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Saúde dos astronautas durante missões espaciais: Beta glucanos Nichi BRITE e Neu REFIX podem ter o benefício da proporção de neutrófilos para linfócitos, controle de IL-6, biomarcadores imunológicos de envelhecimento e longevidade

TÓQUIO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--A proporção de neutrófilos para linfócitos (NLR) é um biomarcador crucial da saúde dos astronautas durante a missão espacial, além de doenças relacionadas ao envelhecimento, inflamação, longevidade e prognóstico do câncer. O consumo oral da cepa AFO-202 de aureobasidium pullulans produziu Nichi BRITE e a cepa N-163 produziu Neu REFIX juntos em estudos pré-clínicos e clínicos, com NLR modificado de modo seguro e benéfico, sendo considerados como tendo potencial para ajud...

Mark Wiseman appointed Chairman of Alter Domus

NEW YORK & LUXEMBOURG--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Alter Domus, the leading global provider of tech-enabled fund services for the private equity, real assets and private debt sectors today appointed Mark Wiseman as Chairman. Mr. Wiseman is the former Head of Active Equities and Chairman of BlackRock’s Alternatives Business, as well as President & CEO of Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB). Following a successful tenure, René Beltjens will step down as Chairman but will retain his seat on the...

StorPool Flexes ARM Support with Latest Ampere® Compatibility

NEW CASTLE, Del.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--StorPool Storage, leaders in primary data storage solutions, today announced that it is among the first block storage software platforms to support the ARM-based Ampere processors available in HPE ProLiant RL300 servers, providing fast and reliable cloud solutions at a significant cost savings. Built around the Ampere® Altra® family of CPUs, the HPE ProLiant RL300 delivers high performance with a minimum physical footprint and superior power efficiency. Design...

Cenosco Announces Growth Investment Led by Summit Partners

THE HAGUE, Netherlands--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Cenosco B.V. (“Cenosco”), a leading provider of asset integrity management (AIM) software, today announced a growth investment led by Summit Partners, with participation from existing investor Fortino Capital. The partnership will help accelerate Cenosco’s continued product innovation, international expansion and team growth. Cenosco offers a category-leading suite of software solutions designed to enhance safety, reliability, and operational efficiency...

Samenvatting: De gezondheid van astronauten tijdens missies in de ruimte: bèta-glucanen Nichi BRITE en Neu REFIX kunnen baat hebben bij neutrofiel-lymfocyt ratio, IL-6 Control, de immuunbiomarkers van veroudering en lange levensduur

TOKIO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--NLR (Neutrofiel-Lymfocyt Ratio) is een kritieke biomarker voor de gezondheid van astronauten tijdens een missie in de ruimte, maar ook voor leeftijdsgebonden ziektes, ontstekingsvatbaarheid, lange levensduur en kankerprognose. De orale consumptie van met de AFO-202-stam van Aureobasidium pullulans geproduceerde Nichi BRITE en met de N-163-stam geproduceerde Neu REFIX samen in preklinische en klinische studies die voor veilig en voordelig gewijzigde NLR zorgden, wordt gea...

太空任務期間太空人的健康:Nichi BRITE和Neu REFIX β-葡聚糖或可透過調節中性粒細胞與淋巴細胞比值、白細胞介素-6水準以及衰老和長壽的免疫生物標記而使太空人受惠

東京--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美國商業資訊)-- 中性粒細胞與淋巴細胞比值(NLR)是太空人在太空任務期間健康狀況的關鍵生物標記,同時也與衰老相關疾病、老化發炎、長壽以及癌症預後相關。在臨床前和臨床研究中,口服出芽短梗黴AFO-202菌株生產的Nichi BRITE和N-163菌株生產的Neu REFIX已被證實能夠安全且有益地調節NLR。人們認為這兩種物質有潛力協助太空人在太空飛行期間維持健康,並透過「Me-Byo」現象來縮小健康壽命和自然壽命之間的差距,正如《免疫學尖端》所發表的文章所揭示的那樣。此外,單獨使用Neu REFIX可增加抗肌萎縮蛋白的生成,這一額外益處可能有助於預防太空任務期間的肌肉流失。 在太空旅行期間,太空人會暴露于電離輻射、晝夜節律紊亂和微重力環境中,這些因素會導致壓力、發炎和免疫功能障礙,而這些情況會反映為NLR升高。據作者稱,目前還沒有報導顯示有安全的膳食補充品介入能夠對NLR產生有益的調節作用。他們還補充說道,Nichi BRITE顯示出免疫強化和抗癌作用,Neu REFIX除了能增加對重力敏感的抗肌萎縮蛋白外,還具有免疫調節和抗纖維化作用,...

