
More Rewards Unlock for the Dota 2 Compendium

Last week was a historical one for Dota 2 and eSports in general. The prize pool for the Dota 2 International 4, taking part in less than a month, cracked the $10 000 000 mark and as promised Valve have given the community some cool new fancy features and hats!

lord zaid3906d ago (Edited 3906d ago )

It's like Dr Phil said: You either get it or you don't. And I just don't get this level of devotion for this game.


7.37 patch for Dota 2 makes changes to characters, items, and more

Dota 2 fans, get ready for some exciting changes! The highly anticipated Patch 7.37 has just been released, bringing a host of updates and improvements to the game. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the battlefield, these changes are sure to shake things up and offer fresh strategies to explore. Let’s dive into the details of what’s new in Patch 7.37.New Updates and Changes in Dota 2 Patch 7.371. Medusa Rework: Medusa has received a significant rework. Her Mana Shield is now an innate

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Dota 2 Strength Heroes Tier List For Turbo Mode

From beefy tanks to powerful carries, these are the best Strength heroes in Dota 2's Turbo Mode.

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Valve: 'Smurfing Is Not Welcome In Dota', Bans 90,000 Accounts

Valve has spoken out forcefully against smurfing in Dota 2 after banning more than 90,000 accounts - and targeting their owners.

Fist4achin554d ago

Pardon my ignorance for never having played this, but why even have the ability to create multiple guest accounts? It seems if there is only one account per player then it would eliminate this smurfing issue.

sadraiden554d ago

Probably to get new players hooked on the addictive gameplay loop, more people playing = statistically more people buying battle passes.

Fist4achin554d ago

Makes sense and cents for Valve. Thanks

franwex553d ago (Edited 553d ago )

Why would seasoned players want to play with lower skill players anyway? Just to owned them? They’re n00bs, what’s the fun in that?

It’s like on COD where they do bad on purpose for a few rounds, to then be place with with bad players to then dominate.

SegaSaturn669553d ago

This is human nature. I know people who do this in Dota2, CoD and other multiplayer games. They enjoy the dopamine rush that winning generates.