
Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes Preview | GameRevolution

"The Toy Box mode in Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes has been altered with the addition of structured play. A new brush system allows easy creation of cities, race tracks, dungeons, and other widespread structures. New “builder” characters will help players build up worlds in the Toy Box automatically, though everything they create will be fully editable. Interiors are also added to Toy Box mode, enabling further customization of elaborate structures, both inside and out, filling them with props and decorations. New tower defense levels include Asgard from “Thor”."

~ Mike Henriquez, GameRevolution

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dbjj120883965d ago

This is a huge update for the Disney Infinity platform. Wonder if they'll get Spider-man in there even though the license is with Activision.

OtakuDome3965d ago

I think IGN confirmed Spider-Man, I guess they were able to do it because Disney, who owns Marvel (and Spider-Man), are the ones publishing.

wannabe gamer3965d ago

this type of game is a great way to pimp bloated dlc and make even more money off it with the whole toy/game content tie in. great way to bleed em dry disney


Disney Infinity Lives Again on PC with New ‘Gold Editions’

The Disney Infinity series has been re-released on PC, with all of each games' add-ons unlocked with a single purchase. Each of the three games can be bought individually, or in a package that effectively gets you one of the games for free.

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Yi-Long3011d ago

They should bring Infinity back completely. The potential is still huge, not just the Infinity games, but they could still implement the figures, old and new, in various games (Disney, Marvel, Star Wars) accross a wide variety of genres...

Mystogan3011d ago

The gameplay was awesome. I couldn't believe they nailed every characters abilities so perfectly. I thought they were going to all play pretty much the same at first.

BLAKHOODe3011d ago

I agree. My daughter and I loved playing the game together and had most of the 1.0 figures and all of the 2.0 and 3.0 figures. The problem is they made some figures that never should have been made, in part, because of movie tie-ins, like with "Time" from Alice In Wonderland. "Alice" and "Mad Hatter" were cool. They also produced too many of any one character and couldn't sell enough. If they would have worked out the math and focused more on in-demand, popular characters I believe they could have turned things around. Instead, they were getting ready to push 12" characters. I'm not sure how they thought that would be a good idea. Just poor planning all the way around. I'm so disappointed I'll never get to play as "Spider-Gwen", "Doctor Strange" or "Peter Pan" now. My kid would have loved to have the "Moana" figures. All of these were planned, too.

IndominusRex3011d ago

The characters were wayyyy tooo expensive and there were too many of them imo. Which is probably one of the reasons why this happened.

BLAKHOODe3011d ago

I'm amazed WWE hasn't tried the "toys-to-life" gimmick. I'd like to see them do it with a WWE All-Stars type game with a ring-shaped game pad to place the figures on, as well as tokens to set the type of matches, like a title match and/or cage match, etc.

gamer78043011d ago

thats not a bad idea at all, would be fun to see. we need a more user friendly wwe game than wwe2k games.


Disney Provides a Closure Timeline for Disney Infinity

Disney have provided details on how Disney Infinity's cancellation will affect the game. It's much worse than previously anticipated, as some versions of the game will become completely unplayable.

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PoopsMcGee3144d ago

I never played this but thought it might be a great way to start playing a game with my 4-year-old daughter, so I'm somewhat bummed Disney axed it.

My question to anyone who can help: How essential are the online multiplayer aspects of the game for full enjoyment? Is it beefy and fun enough without the online portions to justify a post-death purchase??? I'm not worried about the trophies...

gamer78043144d ago

There.is still the playsets, which provides about 6-8 hours of playtime each you and your daughter can play. You can still build your own toyboxes to play in you just can't share it download with anyone. I'd reccomend playing the playsets but do your building in version 3.0. hope that helps. I'm bummed too though. Was hoping to see xmen next. Still lots to do and easy for kids to Olay with you but you can play at the same time and help them complete harder missions.

MonAmiibo3144d ago

The offline aspects are still plenty of fun - playsets provide story modes that last at least 5 hours each, a lot more if you go after 100% completion. You'll also be able to build your own levels and sandboxes to play around in still, you just won't be able to download anyone else's.

PoopsMcGee3144d ago (Edited 3144d ago )

Thank you both!

I think I'll pick it up for her birthday next week.

EDIT - Sorry! Should've replied to one/both of you instead of myself...

AnubisG3144d ago

And this is why I hate online only or mp only games. This crap would never happen to single player games.

3144d ago
3144d ago

Why we won't see Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and other heroes in Disney Infinity

New Marvel heroes are coming to Disney Infinity, but don't expect to see Daredevil, Jessica Jones, or Deadpool any time soon.

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Kalebninja3292d ago

Did this honestly need to be explained? With the amount of extreme violence in Daredevil and Shoehorned sex scenes in Jessica Jones, there's no reason to even expect it.

itsjustexuma3291d ago

They'll still appear in all of the LEGO Avengers/Marvel games

Kalebninja3291d ago

Well that's being handled by a different dev and they were in the Lego marvel superheroes games before their shows were made.

itsjustexuma3291d ago (Edited 3291d ago )

Jessica Jones and Daredevil are in LEGO Avengers and that game was released in Jan 2016.


DarthJay3291d ago

Yeah, it's not hard to use their comic book versions, though few non-comic fans even knew who Jessica Jones was this time last year.

rhap3291d ago

I think it's because the name DISNEY is more related to kids while LEGO is for adults. Really, I don't have any friend who plays DISNEY INFINITY, but many of them plays LEGO series and they are all 25~35 years old.

DynoMiteLaserCat3291d ago

So my odds of a lusty Jessica Jones and Luke Cage reunion in Disney Infinity are pretty much zero?

Well that's disappointing... lol

Lonnie183291d ago

I would totally get Jessica Jones, sexy.

FallenAngel19843291d ago

Well those characters are on TV shows, and most of the characters in Disney Infinity come from movies.