Of mediation and archival | Daniel Pinheiro 2014 - undefined roles liveness as documentation of the intimate globally local intimacy and proximity collaboration against capitalism (nothing is ownable) “to act”, “to act upon oneself”, “to be acted upon” integrated mediation memory and registration as artifacts 1 “electric amplification” of the senses branding is an experience the body expansion and multiplicity quantifiable and visible “butterfly effect” We do, and we act, accordingly to our surroundings. That’s our agency. We perceive others existence by their extensions, portraiture and loneliness are just part of the transcription of what we perceive and acknowledge from a strong visual storytelling activity. Not pursuing utopia, craving for “real” documentation of the “real” and the false belief that we are closer to each other. Feeling that we are able to know everything decreases action. As archival has always been an important thing to mankind, we experience that in the form of characters and images and yet we strive to go beyond that. Multiplication and replication have turned into an obsession ever since the industrial age. Anarchic architecture of behavior is the goal for inverting economic failure. We are and we remain alone, together. Touching as a concept has become an abstraction of itself. Networks and devices of alluring proximity are the ultimate resource to overcome that true. Live action surrounds us and its mediation happens almost at the same instant. Lag. The simulation of life itself is no longer faithful to life itself. Therefore, the gathering of all instruments, geometry and graphic movement is more accurate and possibly more defining of our existence. The traditional comes from the 'outdated' and every format will eventually experience that. Their cultural presence is powerful until they are no longer. The question is what do we do? Has the new become outdated even before holding the power against everything else? Data bases and zillions of electricity running through our screens letting us watch the terror and catastrophes of the 'other' part of the world. All this to remain interested on exploring the possibility of eternal archival and documentation. Eternal registration... None of the traditional formats of cultural and artistic expression, that translate some of urgencies and problems we face, will cease to exist. But there's the challenge of adapting them, redefining them. Developing a kind of poetry and metaphor that is new and suits the generations that are labelled as digital, for they have been first seen moving in their mother’s bellies, for they have a family that is not dual, or monogamous, or gender labeled, for they are the children of this age, not another one. And they will want to see and study the traditional, even when the ‘contemporary new’ (now) becomes that. 2 The room is no longer an absolute space. Travel is no longer dependent on a location change. The law doesn't apply in the same way. The Internet replaced television as it has replaced the previous mediums on a basis of providing immersive experiences, and the knowing of another. The right to our image has first become trespassed when the first human spoke of another without consent. Mediation happens in the moment we realize we're even thinking. And we will not cease to do that for we cannot command our thoughts and we'll keep trying to keep a hold of (all) of them. 1- Philip Auslander 2- George Berkeley