Jodie Sweetin's 'Dancing with the Stars' Blog: Her Injury Diagnosis and Fate in the Competition Revealed

The Fuller House actress blogs exclusively for PEOPLE

Photo: Craig Sjodin/ABC

Fuller House star Jodie Sweetin is blogging about her experience onDancing with the Stars‘s 22nd season exclusively for Follow Sweetin and her partner Keo Motsepe on Twitter!

I’m so glad to be back to working with Keo this week, but being partnered with Val Chmerkovskiy for Switch-Up Week was actually really good for me.

Keo and I came off a bad dance the week before and working with a completely new partner allowed me to hit the reset button and focus on having fun again.

There were some things that Keo had been trying to get me to work on that somehow clicked while I was working with Val and now that I’m back with Keo, we’re even better partners.

And I’m glad to be back with someone I’m as close to as Keo because this week has been crazy!

I have to admit that when they first told me we were doing Pink‘s performance of “Try” at the 2012 American Music Awards, I definitely had to look it up because I wasn’t really familiar with it.

But once I saw the performance, I basically had one reaction: What?!

This is not just a difficult dance. At times, it is more like a gymnastics routine with with gravity-defying lifts and poses that require a lot of physical strength.

We definitely had to modify a few of the moves, but we actually are attempting to do a lot of them.

It was while we were trying out one of the lifts that we fell, and I instantly knew something was very wrong.

The pain was so intense. I thought, “I’ve broken a bone. That’s it. I’m done in the competition.”

I can handle pain and knew no matter what, my body would heal. What I was really worried about was what it meant for me being able to continue on DWTS.

They took me to the hospital to check me out. I got X-rays, and luckily it’s just a bad bone bruise. The doctor told me that it would be painful if I wasn’t careful, but I was allowed to return to rehearsal.

I definitely was really nervous to get back in the rehearsal room. Even before my injury, we were only able to rehearse the dance a couple of times the full way through each day because of the physical strain it was putting on our bodies. But now that I was injured, we had to be even more careful.

The doctor wasn’t lying, it does hurt. But if I’m careful not to step on it a certain way, I can get through the routine just fine.

Monday nights are always stressful, but I definitely am going into tonight with extra nerves. I want to make sure we do a great job with the routine, but more importantly I have to be careful I don’t injure myself more and jeopardize my chance at continuing to compete.

I’m not ready for this journey to be over, and I hope I do Pink proud tonight.

Season 22 of Dancing with the Stars airs Mondays (8 p.m. ET) on ABC. To vote for Jodie and Keo, dial 1-800-868-3405.

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