand switching behaviour. The novelty of this study is that it significantly contributes towards the existing literature on brand switching behaviour from the perspective of the less-studied industry, and at the same time provides clues to marketers on the factors that can attract the intention of the consumers to switch to a different car lubricant brand. Finally, this paper discussed the implications, limitations and some suggestions for future research.
    Keywords: customer satisfaction; consumer switching behaviour; brand switching; lubricant brands; price; promotion; brand image; brand trust; mediator effects; passenger car motor oil; PCMO; Malaysia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10060783
  • Festival chatbot for tourism engagement and disaster management communication   Order a copy of this article
    by Sharon Treesa Abraham, V.T. Bindu 
    Abstract: Disaster management in tourism is a complicated and risk-involved process. This study is developed as a practical action plan for disaster communication and preparedness in the tourism industry. Authors have created a festival chatbot Cultural Festive Pick that communicates to the users on 12 festivals from the South Indian States Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Telangana with their mythology, significance, cuisines, location, and duration. Only a few studies aimed to provide the state of knowledge of disaster communication and preparedness. This paper attempts to address the problem, narrow the existing gap, and suggest how technology helps in future tourism challenges. The chatbot is a knowledge database of South Indian festivals and a facilitator for disaster management in a destination. This article provides a unique solution to the tourism industry by highlighting the importance of tourism crisis communication by including a disaster management element in the festival chatbot.
    Keywords: disaster management; tourism; disaster awareness and communication; chatbot; South Indian festivals.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10060936
  • Artificial intelligence in business information systems main trends, benefits and risks   Order a copy of this article
    by Antje Lüersmann 
    Abstract: Business information systems, an integral part of extracting insights from operational processes, are facing challenges that are intensified by the flood of data resulting from increased digitisation. These challenges accentuate the importance of data consolidation, timeliness and accuracy across diverse business enterprises. Emerging development trends, notably the integration of artificial intelligence, have come to the fore, promising significant automation advantages and enhancing the decision-support capacities of these systems. Based on a literature review, this study examines the role of artificial intelligence in business information systems. The main findings underline that while artificial intelligence offers remarkable automation and digitisation potential, especially in aspects like computational intelligence and human-computer interaction, its application remains largely theoretical. Furthermore, the fusion of artificial intelligence with technologies such as blockchain is in nascent stages, suggesting ample areas for future research and practical implementation. This paper outlines both the benefits and the attendant risks.
    Keywords: artificial intelligence; AI; business information systems; BIS; management information system; MIS; trends; benefits; risks.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10061100
  • Consumer preferences for eco-friendly products   Order a copy of this article
    by Dagmar Weberová, Peter Štarchoň, Martina Juříková, Eliška Káčerková, Lenka Ližbetinová 
    Abstract: The aspect of eco-friendliness and the promotion of domestic products is becoming an important trend in business. Knowledge of consumer attitudes towards eco-friendly products enables the public and private sectors to shape consumer behaviour and respond more appropriately in their marketing campaigns. The aim of this research paper is to identify consumer preferences for eco-friendly products in the Czech Republic. The research is based on consumer behaviour theory with a focus on eco-friendly products, environmentally responsible consumers, and the effect of their country of origin. The objective will be fulfilled through a survey of 1,523 consumers in the Czech Republic. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to process the data. The results indicate a majority group of actively environmentally responsible consumers. The preference for eco-friendly products is significantly different in terms of gender, age, and economic status.
