12 Doctor-Approved Reasons Why Dogs Are Good for Your Health

Dogs rule.
This image may contain Clothing Apparel Human Person Animal Dog Pet Canine Mammal and Female
Ben Weller for Teen Vogue June/July 2014

One of the best things about having a dog is knowing you have backup when your mom makes something really gross for dinner. (Sorry, Mom!) But turns out, there are lots of other reasons why having a dog is good for you, many of which actually have to do with your mental and emotional health. In honor of National Puppy Day, here are 12 reasons why dogs rule.

They make us feel connected

"Research has found that dogs actually improve our ability to build relationships with both two-legged and four-legged friends. That's important because being socially connected, and not lonely, is one of the keys to happiness," says Liam Berkeley, founder of dog borrowing app Bark'N'Borrow.

They provide structure

"They provide structure by making sure you're up and ready to take them for a walk in the morning, afternoon, and evening," says Vincent Passarelli, PsyD. "This helps [fight] the urge to stay inside all day when [you're] feeling down."

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Having a dog makes your brain release the 'love chemical'

"Having a dog is proven to release a hormone called oxytocin — 'the love chemical' — which plays a role in maternal bonding and trust," says therapist Meredith Strauss. "This is why we humans melt when we look into our dogs' eyes. The oxytocin release is part of the strong bond that humans and dogs share together. The genuine feeling of absolute love positively benefits humans who suffer from PTSD, anxiety and depression."

...And also endorphins!

"Just by seeing your dog, your brain will release endorphins, which are said to be natural anti-depressants," Strauss says. "Never will you be so happy cleaning that poop knowing that your little fur ball will be ready to lick your face when you're feeling blue."

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Petting a dog reduces stress

"Repetitive motion (such as petting a dog) often provides a calming effect," says counselor Stephanie Adams. "A regular rhythm like this helps regulate breathing. In turn, this can help lower blood pressure, leading to overall stress reduction."

Having a dog gives your life purpose

"Feeling responsible for another living being adds value to your life and can give you a purpose. At the worst of times, your pet can give you a reason to keep going," Adam says.

They let you vent

"Talking to dogs helps people express their feelings and open up without judgement. It's a very therapeutic process and one that many people unknowingly participate in," says wellness expert Gillian Ridgeway.

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They help you meet new people

"Dogs help build social skills," Ridgeway adds. "Dogs help us meet new people and strike up conversations — something we may not normally do. With technology and social media overwhelmingly [making up] the majority of our social interactions, dogs (as cute and social as they are) act as an icebreaker to ignite new conversations, with old friends and new ones alike."

They make you feel like you belong

"An article titled "Friends With Benefits: On the Positive Consequences of Pet Ownership" showed that having a pet has a number of physical and psychological benefits. Specifically, pets serve as an important source of social support, which may help people meet their fundamental need to belong," says Sadie Leder Elder, PhD, assistant professor of psychology at High Point University.

They can break up an argument

"[Having a dog] gives needed opportunities to have physical contact that [are] safe and unburdened by the complexities of human relationships. Large therapy dogs are often calming to patients who are anxious or agitated. They tend to diffuse anger as well," says Dr. Don Ross, MD, senior psychiatrist with The Retreat at Sheppard Pratt. "I had one dog who often came with me to my office. After greeting each patient, he usually just slept in the corner. But when he noticed a patient crying, he would get up, walk over, and put his head on the patient’s lap. Another dog I have worked with would stand between two people who were arguing with raised voices and the tension quickly would be reduced."

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They may help against allergies and asthma

"This one may sound counterintuitive, but children who grow up in homes with furry friends are actually less likely to develop common allergies," says Sanam Hafeez, PsyD, a Manhattan neuropsychologist. "Studies have shown that children who were exposed to two or more dogs or cats as babies were less than half as likely to develop allergies, including dust, grass, ragweed and pet allergies, and were at a lower risk for asthma. Allergies can cause people to become lethargic, apathetic, and suffer from insomnia, which can make them more vulnerable to mental health issues, such as depression."

They make you laugh, which relieves stress

Laughing has been linked to stress relief, and when your dog does something clumsy or otherwise adorable, it's impossible not to crack a smile.