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    S Club 7 Reunited On Children In Need And It Was Pretty Special

    Bringing it all back now.

    S Club 7 reunited on stage for the first time in 12 years on Children In Need last night.

    And it was everything we'd hoped for.

    Tina did her dance.

    We *think* Jon looked for romance.

    Paul got down on the floor. (Kind of).

    (It's important we look at this bit again.)

    Hannah screamed out for more.

    We got to see Bradley swing.

    And Rachel certainly did her ~thing~ <3

    And Jo, she got her flow.

    Tina: Dance &#x2714; Jon: Romance &#x2714; Paul: On floor &#x2714; Hannah: Screaming out for more &#x2714; Bradley: Swing &#x2714; Rachel: Doing her thing &#x2714; Jo: Flow &#x2714; #Pudsey

    You get the picture.... They played a medley of their hits from “Reach” to “Bring It All Back” and “S Club Party” and it was a-mazing. You can watch the performance in full here.

    View this video on YouTube

    Now for a tour please, S Club!