    Keywords: domestic products; eco-friendly products; consumer behaviour; Czech Republic; cluster analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10061158
  • Neighbourhood tourism: a study on Bangladesh tourism industry   Order a copy of this article
    by S.S.M. Sadrul Huda, Sunny Saha, Md. Humayun Kabir, Hamida Mosharraf Moniea 
    Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to see the impact of neighbourhood tourism on quality of life of the local visitor with a view to propose it as an alternative to traditional long-distance tourism in Dhaka Bangladesh. Convenience sampling method was used to collect data. Data was collected from the university going students. AMOS was used for data analysis. The research found that neighbourhood tourism has a positive impact on mental well-being, social well-being, economic well-being, and environmental well-being. This study has three implications for policymakers and managers. First, the government may utilise the study findings to re-create urban areas to provide recreational benefits to the community. Second, following the studys outcomes, businesses will be inspired to build new packages. Thirdly, NGOs and other stakeholders may get feedback for their advocacy campaign to mobilise social capital to promote neighbourhood tourism in the community. No other study analysed the impact of neighbourhood tourism on quality of life with these four tools, i.e., mental well-being, social well-being, economic well-being, and environmental well-being. Moreover, no previous research has gathered the younger generations perception of neighbourhood tourism in the context of Bangladesh. Hence, the proposed study has tried to fill that discussed gap.
    Keywords: COVID-19; tourism industry; neighbourhood tourism; Bangladesh; mental well-being; social well-being; economic well-being; environmental well-being.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10061169
  • Web project development: risk analysis and crisis management   Order a copy of this article
    by Solomiia Fedushko, Olha Trach, Yuriy Syerov, Iryna Ivanochko, Jennifer Calhoun 
    Abstract: The paper presents one of the current project management issues risk management. This unique approach to risk management examines caused by a pandemic or global catastrophe and highlights the risks in web projects. The risks of web projects are divided into directives that affect project users psychological, social, and economic conditions: information, user, and resource. Risk assessment was carried out in the following main directions: informational direction (data manipulation, promptness), the user (cyberbullying, thought leader), and resource (project executors, financial). The research method incorporated systematic and analytical analyses of the user direction of risks related to web project users. In comparison, the information direction of risks examined the information content of web projects. The resource direction of risks examined the web projects marketing component and executive support. The results and implications reveal that assessing the intensity of risk management measures for the sustainability of web projects regarding risks is imperative.
    Keywords: web project; project management; user; information content; pandemic; social network; risk management; web; data manipulation; online marketing; data analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10061170
  • Assessing the efficacy of social distancing as a weapon against COVID-19 using Manhattan distance and AI-based deep learning models   Order a copy of this article
    by Sundarvadivazhagan Balasubaramanian, Robin Cyriac, Sahana Roshan, Kulandaivel Maruthamuthu Paramasivam, Boby Chellanthara Jose 
    Abstract: Social distance detection plays a crucial role in curbing the spread of contagious diseases. In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning (DL) have emerged as a powerful resource for dealing with a wide range of practical challenges and delivering impressively positive outcomes. This article delves into the usage of object recognition, and deep learning to monitor personal and professional interactions between people at a distance. In this paper, it proposes an efficient stacked deep learning technique for accurate and real-time social distance detection (SDD). The proposed method combines the power of object detection and distance estimation between the objects in a stacked manner to improve the accuracy. The proposed technique is evaluated on two popular deep learning models such as MobileNetV2 and InceptionV2. In high-dimensional spaces, Manhattan distance can sometimes be more robust than Euclidean distance. This research work uses Manhattan distance to identify the social distance among the individuals in the crowd. The Manhattan distance with InceptionV2 outperformed well than the MobileNetV2. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the SDD technique in terms of accuracy and efficiency.
    Keywords: COVID-19; faster R-CNN; image recognition; social distancing.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10061261
  • Enhanced accuracy of detecting fraudulent product reviews using a fusion machine learning approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Pallavi Zambare, Ying Liu 
    Abstract: Spam product reviews are fake or misleading reviews posted to promote a product or service, or to damage a competitors reputation. They can be difficult to detect, as they are often written to appear legitimate and may include fake profiles or misleading information. Spam product reviews can be harmful to businesses and consumers. Fake reviews and ratings can damage credibility and trustworthiness by misleading consumers about the quality of a product. They can also harm their trust in the review process. It is important for businesses and review platforms to have measures in place to identify and eliminate spam product reviews. Here, we proposed a hybrid technique for identifying fake spam product reviews. This paper first introduces the task of spam online product reviews detection and makes a common definition of spam reviews. Then, we comprehensively conclude the existing method on publicly available datasets. Finally, we have shown the performance comparison for traditional machine learning, deep learning and proposed hybrid classifier. Based on the evaluation it shows that hybrid of CNN and random forest outperforms others.
