When we first published official images and details about the 2015 BMW X4, many of you shared strong opinions of it. There were criticisms about its appearance, its lack of passenger room, its lack of cargo room, its frivolity, and its appearance again.

Clearly, many of you find the vehicle un-buyable, which is exactly why we wanted to share the strategy BMW is using to sell it. Below is the first commercial of the X4 in anticipation of its impending launch.

It is safe to say that, the ad is as eccentric as the X4 itself. It begins with a woman speaking, and then her words increasingly become rhythmic with the background score, until it turns into some sort of a song or spoken word poem.

What is she saying? “Go.” Go where? Go here, go there, go anywhere – apparently. The suggestion of the X4’s versatility is underscored by the changing landscape around the car, from city to city, around the world. You may find the car ugly, but you have to admit, the landscapes featured are beautiful.

In a general sense, the poetic strategy is reminiscent of the S63 AMG ad that recently debuted. The difference is, many readers found the S-Class to be far more beautiful. Watch the commercial, and please tell us what you think – or tell us what BMW was thinking. Do you find the ad to be effective?

By Nico Grant