Essential oils are produced through a process of distillation using different plants. In this process, the oil is separated from the plant.[1] Their use dates back to ancient times, and their wide variety of therapeutic, medicinal and culinary uses has ensured their continued popularity. About 700 different kinds of plants contain useful essential oils, and you can find many of these online or in your local health food store, farmers market or co-op. In fact, the variety can be a bit bewildering, and because many pounds of plant material are required to extract an ounce of essential oil, the prices can be overwhelming, too. This brief buyer's guide can help you get the best quality and value.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Determining Your Needs

  1. Different oils suit different needs so it’s important to know what you wish to achieve by using essential oil. For example, lavender can be used in a diffuser to relax and reduce anxiety and sage essential oil can be used as an antiseptic in wounds or as an anti-inflammatory.[2]
  2. There are many uses for essential oils. You may be interested in dealing with a specific medical issue using essential oils, you may want to incorporate essential oils into your skin care routine, or you might want to use them for cleaning your home. These are only a few different ways they can be used. You can describe your wishes to an herbalist, who can make recommendations about which oils to use and how to combine them with other oils to achieve the results you desire.
    • On the other hand you might be interested in ways you can use a specific essential oil that you enjoy. For example, you may really love the smell of lavender, but don't know how it can be used. In this case, you can also search the internet, but be aware that not all information on the internet is accurate! Herbalists are typically well-educated on how to use plants and their oils, so don't underestimate the information they can provide.[3]
    • Find out about any warnings a specific oil comes with. For example, some oils are not suitable for ingestion, and others should not come into contact with skin.
    • Find out about interactions with medications. If you are taking any medications, make sure the oil does not interact negatively with them.
    • If you are pregnant, make sure the oil is safe for you to use. It is not recommended to use any oils in the first trimester, and oils such as cinnamon, clove, rosemary, and sage should be avoided throughout the pregnancy as they could cause contractions.[4]
  3. Depending on your needs, you may find that more than one kind of oil is suitable. In this case, unless you have a clear reason for choosing one over the other, use price as a decision-maker. Essential oils vary widely in price, so you could save a lot of money by purchasing the less expensive one.
  4. There are many cheaper alternatives to essential oils that can do the same thing, such as hydrosols, absolutes, and fragrance oils. You can also purchase essential oils that are diluted in a carrier oil, such as grapeseed or almond oil. In some cases, these may be a better choice, particularly if you plan to apply the oil to your skin.
    • A hydrosol, hydrolat, or water essence (e.g. rose water, lavender water, etc.) is a by-product of the distillation process. When plants are distilled, the vapor condenses into essential oils and hydrosols, which are then separated. If dilution is not an issue (e.g. as in some aromatherapy methods), these can serve as cheaper alternatives.
    • Absolutes are highly concentrated essential oils, which are extracted with solvents, usually from flowers. These can be more expensive than essential oils, but can also be diluted more, and still serve the same purposes.
    • Fragrance oils (also known as floral waters) are typically synthetic compounds which have an aroma similar to essential oils. They are cheaper than essential oils, but not usually suitable for therapeutic or culinary uses (e.g. they are not safe for consumption or for skin application).
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Researching Your Essential Oils

  1. Take the time to understand how the oil you are after is distilled, what type of plant is used, and where in the world it comes from. Essential oils vary greatly in quality depending on which parts of the plants are included.
    • For example, lavender oil can be made from the flowers or from the flowers and stalks of the lavender plant. In this case, lavender essential oil made from only the flowers is of higher quality.
  2. Was the oil distilled using steam or water? Typically, oil distilled using steam is of higher quality. However, there are exceptions to this. For example, essential oils made from the flower typically have to be distilled with water so they don’t stick together.[5]
  3. Not all oils will have one, but oils produced in several different countries likely will as they may have a different chemical profile as a result of where they were grown.[6] If you are interested in a very specific oil for a very specific reason, and the oil has a chemotype, make sure you are getting it for the profile you need it for.
    • For example, rosemary can have different chemical properties depending upon the environment in which it was grown. When looking at the different rosemary chemotypes, chemotype will be abbreviated as, "ct." followed by the chemotype. "Rosemary ct. camphor" is good for treating aches and pains, while "Rosemary ct. verbenone" is useful for its skin regeneration abilities.
  4. Once you have determined the right oil for you, try to find the best price for it. Check locally and online, but make sure you’re comparing the same product. Make a list of the best prices and where you found those prices. However, beware of oils that are significantly cheaper than the others, as this may be a low-quality oil. On the other hand, the most expensive oil may not necessarily be the best one.
    • Is the quantity the same?
    • Is the dilution of the essential oil the same?
    • Are you comparing the same oils?

Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Finding a Reputable Retailer

  1. Decide whether you want to shop online or purchase locally. Read reviews online of the shop you are interested and ask around to see if anyone you know has recommendations or thoughts about a particular retailer.
  2. The bottle should include important information such as: botanical name of the plant, the country of origin, date of distillation, date of expiration, and the chemotype, if applicable.[7]
    • The botanical name is a latin name given to each species. For example, true lavender is lavandula angustifolia, mandarin is citrus reticulata and grapefruit is citrus paradisi. Knowing the botanical name of the plant used in your essential oil is important because many species have the same common name, but vastly different uses.
  3. Essential oils should always be kept in dark glass bottles and out of direct sunlight in order to maintain their potency.[8] Oils sold in other packaging should be considered suspect.
  4. Don’t be afraid to email or stop by to ask questions. It is particularly important to find out whether or not the retailer performs GC/MS testing. This stands for gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, and although it has its own problems, is a generally well-accepted way to test the quality of the oil. Also consider the following:
    • Does your essential oil supplier sell all essential oils in appropriate sizes? Essential oils require a huge amount of plant matter to produce. If the retailer sells huge bottles at rock bottom prices, it is unlikely that the oil is of good quality.
    • Does your essential oil supplier have representatives traveling worldwide to personally inspect the fields and distilleries where the herbs are grown and distilled? Small shops may not have the resources to do this, but bigger shops and suppliers that do are likely to have high quality oils.
    • Does your essential oil supplier care about the farms they use and make sure they are fair trade? Meaning the local farmers get fair pay.
    • Does your essential oil supplier grow and distill its own organically grown herbs? Are the distillation facilities part of the farm where the herbs are grown so they are freshly distilled, maintaining their potency?
  5. Does your essential oil supplier provide knowledgeable staff to answer your questions about use, and supply as much information as possible free of charge? If not, or if they are hesitant to answer questions or pushy about making a purchase, consider going somewhere else.
  6. Different oils require more or less plant matter, some plants are not as difficult to grow, and some are not as difficult to process. Therefore, prices can and should vary significantly if the retailer is selling high quality oils.[9]
  7. If you want to purchase your oils online, find out the shipping costs first. Industrial suppliers may charge upwards of $50 shipping regardless of the weight of the shipment.
  8. They will cost more, but these oils are better because pesticides can become more concentrated in essential oils.[10]
  9. If you are shopping in a store, smell the oils you are interested in. Does it smell rich, organic, and delicate or does it smell strongly of chemical or bland (e.g. like canola oil)? High quality oils will have a rich but delicate smell.

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  • You can test the quality of your oil by placing a drop on a piece of paper. A pure oil will evaporate and leave behind little or no mark while a diluted oil will leave a greasy mark.[11]
  • If you are considering the purchase of an essential oil that costs more than you are comfortable spending blindly, consider first purchasing only a sample. If no sample quantities are listed at your supplier, ask them; they may be happy to prepare a sample for you.
  • Purchase essential oils in bottles with a dripolator plug in the top. These are vastly superior to bottles with eyedroppers. A dripolator will regulate the flow of essential oil and prevent spillage of the whole bottle even if the cap is off. However once an eyedropper cap is removed the top of the bottle is open and can easily spill. It is also more dangerous around children, should they ever get their hands on them.
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  • Beware of oils that are sold in clear glass or plastic. Essential oils may need to be protected from sunlight, which can quickly damage them. Essential oils degrade most plastics quickly.
  • Keep essential oils away from children. Some essential oils can cause damage to eyes and skin, while others can be deadly. Make sure your oils are stored safely.
  • Be aware that no “therapeutic grade” essential oil truly exists. While almost all oils will advertise themselves as such, this is only a marketing scheme.[12]
  • Very few oils can be used on the skin undiluted. Failing to do so may cause a bad reaction. Only lavender, German chamomile, tea tree, sandalwood, and rose geranium oils are safe to use without diluting them in carrier first.[13]

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About this article

Ritu Thakur, MA
Co-authored by:
Natural Health Care Professional
This article was co-authored by Ritu Thakur, MA. Ritu Thakur is a healthcare consultant in Delhi, India, with over 10 years of experience in Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Yoga, and Holistic Care. She received her Bachelor Degree in Medicine (BAMS) in 2009 from BU University, Bhopal followed by her Master's in Health Care in 2011 from Apollo Institute of Health Care Management, Hyderabad. This article has been viewed 265,500 times.
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Co-authors: 50
Updated: June 1, 2022
Views: 265,500
Article SummaryX

To buy essential oils, start by reading their product descriptions, since essential oils have a wide variety of therapeutic, medicinal, and culinary uses. The cost can also be very different from oil to oil, and some oils expire more quickly than others, so be sure to check the date of expiration when considering how much you want to buy. For the highest quality essential oils, look for retailers who sell organic or unsprayed oils that are labeled as "therapeutic grade." For tips on finding a reputable seller, read on!

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  • Rebecca Robinson

    Rebecca Robinson

    May 1, 2019

    "The article cleared up my confusion on how to tell low-grade essential oils from high-grade. Totally awesome,..." more

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