    Keywords: fake reviews detection; methodologies; machine learning; web-scrapping; information retrieval.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10061262
  • Key drivers of consumers preference for purchasing ready-to-eat food products: a study of Delhi-NCR   Order a copy of this article
    by Shruti Bansal, Shobha Bhardwaj, Deepak Kumar Agarwal 
    Abstract: In this paper, we introduce the notion of healthy food. Very few studies had discussed the internal and external drivers influencing consumers towards ready-to-eat (RTE) food. This research study aimed to investigate the reasons why individuals residing in Delhi-NCR prefer to consume RTE food, as the majority of them are working and do not have sufficient time to purchase and cook fresh ingredients at home regularly. So, this study tries to identify and provide a few stable solutions by selecting intrinsic and extrinsic factors that can impact consumers purchase intention towards RTE food. For gaining insight knowledge a survey was conducted over the Delhi-NCR population to derive the niche expertise of findings. The PLS-SEM has been applied to the collected data. The results in the final optimised model represent that the factors namely convenience, healthiness, food safety concerns, price, and packaging significantly influenced the purchase intentions of consumers. This exploratory research has several practical implications from the companys, customers, and governmental point of view which is discussed in detailing the later part of the study.
    Keywords: ready-to-eat; RTE; National Capital Region; NCR; healthiness; food safety; extrinsic factor.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10061265
  • Student placement prediction using optimised ensemble machine learning approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Ankur Arun Kulkarni, Shweta Agrawal, Ritu Tandon 
    Abstract: This study presents an optimised machine learning model to predict student placements. The methodology used here is to use optimised ensemble machine learning technique. The results of optimised ensemble model are compared with other machine learning methods like naive Bayes, KNN, support vector machines and decision trees. The key aspects of this work are the examination of historical student placement data and the prediction of current students placement. The attributes used for prediction are age, gender, stream, internship, CGPA, living facility, academic performance, etc. The performance of the implemented model for the placement prediction will be measured by various performance matrices like accuracy, sensitivity, specificity and AUC. Results show that maximum accuracy of prediction is 89% which is achieved through ensemble learning approach.
    Keywords: machine learning; student performance; placement; naive Bayes; ensemble learning.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10061340
  • Deep learning for network security: a novel GNN-LSTM-based intrusion detection model   Order a copy of this article
    by Vivek Kumar Agrawal, Bhawna Rudra 
    Abstract: The rise in the use of IoT devices in daily life has led to an increase in attacks, making it crucial to protect our devices and information. Intrusion detection system (IDS) is vital in preventing potential attacks. This paper presents a novel IDS architecture using a hybrid GNN-LSTM-based approach. Graph neural network (GNN) is used to extract information from graph-based data, while long short-term memory networks (LSTM) helps learn patterns in the extracted embeddings due to its ability to learn from long-term dependencies in data. We introduce a new mechanism for edge-classification using GNN, eliminating the need for node feature aggregation, followed by edge embedding classification using the LSTM model. We also provide a detailed comparison of our proposed model with state-of-the-art machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) algorithms for intrusion detection, demonstrating high accuracy.
