
This is an astrology and vampire hate blog


Nick, VA, 27, White, He/him, Cis, Het. I love edible gardening, cooking with the fruits and veggies I grow, strategy games like chess and MTG, video games, anime/manga (My MAL: https://myanimelist.net/profile/DrHizzle), and hockey (lifelong Capitals fan). If you want something tagged just ask and I'll tag it with // after it.

The internet as a whole took multiple steps backward when short form content strayed from purely comedy


installed a doggie door on the door to my room and my pittie is loving it. she used sit there whining outside my door if I forgot her in the hall while I was in the middle of the game, and now she just busts on in. I love her so much.


I fuckin love fruit, man.


Since it's getting close to that time of year here on the east coast of the US, just wanna let yall know about Wineberries and Mulberries, two very common and delicious wild berries that are easy to identify.

These are Mulberries

And these are Wineberries

Best thing about these berries is that there are absolutely no toxic lookalikes in the US.

The only thing you should consider is the location. Wineberries tend to grow along the roadside, and if they are too close they could have contaminants from the traffic. Outside of that, have fun snacking if you find some on a hike!


Got the honey super on our hive just now. Fuck yea.

We jumped the gun a bit last year, but this time I'm 100% certain the hive is strong enough. They have 2 completely packed brood boxes and a ludicrous amount of activity.

Also, unscented swiffer pads really are the best non-chemical treatment for small hive beetles. They each caught like 20 of the fuckers, and we didn't see any others walking around the hive afterwards.

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