July 18, 2014


We had a wonderful graduation party for Leo and his friends.

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A traditional graduation isn’t always fun or meaningful for 6 year olds (or their moms?!), so instead we decided to just throw a party. We all got together, had food and cake, a bouncy castle, goodie bags and a gift for the graduating class (all 5 of them). It was a really fun day.

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The kids, of course, had a blast. We’ve been on vacation, so it was nice for them just to all play together. Add to that a giant, inflatable, bouncy wonder, and the day is pretty much guaranteed to go well. All of them bounced from beginning to end, stopping only when forced to come in for food and presents.

Leo and the other 4 going into primary school each got a backpack with school supplies in it, ready for the new school year. Then there were goody bags for all the kids.

We also gave a gift and speech to the teacher, who won’t be coming back next year. It’s a shame to be losing her in the class room, especially as Nicky really liked her. However, she’s still all of our neighbor, so won’t be losing her company.

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