    Keywords: graph neural network; GNN; intrusion detection system; IDS; long short-term memory network; LSTM; graph edge classification; information security.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10061342
  • Emotional support and satisfaction with university campus life: mediation of self-efficacy and problem-solving   Order a copy of this article
    by Muhammad Shakil Ahmad, Malik Aizaz Ahmad, Islam Elgammal 
    Abstract: Drawing on social support theory, we examined the primary types of emotional support among university students and their impact on their satisfaction with campus life. We examined the mediating roles of self-efficacy and problem-solving capacity between two types of emotional support and satisfaction with campus life. This study implemented a cross-sectional survey design. Using a convenience sampling technique, data was collected from 582 university students. Structural equation modelling (SEM) using Smart PLS was used for data analysis. The study results show that students satisfaction with campus life is impacted by both parents and teachers emotional support in direct and indirect ways. The indirect impact of emotional support on satisfaction is via the mediating effect of self-esteem and problem-solving. Self-efficacy does not mediate the relationship between a teachers emotional support and student satisfaction with campus life. Additionally, the study tested the causality relationship amid self-efficacy and problem-solving capacity as mediators. The existence of a mediation effect on self-esteem and problem-solving has provided insights which add new knowledge to the extant literature in higher education institutions (HEIs) on enhancing emotional support among students.
    Keywords: emotional support; satisfaction; self-efficacy; problem-solving; students; campus life satisfaction.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10061650
  • Managerial factors affecting university lecturers job performance in Africa: a systematic review   Order a copy of this article
    by Ahmed Aliyu Palladan, Adamu Idris Adamu 
    Abstract: This paper offers a systematic review of the literature on the empirical studies of the managerial factors that affect university lecturers performance in Africa. Employing the methodology of systematic review, we put in perspective 92 English empirical articles on this subject. Results reveal that training, remuneration and performance management systems are the most important predictors of job performance among lecturers in African public universities. The study found that lecturers performance was the main issue in the literature. A proposed model was also offered by the study. This paper can assist by providing future researchers with a roadmap for future managerial factors and highlighting the guidelines for their successful use in African tertiary institutions. Equally highlighted by the paper, is the practical implication of both intrinsic and extrinsic factors as they relate to lecturers three dimensions of performance.
    Keywords: Africa universities; managerial factors; lecturers’ performance; systematic review; universities performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10061661
  • Consumer protection versus ecological sustainability theoretical and practical aspects in the tyre recycling industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Katarína Gubíniová, Philipp Seuser, Malgorzata A. Jarossová, Silvia Treľová 
    Abstract: By publishing the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals (REACH) regulation to protect consumers from hazardous substances in products, a new instrument was installed which brings various difficulties to the industry. With this regulation, almost all products which are placed in the European market will be carefully analysed in terms of their chemical components. Especially recycling products are heavily affected by the new rules on product safety. Therefore, rubber tiles could no longer be produced and taken into the European market under the REACH regulation. A risk-based adaption of REACH is urgently necessary to enable industry also in future to recycle tyres and make products out of this material. The aim of the paper is to provide practical applications of the consumer protection in terms of the implementation of the sustainability principles into the tyre recycling industry in the B2B market.
    Keywords: consumer protection; sustainability; ecological sustainability; regulations.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10061763
  • The main obstacles and chances to the introduction of innovative approaches and tools in the public administration of the Western Balkans countries   Order a copy of this article
    by Veran Stančetić 
    Abstract: The purpose of this article is to answer the question of whether and to what extent public administrations in Western Balkans is innovative, and what are the main obstacles and opportunities in the way of their innovations. The article explains the terms innovation and innovative approaches in public administration and how they can be measured. The key hypothesis is that in Western Balkans countries, public administrations are weakly innovative and their organisational structure is obsolete. This is proven based on a small number of innovative approaches. The basic methods on which the work is based are literature review, document content analysis, observation, and case studies. Also, the article provides an in-depth analysis of the causes of the recognised problem. The results show that a significant factor in this situation is the dominant (ruling) parties on the political scene since they are not particularly interested in changes and true public administration reform. Another important factor of the stated situation is the absence of a knowledge society, i.e., the lack of networking of various social actors, the partiality of knowledge that societies have, and weak social capital. In the conclusion, guidelines are given to overcome the identified problems.