太空任务期间宇航员的健康:Nichi BRITE和Neu REFIX β-葡聚糖或可通过调节中性粒细胞与淋巴细胞比值、白细胞介素-6水平以及衰老和长寿的免疫生物标志物而使宇航员受益

东京--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美国商业资讯)-- 中性粒细胞与淋巴细胞比值(NLR)是宇航员在太空任务期间健康状况的关键生物标志物,同时也与衰老相关疾病、炎症衰老、长寿以及癌症预后相关。在临床前和临床研究中,口服出芽短梗霉AFO-202菌株生产的Nichi BRITE和N-163菌株生产的Neu REFIX已被证实能够安全且有益地调节NLR。人们认为这两种物质有潜力帮助宇航员在太空飞行期间维持健康,并通过“Me-Byo”现象来缩小健康寿命和自然寿命之间的差距,正如《免疫学前沿》所发表的文章所揭示的那样。此外,单独使用Neu REFIX可增加抗肌萎缩蛋白的生成,这一额外益处可能有助于预防太空任务期间的肌肉流失。 在太空旅行期间,宇航员会暴露于电离辐射、昼夜节律紊乱和微重力环境中,这些因素会导致压力、炎症和免疫功能障碍,而这些情况会反映为NLR升高。据作者称,目前还没有报道显示有安全的膳食补充剂干预能够对NLR产生有益的调节作用。他们还补充道,Nichi BRITE显示出免疫增强和抗癌作用,Neu REFIX除了能增加对重力敏感的抗肌萎缩蛋白外,还具有免疫调节和抗纤维化作用,...

Santé des astronautes en mission spatiale : les bêta-glucanes Nichi BRITE et Neu REFIX pourraient favoriser l’équilibre du rapport neutrophiles/lymphocytes (NLR), contribuer à la régulation de l’IL-6 et améliorer les biomarqueurs immunitaires...

TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--  Santé des astronautes en mission spatiale : les bêta-glucanes Nichi BRITE et Neu REFIX pourraient favoriser l’équilibre du rapport neutrophiles/lymphocytes (NLR), contribuer à la régulation de l’IL-6 et améliorer les biomarqueurs immunitaires associés au vieillissement et à la longévité Le rapport neutrophiles/lymphocytes (NLR) est un biomarqueur essentiel de la santé des astronautes pendant les missions spatiales, ainsi que des maladies liées au vieillissement, de l’i...

Ivanti Research Shows Ransomware is the Top Predicted Threat for 2025

SALT LAKE CITY--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Ivanti, the enterprise software company that provides a comprehensive IT and security cloud-based platform, released its latest report, 2025 State of Cybersecurity Report: Paradigm Shift, which surveyed over 2,400 executive leaders and cybersecurity professionals to understand today’s most pressing cybersecurity threats. The research shows that ransomware is the top predicted threat for 2025, which is especially concerning given more than one in three (38%) secu...

H2SITE en SNAM werken samen aan een innovatief project voor scheiding van waterstof en aardgas, gepromoot door ARERA

BILBAO, Spanje--(BUSINESS WIRE)--H2SITE, een vooraanstaand bedrijf gespecialiseerd in technologie voor scheiding van waterstof en oplossingen voor waterstoftransport, maakte haar samenwerking bekend met SNAM, een van de belangrijkste energie-infrastructuuroperatoren van Europa, om een innovatief project te ontwikkelen dat zich toespitst op de scheiding van mengsels van waterstof en aardgas. In het kader van dit initiatief heeft H2SITE een separator met membraan van Pd-legering ontworpen, die wa...
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