25th Apr 2014

Favorite Tangled things: The music

Friday’s ClueFor every day between now and Monday 4/28, we’ll be reblogging a post that contains a clue related to our upcoming musical parody project and tagging it “shipwrecked puzzles”.

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  1. the-scintillating-stars reblogged this from yulinkuang
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  4. abitude-blog reblogged this from yulinkuang
  5. sineadpersaud reblogged this from shipwreckedcomedy and added:
    It’s getting more and more clear!
  6. whoopseydaisy reblogged this from yulinkuang
  7. yulinkuang reblogged this from lies and added:
    Haha lies I enjoy your crack theories so much. It makes me look forward to your puzzling your way through tomorrow and...
  8. thaliamoirae reblogged this from shipwreckedcomedy
  9. lies reblogged this from shipwreckedcomedy and added:
    Oh, man. I’ve been overthinking this. The real answer was there in front of me the whole time. Posting it in a second.
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