    Keywords: public administration; public sector; IT; Serbia; Western Balkans.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10061765
  • The role of cultural diversity and its impact on strategic performance through job embeddedness: an empirical study in Iraqi premium-class hotels   Order a copy of this article
    by Khalidiya Mostafa Atta, Marwan Sabah Hasan, Zaid Yaseen Saud 
    Abstract: The study aims to fill the theoretical and practical gap of the mediating effect of job embeddedness on cultural diversity and the improvement of strategic performance through the development of a conceptual framework for Hofstedes model of cultural diversity dimensions (individualism/collectivism, indulgence/restraint, distance uncertainty avoidance, masculinity/femininity, and long/short-term orientation) along with strategic performance and job embeddedness as a mediating variable. The developed model has been tested through statistical tools Amos.v.23 and SPSS (v.25) to analyse data from 93 employees in several premium-class Iraqi hotels (Al-Mansour, Al-Rasheed and Babel). The results showed the mediating effect of job embeddedness in strengthening the relationship between cultural diversity and strategic performance. The developed model site (Hofstede model) aligns with job embeddedness in the hotel sector.
    Keywords: balanced scorecard; Hofstede model; job embeddedness; strategic performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10061914
  • Mixed strategy game theory and the Indian cotton industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Rohan Kunwar, Krish Vora, Debi Prasad Bal 
    Abstract: Two cotton mills in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India, are analysed in this paper to determine their optimal strategy using mixed-strategy dynamic game theory. We used monthly data (20192022) on cotton prices. Our research demonstrates a cyclical character to the disparity in cotton prices indicated by two traders in 2019. In 2020 and 2021, however, the cyclical character is not seen because of extreme price volatility caused by the COVID-19 outbreak and consequent lockdowns; cycles are restored in 2022. The cyclical nature of the price difference plot is explained by applying mixed-strategy dynamic game theory to show the two traders modify prices. In 2019, (NX, NY) equals (0.68, 0.77), the Nash equilibrium. So, in a mixed Nash Equilibrium, both merchants will benefit from selling cotton.
    Keywords: cotton mills; mixed strategy; Nash equilibrium; and payoffs; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10062176
  • What determines the profitability of the Indian commercial banking sector? A macro marketing mix perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Bhagirath Prakash Baria, Prashant Vadikar, Hardik Bhadeshiya 
    Abstract: This paper estimates the aggregate profit function of the Indian commercial banking sector for the period 2000-2001 to 2023-2024 by synthesising two fundamental perspectives namely the marketing mix, and the macroeconomic approaches. By juxtaposing the aggregate profitability of the banking sector of India with the key marketing and macroeconomic determinants, a macro marketing view is proposed to understand what drives the performance of the Indian banking sector. The structure of our macro marketing model is clearly specified to derive the aggregate profit function by drawing inspiration from key literature in the marketing and macroeconomic schools on this issue. Econometric exercises are undertaken to provide an empirical shape to the proposed theoretical model. Results indicate that there is a stronger dominance of the macroeconomic forces in terms of the size of the macro coefficients, while there is a rich interplay of various marketing mix elements in determining the performance of the Indian commercial banking sector.
    Keywords: bank profitability; econometrics; financial services cycle; Indian banking sector; macroeconomics; structure-conduct-performance hypothesis; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10062247
  • A comprehensive review of automated sarcasm detection techniques on Twitter   Order a copy of this article
    by Anindya Nag, Md. Mehedi Hassan, Ayontika Das, Anurag Sinha, Moupriya Das, G. Madhukar Rao, Md Shahin Ali, Chetna Kaushal, Biresh Kumar, Neetu Singh 
    Abstract: Automated sarcasm recognition is a valuable tool for analysing user sentiment on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. Sarcasm, a form of criticism, involves expressing thoughts contrary to the intended meaning, often as a means of insult or humour. Failing to recognise sarcasm can limit social and professional interactions. Our approach for sarcasm recognition utilises user embedding fitting, requiring only the users previous text posts without complex feature engineering or simultaneous data harvesting. In comparison to a state-of-the-art strategy relying on an extensive attribute collection, our model demonstrates superior performance. We evaluated various classifiers, including ARABERT, SVM, LSTMs, CNN, and Patternbased methods, on Twitter sarcasm detection. CNN achieved the highest accuracy at 95%, followed by LSTMs at 91.60%.
