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A tsunami is a series of destructive and dangerous waves that are typically caused by earthquakes and underwater seismic activity. If you live in a tsunami hazard region, make sure you know what to do in the unfortunate event of a tsunami. We’ve put together this list of ways to react and survive a tsunami if you find yourself in the path of danger.


Evacuate on foot if possible.

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  1. Whether there is an official tsunami warning or you live in a tsunami hazard zone and an earthquake just happened, immediately start moving on foot. Walk or run towards safety to avoid getting stuck in a car in a dangerous location.[1]
    • Stay away from any damaged roads, bridges, or buildings that could collapse. Try to walk on open ground as much as possible to stay extra safe.
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Climb to the top of a building if you’re trapped.

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  1. If you don’t have time to evacuate and get to high ground, go up to a third floor or higher in a sturdy building. Even better, try to get on the roof of the tallest, sturdiest building you can find. Either of these options is better than nothing![4]
    • If you’re right on the coast, there might be a tall tsunami evacuation tower nearby. Look for evacuation route signs and follow them to the tower, then climb to the top.
    • As a last resort when you can’t make it to any other type of high ground, climb a tall, sturdy tree.

Watch the ocean for warning signs.

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  1. Listen for a loud roaring sound made by the ocean. A tsunami sucks coastal water seawards, watch out for the water receding abnormally far from the shoreline or for abnormally high water levels as well.[9]
    • These things normally happen after a strong earthquake, but you might not necessarily feel it if the epicenter is far out at sea. It’s best to always be aware of your surroundings if you live on the coast in a tsunami hazard zone!
    • It’s also important to know the signs of a coming tsunami if you’re a surfer. If you happen to be surfing near the shore and you see any of these signs, paddle to shore as fast as you can and start evacuating. If you’re surfing in deep water, paddle further out to sea as far as you can.[10]
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Listen to emergency alerts and information.

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  1. Sign up for any local emergency alert programs to receive tsunami warnings and other info on your phone. Listen to local radio and watch the local news to find out if there is any risk of a tsunami after an earthquake.[11]
    • If you’re not sure about local emergency alert systems, call the non-emergency phone line for the local police or call your local government’s office and ask about them.
    • Always follow instructions from local emergency managers in the event of a tsunami. They are your best bet for safety.
    • Local emergency announcements also let you know when it’s safe to return home after a tsunami.

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    What should I do after a tsunami?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Head to the closest Immediate Relief Camp. There, you can find information and get basic supplies, such as food and water. If you are missing any family members, you might be able to find them there too, or get help finding them.
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    What do I do if I get injured?
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    Community Answer
    If you have a first aid kit, use it. If not, do not panic; use a clean cloth and some fresh water to bandage it. After the tsunami, head to a hospital or relief center where you can get medical attention.
  • Question
    How can I save my family and pets if a tsunami happens?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Have food and an emergency plan. Grab a first aid kit and your family and pets, and go to the highest place you can reach as soon as possible.
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157 votes - 84%
Co-authors: 236
Updated: February 20, 2024
Views: 1,395,157
Article SummaryX

To survive a tsunami, prepare a survival pack in advance containing food, water, and a first aid kit. When you see the sea receding quickly or feel an earthquake, grab your safety pack and head away from the coast until you're at least 2 miles inland. Alternatively, aim for higher ground that's at least 100 feet above sea level. If you're caught in the water, use a tree trunk as a flotation device. However, if you managed to escape in time, wait until an official all clear rather than returning too early so you don't get caught in further waves. For tips on how to develop an evacuation plan and how to cope in the tsunami's aftermath, read on!

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