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    15 Kinds Of Dogs You'll Meet In The BuzzFeed Animals Newsletter

    I'm sayin' woof.

    1. Big dogs.

    2. Little dogs.

    3. Little itty-bitty dogs.

    4. Stylish dogs...

    5. And fluffy dogs.

    6. Smiling dogs...

    7. And scruffy dogs.

    8. Dogs who are best friends with cats.

    9. Dogs who are best friends with babies.

    10. Puppies who travel in packs...

    11. And dogs who are good with the ladies.

    12. Dogs in a pickle.

    13. Dogs in a jam.

    14. Dogs who believe they can fly.

    15. And puppies who can’t stay awake, no matter how hard they might try.

    Want more dogs in your life? Sign up for the BuzzFeed Animals newsletter and we'll send you our cutest posts every Monday and Wednesday!