    Keywords: social media; sarcasm detection; Twitter; automatic sarcasm detection; Twitter data collection.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10062313
  • Improved Indian currency recognition: neighbourhood-centred image processing and CNNs with region of pixel selection techniques   Order a copy of this article
    by Bhargavi Mopuru, Anurag Sinha, Ankita Agrawal, Amritesh Nandan, Ankit Agarwal, Peddi Nikitha, Vandana Sharma, Ankit Anand, Doğan Keskin, Biresh Kumar, Pooja Jha 
    Abstract: The paper proposes an improved approach for Indian currency recognition using neighbourhood-centred image processing and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) with region of pixel selection techniques. The method includes image pre-processing steps such as noise reduction, contrast enhancement, and resizing. A neighbourhood-centred image processing technique is applied to capture contextual information from local neighbourhoods around each pixel. A CNN-based model is then trained on the pre-processed images to learn discriminative features for currency recognition. To enhance accuracy and efficiency, a region of pixel selection technique is introduced to select only relevant regions of interest for CNN training and inference, reducing computational overhead. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, achieving high accuracy in currency recognition and improved efficiency in terms of computational time and memory requirements. The proposed method has potential applications in automated cash-handling machines, vending machines, and mobile payment systems where reliable currency recognition is essential.
    Keywords: currency recognition; image processing; RGB; threshold; decision boundary; CNN; image processing; features.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10062480
  • Analysis of the influence of electronic word-of-mouth on consumer intention to make a purchase using bibliometric methods   Order a copy of this article
    by Sneha Singh, Deepak Kaushal 
    Abstract: Online research has changed consumer evaluations. Consumers use internet review sites to make purchases. In recent years, electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) communication has gained massive popularity. A lot of research has been done on the effects of eWOM communication on consumer purchase intention (CPI), but little has been done to synthesise the data and assess the field. Therefore, the current study examined how eWOM affects CPI and what the current scenario is associated with eWOM and CPI, along with the potential themes that can be used for future studies. An exhaustive 377 research studies were extracted from Scopus in the selected research field. Using the R package, bibliometric analysis was employed to produce a complete evaluation of the literature. The study helps analyse data, such as sales being the most common term or China being the most cited country. Researchers have assessed potential themes for future research and drawn some conclusions. Clusters from co-citation and co-word analysis networks define the intellectual structure of eWOM material. We may conclude that keyword co-occurrence revealed eWOM study clusters. The paper concludes with research limitations and suggestions.
    Keywords: electronic word-of-mouth; eWOM; consumer purchase intention; CPI; bibliometric analysis; systematic literature review; SLR; network analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10062682
  • Systematic review: Industry 4.0 technologies in shopfloor management an overview   Order a copy of this article
    by Christian Fauska, Jaroslava Kniežová 
    Abstract: Industry 4.0 has been changing shopfloor management through technologies for digital surveillance and automated production. Available academic research highlights different technologies and applications, but so far, no comprehensive review outlining development requirements has been published. The study fills this research gap by systematising Industry 4.0 shopfloor technologies and their opportunities and challenges in a four-sector matrix. The study calls for further research on the machine-to-machine interface in cross-departmental applications.
    Keywords: Industry 4.0; shop floor management; preventive maintenance; lean production; smart factory.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10063105
  • Investigating the effect of perception of corporate social responsibility on customer-company identification and resistance to negative information in banking sector   Order a copy of this article
    by Shirin Nilian, Seyed Mehdi Mirmehdi, Mostafa Omidnezhad 
    Abstract: The concept of social responsibility has been a vital element in the communication between brands and stakeholders in the last decade. Large and reputable global organisations consider corporate social responsibility as part of their corporate strategy. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of corporate social responsibility perception on customer-company identification and resistance to negative information. For this purpose, a survey is conducted based on the questionnaire method to collect data from a sample of 200 people who are customers of Bank Saderat branches in Hamadan. The present research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive research in terms of data collection. A questionnaire was used to measure the research variables, which included three parts: perception of social responsibility, resistance to negative information, and customer-company identification. The reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed using Cronbachs alpha method and its validity was confirmed using convergent validity. Structural equation modelling is performed through Smart PLS software to analyse the data. According to research findings, at the 95% confidence level, perception of social responsibility has a positive and significant effect on resistance to negative information as well as customer-company identification.
    Keywords: consumer-company identification; corporate social responsibility; resilience to negative information; perception.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10063328
  • Investigating banking research trends in the era of COVID-19: bibliometric analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Metania Adiarti Sutanto, Maria Widyarini, Vera Intanie Dewi 
    Abstract: This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the banking industry. This research explores various aspects, including financial technology development, stock market and monetary policy, green finance, lockdown and economic disruption, digital banking, payment and risk management, and financial stability. The study highlights the importance of understanding the economic aspects emphasised by government actions and the shift towards digital payment and digital banks. It also examines the impact of the pandemic on credit risk and non-performing loans in Indonesia. The paper summarises key findings and their implications for theoretical, managerial, and regulatory perspectives. It acknowledges limitations and suggests future directions for further research.
    Keywords: bibliometric analysis; banking; pandemic; COVID-19; finance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2024.10063596
  • Personal preferential treatments influencing young people's intention to use ridesharing services   Order a copy of this article
    by Eva Malichová, Emese Tokarčíková, Alžbeta Kucharčíková, Lukáš Falát 
    Abstract: This article aims to indicate the influence of travel behaviour, travel preferences and personality of young people on their interest in ridesharing. The research focuses on students aged 16 to 24 from Croatia, Slovakia and Romania. Young people were chosen because their current travel habits and interest in shared services can significantly influence future generations' travel behaviour. The influence of determinants was identified by logistic regression. Models' results indicate that young people who prefer to travel by bicycle, like using modern technologies during travel, think about the environment when choosing means of transport, do not mind being close to strangers and have an experience with ridesharing have a higher interest in this service. On the contrary, people prefer privacy during travel and the frequency of travelling by train and car as a passenger decreases their interest in ridesharing. Personnel characteristics identified based on the mini IPIP scales are not significant.
    Keywords: ridesharing; travel behaviour; personality; preferences; young people intention; IPI scale; transport; personal preferential treatments; shared services; sustainable services; personality.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10054298
  • Performance and cost evaluation of an adaptive queuing system with customer reneging and retention: steady-state and transient analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Sapana Sharma, Rakesh Kumar, Godlove Suila Kuaban, Bhavneet Singh Soodan, Pradeep Singh 
    Abstract: Customers are often required to wait when they arrive at service facilities and see the servers are busy, or when they find other customers who arrived earlier waiting. The longer customers wait, the more dissatisfied they are likely to be and may leave the queue without receiving service (reneging). The objective of the service provider is to improve the quality of service in order to minimise the possibility of customer reneging since it increases cost and reduces revenue. Therefore, a trade-off between performance and cost should be considered when designing, planning and reducing the queues at service facilities. In this paper, we propose an adaptive queuing model with the retention of reneging customers. We derive the steady-state and transient-state performance parameters, and also discuss performance and cost evaluation. We demonstrate the utility of the model in the evaluation of waiting lines in the service industry using numerical examples.
    Keywords: performance evaluation; cost evaluation; customer reneging; customer retention; adaptive queuing system.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10054965
  • Business cycles and tourism activity: the case of Portugal   Order a copy of this article
    by António Portugal Duarte, Inês Veloso Garcia, Fátima Sol Murta 
    Abstract: This paper analyses the synchronisation of business cycles with tourism activity in Portugal from 1990 to 2021. The importance of the tourism sector in Portugal and its enormous contribution to the country's economic growth is an acknowledged fact. To better understand the business cycle and the corresponding stage of evolution of the tourism activity, we use the Hodrick-Prescott filter to break down the GDP into its cyclical and trend components. The same procedure is applied to four indicators associated with the tourism activity: the number of overnight stays in tourism accommodations, the income from the tourism activity, the revenue per bedroom and the population employed in the sector. The results suggest the existence of a relatively strong synchronisation between the business cycle and tourism activity in Portugal, the expansion (recession) phases of the Portuguese economy showing alignment with a more (less) favourable evolution in tourism activity in Portugal.
    Keywords: business cycle; economic growth; Hodrick-Prescott filter; synchronisation; tourism activity; sun, sea and sand; Dutch disease; correlation; nights spent; employment; COVID-19; Portugal.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10055137
  • Factors affecting job performance of public servants in the fisheries sector - an empirical investigation in coastal and island areas of Vietnam   Order a copy of this article
    by Danh Nam Nguyen, Thi Ngoc Lan Uong 
    Abstract: The study aims to analyse the impact of human resource management practices, job satisfaction, and organisational commitment on job performance of public servants. Data was collected by 350 public servants working at the Sub-Department of Fisheries in five provinces representing the coastal and island areas of Vietnam. The structural equation modelling (SEM) was applied to evaluate the impact of human resources management practices, job satisfaction, and organisational commitment on job performance. The findings revealed a positive impact of human resources management practices on organisational commitment, job satisfaction and job performance. In addition, organisational commitment has a positive impact on the job satisfaction of public servants. Besides, job satisfaction and organisational commitment are positively correlated with job performance. The findings of the study suggested several significant implications for the Sub-Department of Fisheries in five coastal provinces of Vietnam to increase organisational commitment, job satisfaction, and job performance of public servants.
    Keywords: human resources management practices; job satisfaction; public servants; organisational commitment; job performance; Vietnam.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10056190
  • Tourism value creation through big data as a smart tourism tool   Order a copy of this article
    by B. Utthra, V.T. Bindu 
    Abstract: Big data on tourism provides all the information a travel agency needs from tourists. On the other hand, by using the knowledge acquired through big data and enabling the destination to use ICT-based products and services, big data aims to develop destinations to smart tourism destinations. This paper aims to showcase the significance of big data (BD) in tourism, its usage, kinds of data collected for tourist-related purposes, big data during pandemics, the use of big data in GIS, and its scope of generating smart tourism destinations. A thorough study of the available secondary sources like articles and websites relating to big data technology concerning the tourism sector was undertaken. This paper concludes that big data results in smart travel, which is the future of tourism; with initiatives being made worldwide, the tourism industry will create milestones.
    Keywords: big data; ICT; tourism industry; smart tourism; smart tourism destinations; GIS.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10055968
  • Volatility spillovers and nexus among agridex and non-agri indexes in Indian commodity markets   Order a copy of this article
    by P. Lakshminarasa Reddy, S. Visalakshmi 
    Abstract: Commodity market indexes are the key indicator of important market information and sentiment, which helps investors to make sound investment decisions. Commodity derivatives were initially intended to protect farmers from low or high crop risk and generating short term profits. The purpose of this study is to investigate the volatility spillover effects and nexus between the agridex and non-agri indexes in India using daily data of AGRI and non-agri indexes returns spanning from April 2016 to November 2021 by employing Johansen co-integration test, ARCH, and GARCH models. The results exhibited the non-existence of long run relationship between AGRI and non-agri indexes. Further, the analysis provides the evidence of volatility spillover across the indexes.
    Keywords: agridex; non-agri indexes; volatility spillover; co-integration; ARCH; GARCH.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10055938